10 Details You Never Noticed In Ghost Riders Costume

10 Details You Never Noticed In Ghost Rider’s Costume

Each incarnation of Ghost Rider has been shown to have a different costume. However, did you know the inspiration and meaning behind these details?

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10 Details You Never Noticed In Ghost Riders Costume

Ghost Rider has been around the block. Introduced in the early 70s, the mantle of Ghost Rider has passed down to a few people throughout the years. Whether it be Johnny Blaze, Danny Ketch, Alejandra Jones, Robbie Reyes, or even The Punisher, there will be fans of that Ghost Rider.

With all that said, each incarnation of Ghost Rider has a few bells and whistles in their costumes that a lot of fans haven’t noticed. With new Ghost Rider fans popping up every day, perhaps the time has come to over-examine the weird facts about the costume the no one notices.

10 A Very Kingly Inspiration

10 Details You Never Noticed In Ghost Riders Costume

Back in the days, before Ghost Rider’s first appearance in Marvel Spotlight #5, Marvel editor, Roy Thomas, was pitched a rather non-descript idea for a character named Ghost Rider by Daredevil writer, Gary Friedrich. He was originally intended as a villain for Daredevil. However, when it came time to design the character, Friedrich wasn’t available to give his input.

Roy Thomas’ recollection of the event is that he had the idea of sticking an outfit, worn by Elvis Presley during a 1968 special, onto a skeleton. Following this, artist Mike Ploog added the iconic flames to the skull “just because he thought it looked nice.”

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9 His Belt

10 Details You Never Noticed In Ghost Riders Costume

If one were to close their eyes and think of Ghost Rider, what hits their minds are flames, leather, spikes, and chains. One thing they don’t tend to think of is the bizarre bobbles the rest upon his waist, like a belt.

Nonetheless, if a modern fan were to go back and read an old Ghost Rider comic, they will find that such a belt is part of his getup. Though this belt’s jettison was not immediate, it’s safe to say that such a belt would not fit Ghost Rider’s style these days.

8 Nicolas Cage’s Ghost Rider Is Danny Ketch

10 Details You Never Noticed In Ghost Riders Costume

Although Nicolas Cage plays Johnny Blaze in Ghost Rider, who just so happens to be the original, his costume clearly draws from a different Spirit of Vengeance. Outside of the flaming skull, the original version of Ghost Rider bears little resemblance to the film’s version.

Instead, the Ghost Rider from the movie appears more in line with Danny Ketch, the second Ghost Rider. Ketch’s preference for spikes and chains, as opposed to white lines and bobble belts, was clearly more appealing to the producers of Ghost Rider.

7 Spirit Of Vengeance’s Flaming Skull

10 Details You Never Noticed In Ghost Riders Costume

Depending on who you ask, Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance is a lot better than the original movie, mostly because it’s obvious that they allowed Nicolas Cage to go full…Nicolas Cage. While most will be laser-focused on Cage’s eccentric performance, some won’t notice a weird detail about his visual appearance.

Spirits of Vengeance gives Ghost Rider’s skull a more realistic look as opposed to the more cartoony appearance from the first film. The flames on the sequel’s skull feel more like they would most likely appear in real life, with the skull being singed and with smoke billowing from it.

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6 He Controls His Chain

10 Details You Never Noticed In Ghost Riders Costume

Much like his vehicle of choice, Ghost Rider’s chain is part of his aesthetic. Now firmly a part of the character’s arsenal, there is a bizarre detail about the chain that a few fans wouldn’t know is that he is in control of it.

Ghost Rider has a special mental connection with his Hellfire Chain that means it moves and bends with his will. This allows him to use the chain faster, making it perhaps the most useful weapon in The Spirit of Vengeance’s arsenal.

5 What He Looks Like…Without It

10 Details You Never Noticed In Ghost Riders Costume

The Marvel Swimsuit Special was a product of its time. Created during a time when the popularity of Playboy and Sports Illustrated was at an all-time high, the suits at Marvel decided to parody the magazines with this issue.

The series of specials successfully managed to be cringe-inducing than sexy, with the pinups ranging from uncomfortably voyeuristic to outright maddening. A pinup that represents the latter is that of Ghost Rider’s which depicts what he looks like completely naked. Did anyone want to see that? Probably not.

4 He Wasn’t Always Dressed In Black

10 Details You Never Noticed In Ghost Riders Costume

In spite of the fact that the Elvis jumpsuit that Roy Thomas and Mike Ploog took cues from was black, fans may notice that this isn’t really the case in Ghost Rider’s earlier appearances. Early on, Ghost Rider’s suit came across more blue than black.

Whether this was the intention or not, it certainly gives the character’s first outfit a bit of a classic feel. Nowadays, all versions of Ghost Rider are decked out in black, which is more in line with the different media incarnations of the character.

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3 The Blue Ghost Rider

10 Details You Never Noticed In Ghost Riders Costume

Speaking of the color blue, for a short time, Danny Ketch, the Ghost Rider most 90’s readers would be familiar with, had a blue flaming skull. At this point, Blaze had stepped back into the mantle, but Ketch’s days as a motorcycle-riding Spirit of Vengeance were not yet finished.

Possessed by an angel named Zadkiel, who was The Angel of Vengeance, he essentially turned him into a blue Ghost Rider. Though a cool visual, it didn’t really end up doing much for Ketch, as he hasn’t been featured much after this era.

2 Agents Of Shield Ignored Robbie Reyes’ Helmet

10 Details You Never Noticed In Ghost Riders Costume

Robbie Reyes, the current Ghost Rider, may be familiar to MCU fans as he was the Ghost Rider featured on Agents Of Shield. There are a lot of things that the series got right about the character, but there is just as much that was altered, with a glaring example being his helmet.

In the comics, Reyes’ flaming skull is in the form of a sleek helmet, one of many differences between Reyes and the other Ghost Riders. In Agents Of Shield, Reyes has the classic flaming skull, perhaps to make the character more identifiable as Ghost Rider.

1 The Phantom Rider

Johnny Blaze may have been the first Spirit of Vengeance, he was not the first Ghost Rider. That honor goes to Carter Slade, who debuted in Ghost Rider #1 in February of 1967, who looks very different than the modern Ghost Riders.

Slade wore an all-white cowboy outfit with a blank white mask, and he rode around on a stark white horse. As soon as Johnny Blaze was created, Marvel raced to find a new name, first going with Night Rider before finally settling on The Phantom Rider.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/marvel-mcu-ghost-rider-costume-details/

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