Supernaturals Ending Flips The Original Season 5 Finale

Supernatural’s Ending Flips The Original Season 5 Finale

The season 5 finale of Supernatural almost ended the show, but the eventual season 15 ending flips the fates of Sam and Dean Winchester.

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Supernaturals Ending Flips The Original Season 5 Finale

Supernatural’s season 15 finale puts a curious spin on the original plan to end the show. After being delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Supernatural made its long-awaited return in the final months of 2020, airing a last string of episodes that would end the story of Sam and Dean Winchester forever. Unfortunately, the good feeling that greeted Supernatural’s comeback quickly turned to division, and the closer season 15 edged to its finale, the more fans seemed to sour on how events were playing out. While opinion remains very much split, general consensus on Supernatural’s ending skews more towards the negative, with fans criticizing the deaths of major characters, the finale’s plot, and the treatment of beloved characters.

Supernatural can still take solace in surviving a mammoth 15 years in a climate where shows are blessed to reach season 3. Thanks to a loyal fan base and a tight-knight cast, Supernatural defied the odds to evade the TV reaper’s scythe, but things weren’t always so comfortable. Supernatural creator, Eric Kripke, has previously revealed how earlier seasons were written with potential cancellation in mind, but the Winchesters would survive each and every renewal all the way until season 5 when Kripke departed as showrunner. Most fans consider Supernatural season 5’s finale as the first “ending” for Sam and Dean – the conclusion of Kripke’s vision for the brothers, with every major plot thread from season 1 tied up. Of course, Supernatural would continue without Kripke for a further 10 seasons.

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Had Supernatural ended with Eric Kripke’s initial plan in season 5 though, Dean would’ve finished his story living happily ever after with Lisa and Ben, while Sam would’ve been locked in Hell as a human prison for Lucifer – dead, to all intents and purposes. Curiously, Supernatural season 15, the actual ending of the show, does precisely the opposite. In “Carry On,” it’s Dean who dies (ending up in Heaven, rather than Hell) and Sam wins the grand prize of a wholesome family life with Eileen (presumably) and their son, Dean Jr.

Details change between the two endings. Dean dies definitively, while Sam is imprisoned in the afterlife, technically speaking. Also, Dean attempts to give up hunting after settling down with Lisa, whereas Sam continues in the family business and passes his knowledge onto the next generation. Nevertheless, the broadly similar shape of these two endings (in which one brother dies and one finds happiness) suggest that elements of Supernatural’s finale might’ve been in place since near the beginning.

Supernatural season 15’s ending is arguably the more fitting, as Dean was always an eternal warrior,whereas Sam was the brother who had to be coaxed back. Dean dying feels more appropriate in this sense. On the other hand, the Supernatural season 5 finale where Sam dies and Dean lives takes on a bittersweet note. Dean must live with the knowledge that he brought his brother back into hunting, while Sam becomes a tragic hero making the ultimate sacrifice.

While there are merits to both Winchester configurations, most fans seem to agree that Supernatural season 5’s final episode would’ve made for a more climactic resolution overall. Sam dies jumping into hell and thwarting Lucifer, whereas Dean just falls onto a rusty spike. Season 5’s final villains were a pair of archangels, whereas season 15 ended with a relatively small group of generic vampires. And, of course, Supernatural season 5 hadn’t yet developed the likes of Castiel, who many viewers felt deserved a better farewell after 10 seasons as a main character. Supernatural’s original and eventual finales both share common ideas, but there’s a clear preference for one over the other.

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