10 Questionable Parenting Choices In The Walking Dead

10 Questionable Parenting Choices In The Walking Dead

Taking care of children in a zombie apocalypse is no easy task, but what were the most questionable parenting choices in The Walking Dead?

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10 Questionable Parenting Choices In The Walking Dead

While AMC series The Walking Dead focuses mostly on the adult characters, there are and have been some great child characters on the show too. They have ranged from babes in arms like Judith to teenagers like Enid.

In some cases the kids have been orphaned, but there has always been an adult who steps in to take care of them. In other cases, the kids’ biological parents are very much alive and well. Some, however, are more well than others, in the traditional sense of the word.

And while fans can’t fault anyone for doing what needs to be done in the apocalypse, some of the parenting choices on the series have been more than a little suspect.

10 Carol Shooting Lizzie

10 Questionable Parenting Choices In The Walking Dead

Obviously Carol’s very difficult decision to execute Lizzie is one of the worst parenting decisions in the series. In turmoil and tears, Carol urged the young girl to “look at the flowers” before shooting her point blank in the back of the head. It seemed awfully cruel and heartless, and under any other circumstances, it totally would be.

Lizzie was severely mentally ill, had already killed her younger sister, and likely would have killed baby Judith if she wasn’t taken out. She wasn’t going to be able to get the help she needed so there was no other choice. Nonetheless, the decision still raises questions and remains one of the darkest scenes in the series history.

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9 Michonne Leaving Judith & RJ

10 Questionable Parenting Choices In The Walking Dead

It’s understandable that upon learning that Rick might still be alive, Michonne would want to try and find him. But leaving her kids behind? It seems unthinkable. Sure, she knows they will be well cared for by the community. And she is, in part, doing it for Judith and RJ so she can hopefully one day reunite them with their father.

But why not bring them with her? Or even tell others where she’s going and enlist the help of a friend? It’s always questionable when a parent leaves their child, regardless of the reason. And with Michonne no longer part of the series, there’s little chance of her ever returning to them.

8 Maggie Leaving With Hershel

10 Questionable Parenting Choices In The Walking Dead

While this was probably the right decision given that Maggie was headed down a bad path of losing her sense of humanity, it was still questionable that she removed Hershel from a community of friends and family to take him somewhere unfamiliar.

She didn’t know if the Commonwealth people would be a threat or even if they might harm her or her child. So, Maggie leaving raised questions in terms of if she was potentially putting her child in danger.

7 Jessie Not Making Sam Get Training

10 Questionable Parenting Choices In The Walking Dead

Sam was the personification of a young brat, a kid who was just being, well, a kid in the apocalypse. Part of his whiny nature, however, was the fault of his parents, who kept him sheltered in Alexandria.

Surely Jessie must have known that things could and would go badly one day. So, she should have been open to having Sam learn how to fight at a young age so he would be more confident, less fearful, and able to defend himself whenever the time inevitably came that he would have to do so. Instead, she kept him within the confines of the home so he never really learned to deal with the new world. And that ended up getting both him and Jessie killed in the end.

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6 Ezekiel Not Taking Henry Out More Into The Wild

10 Questionable Parenting Choices In The Walking Dead

Ezekiel did a great job at training Henry, spending time with the young boy every day to help him hone his skills. But when it came time to actually going out to meet with the Saviors or fight walkers, Ezekiel never wanted to put Henry in danger.

While that’s admirable, it also meant that Henry wasn’t able to truly try out his skills and learn via hands-on experience with enemies. While he was young, it was a different world, and Ezekiel should have had more confidence in Henry that he could handle himself, just as Michonne did with Judith, who was even younger. But because he didn’t, Henry ended up having bad survival skills.

5 Morgan Not Killing His Walker Wife

10 Questionable Parenting Choices In The Walking Dead

Another totally understandable decision, in the beginning, Morgan’s wife had turned and was roaming around the house, day after day. Morgan had many opportunities to shoot her in the head from afar and put her out of her misery, but he could never bring himself to do it.

In the end, the decision to leave her be came back to bite Morgan – literally – when she managed to get into the house and bit and killed their son Duane. Morgan was never the same afterwards.

4 Everything Alpha Did To Lydia

10 Questionable Parenting Choices In The Walking Dead

Everything about Alpha’s parenting was questionable, from the way she treated Lydia to the beliefs she tried to impart on her daughter. She was cruel, heartless, and abusive, both physically and mentally. So, it’s no surprise her death was one of the most satisfying villain deaths on the show.

Alpha did anything she could to tear Lydia down and frighten her, despite the fact that she clearly cared deeply for her daughter. But she cared more about not showing weakness to The Whisperers.

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3 Carol Not Removing Lizzie Earlier

10 Questionable Parenting Choices In The Walking Dead

While the fact that Carol took Lizzie out at all was questionable, what was also questionable is why she didn’t do it sooner. Had she made the tough decision earlier, it might have saved the life of Lizzie’s younger sister Mika.

As soon as Carol noticed that something was off with Lizzie, she could have taken care of the situation. She might not have realized that it would have gotten so bad. Nevertheless, keeping Lizzie with the group even after realizing that there was even a small chance she could be a danger to others was questionable.

2 Everything Carol Did Pretty Much

10 Questionable Parenting Choices In The Walking Dead

Even Carol questioned every parenting decision she made with her kids, from her biological daughter Sophia, who died one of the most gut-wrenching deaths on the series, to her many unofficially adoptive kids over the years, like Lizzie, Mika, and Henry. In one episode, Carol, delirious and lacking sleep, continued to see visions of all of the kids under her wing who had passed away along the way.

While not everything was Carol’s fault, she is consumed with guilt about everything she did when she had children under her care and they ended up perishing.

1 Lori Sacrificing Herself For Baby Judith

Lori did the right thing in many peoples’ eyes by instructing Maggie to deliver her baby safely, regardless of the fact that she knew she would not survive the birth. And while it was a selfless decision for the sake of her child, it was also a selfish one because she was leaving her son Carl behind.

Was it better, especially given the circumstances, to leave the group with a crying baby or for her to be there for her young son? Granted, there was likely no circumstance where Lori could have actually survived anyway. Nonetheless, the decision raised eyebrows.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/questionable-parenting-choices-in-the-walking-dead/

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