How Impeachment Connects To Gianni Versace And OJ Simpson Crime Stories

How Impeachment Connects To Gianni Versace And OJ Simpson Crime Stories

Impeachment: American Crime Story tackles an infamous White House scandal, but how does it connect to its Versace and Simpson miniseries counterparts?

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How Impeachment Connects To Gianni Versace And OJ Simpson Crime Stories

FX’s Impeachment: American Crime Story is the third season of the acclaimed series, but how does it connect to the previous installments involving Gianni Versace and O.J. Simpson? The upcoming show, based on A Vast Conspiracy: The Real Story of the Sex Scandal That Nearly Brought Down a President by Jeffrey Toobin, will cover one of the more scandalous components of American culture in the 1990s.

The infamous affair between former President Bill Clinton and White House intern Monica Lewinsky – which, among other factors, led to the leader’s titular impeachment by the House of Representatives – has become a well-known piece of cultural history. Not only that, but it’s become a tragic, cautionary tale about the dangerous side of power dynamics and how someone like Lewinsky can endure such unfair and cruel mockery in the long-lasting wake of its story breaking to the public as well. Luckily, she’s involved with Impeachment: American Crime Story as a producer. The show will have a slew of stars, with actress Beanie Feldstein portraying her, and Clive Owen as Clinton.

Impeachment is a slight departure from the focuses of American Crime Story’s previous two seasons, The Assassination of Gianni Versace and The People v. O.J. Simpson. After all, the previous seasons revolved around killings. Impeachment will dive into a much more sexually-charged news story of infamy – one that hits on issues regarding abuse of power and poor handling by the media rather than murder. But, though slightly different, the upcoming show certainly connects to the Versace and Simpson versions, as well. After all, as the series’ title implies, each segment looks at highly influential, disturbing, crime-related news stories that shocked the United States when their events took place and left eerie legacies for years to come. Though there isn’t any loss of life dealt with in Impeachment: American Crime Story’s episodes – no killing spree or murder trial – what transpired is still incredibly dark, disheartening, and symptomatic of much larger, long-festering societal ills. Like its sibling shows, it can flesh out what happened, as well as connected stories that allow for a more nuanced understanding of the events and the people involved.

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In fact, the subject matter is a perfect choice for the post-MeToo era. Much of the world has been, and still is, undergoing a long-overdue revamping of how sexual misconduct, abused power dynamics, victim-blaming, and other similarly weighty issues are thought of and dealt with. Unfortunately, these kinds of problems run deep within the fabric of society–even into the realm of politics, government, and leadership.

In previous versions of American Crime Story, murder and the psychology behind it have been widely mulled over and dissected. As it also becomes more and more commonplace to take a hard look at MeToo-type issues via media, it’s a very logical step for a series about infamously iconic American crimes to tackle events involving the highest office in the land. Since most people are very aware of what Impeachment will deal with, the series is sure to be a foreboding, bothersome watch from the very beginning. But, like the Versace and Simpson-related iterations before it, it’s also likely to be important viewing to understand what’s led up to the point that the world finds itself at today.

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