Alternate I Am Legend Ending Is Far Superior

Alternate ‘I Am Legend’ Ending Is Far Superior

The unused ending to ‘I Am Legend’ gives us a completely different ending for Will Smith’s character.

You Are Reading :Alternate I Am Legend Ending Is Far Superior

This alternate ending to I Am Legend is (IMHO) far superior to the abrupt version in the theatrical release, and fits in better with something that happens in the film about midway through.

At one point in the movie when Will Smith’s character took the lead zombie’s mate away from them, the zombie reacted with extreme rage, indicating that there was some vestige of humanity left in them. But throughout the rest of the movie we never saw any more hint of that, which felt… “unfinished.”

Well this clip addresses that very nicely, plus ( —— SPOILER ALERT —— ) doesn’t have that nihilistic ending with Will Smith dying. I don’t know why they didn’t go with this ending… maybe they thought it was too cliched for Will Smith to survive – but in this case I think it would only have made the film better.


Vic Holtreman founded the popular movie news site back in 2003 – and, with the help of a talented editorial team, turned Screen Rant into one of the most-respected websites covering the film industry. Prior to starting Screen Rant, Vic had been employed as a door to door salesman, construction worker, car salesman, waiter, mechanical drafter, mechanical designer, system administrator and finally an SEO specialist (experience that became instrumental in Screen Rant’s success). Long before he started writing online, he has always been a huge Sci-Fi fan – starting with “The Twilight Zone” and “Outer Limits” when he was still too young for kindergarten, graduating to “Star Trek” reruns in the 70’s and of course fully initiated by the original “Star Wars.” He’s also a big comic book fan (and still buys them) and lover of superheros, action movies, and the occasional horror flick.

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