The Walking Dead 5 Reasons Why We Miss Carl (& 5 Why We Dont)

The Walking Dead: 5 Reasons Why We Miss Carl (& 5 Why We Don’t)

Carl Grimes was always a polarizing character on The Walking Dead. Here are 5 reasons why he’s missed, and 5 why he isn’t.

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The Walking Dead 5 Reasons Why We Miss Carl (& 5 Why We Dont)

The moment that Carl Grimes died in The Walking Dead was one of the most shocking moments in the history of the show, and one that has become incredibly memorable. He was a fantastic character who was involved in some of the show’s greatest moments.

Even though he was a main character who had grown throughout the show, he wasn’t always the most popular. Because of that, his death was something some fans had welcomed, while there was undoubtedly still a huge fanbase for him.

His death was made into a major deal on the show, but it was also a controversial decision. Many fans were happy to see him go, yet others have missed him since his departure and in this list, we will give five reasons people miss Carl, and five as to why he’s not missed.

10 Miss: Lead Character

The Walking Dead 5 Reasons Why We Miss Carl (& 5 Why We Dont)

A simple reason that fans miss Carl Grimes is that he was one of the lead characters on the show. Any time a show kills off someone who has been such a huge part of a series, it is always going to leave a massive void that is very difficult to fill.

That has certainly been the case when it comes to Carl. The show was never going to be able to replace someone who has gone from being a boy to man and has seen and done it all. He was a terrific character that was well layered, and losing that causes a negative impact, even if the death made for a shocking moment.

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9 Don’t Miss: His Temper Tantrums

The Walking Dead 5 Reasons Why We Miss Carl (& 5 Why We Dont)

While Carl is very much still a young man when his life comes to an end, he still showcased plenty of young boy tendencies. His temper was always something that got the better of him, often having little strops and major fallouts with people, particularly Rick.

He didn’t always see eye to eye with everyone, and while at times it was interesting to see how that would develop, on other occasions it was simply just annoying. It’s not something that fans have or will miss.

8 Miss: Storyline With Negan

The Walking Dead 5 Reasons Why We Miss Carl (& 5 Why We Dont)

One of the interesting plot developments that was taking place prior to Carl’s death was his relationship with Negan. The issues that were brewing between the two groups very much existed, but the moment that Carl tried to take everyone down on his own seemed to really gain Negan’s respect.

His death came as seriously upsetting news to Negan and that proved that Carl was someone he admired. It could have been interesting to see their relationship play out a little longer as that plot seemed to have more it could have done had Carl stayed alive.

7 Don’t Miss: His Death Was Epic

The Walking Dead 5 Reasons Why We Miss Carl (& 5 Why We Dont)

While seeing any fan favorite die is never easy, many of The Walking Dead’s greatest scenes come from one being killed. It always feels like an epic moment that keeps fans guessing and helps to make the show have an unpredictable feel.

Out of all the deaths on the show, Carl’s was one of the very best. It was emotional and he went out on his own terms in the end. Had Carl stayed alive then that epic scene would have never happened, which would have been a shame.

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6 Miss: Becoming His Father

The Walking Dead 5 Reasons Why We Miss Carl (& 5 Why We Dont)

While Rick Grimes is also no longer on the show, he was the main who led the group throughout the series and was the ultimate man for the zombie world. Carl obviously spent plenty of time with him and quickly learned to be just as resourceful as his father.

Carl was slowly becoming a mini version of Rick and was proving to be just as dominant and ruthless. It could have been an interesting storyline to still have Rick leave the show and allow Carl to continue to become the leader and be Rick, but this was a storyline that was sadly missed by his death.

5 Don’t Miss: Trigger-Happy

The Walking Dead 5 Reasons Why We Miss Carl (& 5 Why We Dont)

While Carl was very much learning to become his father, he hadn’t quite mastered the trait of patience and knowing when it was the right moment to strike. He was more gung-ho, wanting to act immediately by firing off his weapon, proving that he had no fear.

Even though his bravery was often one of his most compelling traits, it also led to a lot of stupid moments that didn’t really make sense considering how dangerous the world is. The fact Carl has seen so many people die from mistakes would surely make him learn to be more patient, but that simply doesn’t happen.

4 Miss: Original Character

The Walking Dead 5 Reasons Why We Miss Carl (& 5 Why We Dont)

There is something about a show that has run as long as this still having some original characters as a part of it. There aren’t many characters left on the show which is a shame, but it does show the reality of the world in which they all inhabit.

Having those characters still involved is always fun because they have seen a lot and been through many different emotional moments that fans have connected with. It is easy to callback on things from previous seasons for fun references as well, which is not possible with newer characters.

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3 Don’t Miss: Fans Didn’t Like Him

The Walking Dead 5 Reasons Why We Miss Carl (& 5 Why We Dont)

Of course, this isn’t *every* fan of The Walking Dead, but Carl Grimes has consistently remained a character that a huge chunk of the fanbase simply didn’t like. For one reason or another, tons of fans found the character irritating, and because of that it’s hard for them to miss him now he’s gone.

He’s been a controversial character from the very beginning, and while he has been unfairly treated in the eyes of some, die hard fans are tough to please.

2 Miss: Watching Him Grow

The Walking Dead 5 Reasons Why We Miss Carl (& 5 Why We Dont)

For those fans that have been dedicated since episode one, Carl Grimes has actually been one of the best characters to watch over the course of the entire series. The main reason for this is at the start he is just a boy. He’s young and innocent and is thrust into the crazy world of an apocalypse.

However, he quickly grew up (because he had to,) and since then he has become really fun to see him grow and develop into a man. Few characters on the series were put through as much as Carl, and sadly the development is no longer something fans can enjoy.

1 Don’t Miss: Judith Grimes

While it was sad to see Carl Grimes die and then Rick leave the show, there is still one member of the family alive. The story of the Grimes family, who have been the main characters since the show’s inception now lives on through Judith, who we have also seen grow throughout the series, literally from birth.

Even though she is still a young girl, the show has the opportunity to now go and tell Carl’s story all over again with Judith in new and improved ways. While it’s a shame we didn’t see them as a badass pair together, slaying walkers as they go, Judith does essentially fill the void that Carl’s death provided.

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