EidosMontreal Moves To FourDay Work Week

Eidos-Montreal Moves To Four-Day Work Week

And it’s all thanks to remote work.

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As with many software developers, Eidos-Montreal and Eidos-Sherbrooke have been working remotely for the past year and a bit. Recently, the Guardians of the Galaxy and Deus Ex developer have moved to a more hybrid work model, but all that time working remotely has provided the company with new insight into work-life balance. And so, the developer has announced today that it will move to a four-day work week.

“We’re delighted to announce a major evolution for our studios: we will be shifting to a 4-day week for all employees,” wrote studio head David Anfossi. “This initiative is another step towards the embodiment of the studio’s values, building a healthy, creative, and sustainable work environment for our employees.

“In the next few weeks, the Montreal and Sherbrooke studios will be officially closed on Fridays, without changing the working conditions currently in place nor the salaries of employees, thus switching from the 40-hour week to 32-hour.”

Although the number of hours worked each week will decrease overall, Eidos doesn’t expect this to result in a longer turnaround on projects. The idea is to “increase quality of time invested,” increasing overall efficiency and providing the same quality product while also improving work-life balance.

One of the efficiencies specifically mentioned was with internal meetings, which will be reduced from one hour to 30 minutes.

Anfossi credits the pandemic and remote work as providing the necessary change in perspective to make a four-day work week seem like a good idea. Anfossi said that the pandemic had “already started an important cultural transition with the implementation of a rest period, access to a personal financial advisor, access to a telemedicine platform, reimbursement of mental health care and physical activity costs.” After all that, taking the extra step to a four-day work week didn’t seem like too much of a leap.

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Type “four-day work week” into Google and you’ll find plenty of evidence supporting a four-day work week. When workers aren’t stressed out and can have adequate rest, they’re just as productive as when working 40 hours, and in some cases even more productive.

Eidos-Montreal isn’t alone in moving to a four-day work week, either. Bugsnax developer Young Horses has also moved to a four-day work week for all the same reasons as Eidos.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/eidosmontreal-moves-to-four-day-work-week/

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