30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

30 Console Games With Full-Blown “Mature” Scenes

Video games aren’t just for kids anymore. These grown-up scenes prove it once and for all.

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30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

Video games are often, let’s say, shy about taking on “mature” content other than violence. It makes sense in a way, I guess – violence is easy, all you need are some weapons and characters that amount to garbage bags full of red ooze. The Soldier of Fortune games were doing gore so advanced years ago that you’d think they’d be used as some kind of medical training tool. Scenes of love though? Those are harder. Corralling what amount to digital mannequins into positions that look natural, and not as though they’re simply glitching into a horrific chimera, or mashing their lips together like they’re trying to fuse together takes effort. It’s one area is cinema has, and probably always will be, ahead of gaming, purely because the modeling doesn’t rely on a programmer.

In this list, I’ve compiled a selection of some of games’ less PG moments. Some are actually reasonably well done – they’re probably not gonna excite anybody, but they won’t lead to mocking laughter either. Some are legitimately bad, with one particular example (shake it, baby!) being particularly egregious. Then there’s the ugly, as Sergio Leone would have said if he’d written about video games: the scenes that either make you feel mildly nauseous or make you crack up laughing while watching cracks point skyward. Are there any suggestions you think should have been included on this list? Let us know in the comments (as long as it’s not something like Gal*Gun)!

30 Small Talk Often Leads To Massive Effects, Baby

30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

When Bioware first announced Mass Effect, I don’t think being able to get your inner Captain Kirk (or maybe Riker) on was top of anyone’s list of demands, but boy did it deliver. In this series, you can get it on with both humans and aliens, because Commander Shepherd is an equal opportunities kind of guy. It doesn’t matter if they’re a particularly shapely be-masked Quarian, blue-skinned scientists, scaly vigilantes, or just plain old boring humans, Shep don’t care. Guess you’ve gotta get your kicks on Space Route 66 at some point!

The scenes attracted a bunch of controversy at the time, despite not being super near-the-knuckle. There was even a whole debate on (where else?) Fox News, about whether they’d inspire moral turpitude in players.

29 A Far Cry From Family Friendly

30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

Far Cry 3 carried (sometimes swinging them right in your face) a bunch of literary tropes, with one being the Heart of Darkness style “denigration of humanity” moral. Ubisoft thought that games needed their Apocalypse Now moment, and attempted to deliver it in the form of Far Cry 3. In the game’s sole romance, if you can call it that, scene, Jason Brody gets his end away with the psychedelic shamanistic priestess Citra, in one of mainstream gaming’s most explicit scenes.

The scene doesn’t exactly go well for Jason, however. The game needs to hammer its message of wild loss of civilization home. No sooner has the scene reached completion, she stabs Jason in the chest, leaving him to die while telling Jason she hopes their child will be a “perfect warrior” of the Rakyat people.

28 Gotta Keep Warm Somehow

30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

Fahrenheit, or Indigo Prophecy as it was known in North America, was one of David Cage’s attempts at making a cinematic game, and it was chock-a-block with scenes for the game to try to prove its maturity. However, it had one downside. The game was literally insane. I love it, but the story is a weird mix of occult magick, Mayan prophecy, and techno-horror. The scenes, let’s say, followed suit. The ones between Tyler and Samantha were pretty normal, but then the game reached its crescendo.

Carla, a no-nonsense cop, decides to have it off with Lucas, who was, until a couple of hours earlier, the lead suspect in a case, and more worryingly, is also dead. It’s one of the worst built, and strangest romances in gaming history, and also gave us one of the most explicit scenes. David Cage, you wonderful madman.

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27 A Saboteur Of Censorship

30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

Did you ever play The Saboteur? It was an open world action-adventure game that got a pretty lukewarm reception on its release, but it did have a few plus points. You could totally parkour your way up the Eiffel Tower if you so chose, you got to stab Nazis in the throat, and the game’s hub was a “totally not a strip club” burlesque parlour/cabaret. In the base version of the game, the ladies’ vitals were covered with pasties and tassels, but if you were so inclined, you could chip together $3 for a DLC called “The Midnight Show.” What this did was, well. Remove them. Built-in nude mods was a whole new world for video games and their DLC, but hey, it’s better than Horse Armor.

26 Ambrosia Of The Gods

30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

In searching for this scene, one of the first results that caught my eye was an overly-earnest request on how to find one of this series’ group scenes. It definitely did appear that, in God of War, Kratos was going for Zeus’ title of “how many times can you do the deed,” but without the caveat of having to turn into a swan first. He also appears to be not a man for monogamy, with pretty much every scene featuring the “more the merrier” mentality, whether explicit or not. While in earlier games, he’s satisfied with mortals, in God of War III, nothing but the literal goddess of love, Aphrodite, will satiate his substantial thirst. In the case of the goddess, the minigame culminates in Kratos being given a red orb, rather than the more traditional cigarette.

25 Never Bet On Maturity

30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

Duke Nukem Forever’s attempts at “maturity” are worth about 1000 words, but let’s see if I can condense what’s so awful into just over 100. Okay, so the Duke Nukem series has never been known for its, let’s say, progressive attitudes towards women, but it all came to a peak in Duke Nukem Forever. The game, as well as featuring numerous scantily-clad ladies with a fear of clothes, also featured maybe the most unpleasant and pointless display of nudity in history.

If you’ve played the game, you probably know where I’m going with this. Yep, that’s right, it’s the disembodied assets that you find basically glued to the wall, as though attached by a passing “chest” fairy. If you were so inclined, and the desperately lonely Duke apparently was, you could slap them and watch them jiggle, because there’s nothing so steamy as watching disembodied body parts wiggle artificially.

24 Booze And Booty

30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

You ever seen Crank 2: High Voltage? The film features a scene where a shootout breaks out in a strip club, which culminates in silicone everywhere, causing one notable film critic to walk out. Max Payne 3 doesn’t quite reach that level of violence, but there is a scene where our Hawaiian shirt-clad hero attempts to fill the emptiness in his soul with more than just booze, tracking a suspect to a Favela club.

The series has never been that shy about intertwining the messages of lust and mortality, but in this game, it throws it (quite literally) in your face about halfway through, with the scene getting pretty damn steamy, not just for the apparent lack of clothing in the country. However, things soon turn sour, and suddenly, guns are drawn, and bullets fly.

23 Hardly A Magnum Opus

30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude is a game that’s not worth the plastic its imprinted on. While the original series often packed in some pretty decent wit to accompany its more…explicit scenes, the 3D games got a lot less clever, and a lot dumber. In Magna Cum Laude, the huge, gaping gulf between the two series is made plain. You can criticize it for its misogyny, but it goes even further than that.

Larry Lovage doesn’t have much going for him, so he decides to resort to literally law-breaking tactics, with one scene involving him getting a girl so drunk she nearly passes out. One of them will only get down if you first dress as a tree. I don’t really know why, probably something about “wood.” It may have questionable scenes that are “mature,” but this game is anything but.

22 Stick To Mountain Biking

30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

You know, when I talk about BMX [Adult], all I remember is a film review I read once for the film Isn’t It Romantic, which said simply “no.” If this game had the title “Isn’t It Hot?” I could repeat the rapier wit, but sadly, it doesn’t. Instead, it decides to whack on three more Xs in an unfortunate attempt at selling to teenagers. Never play this game. It’s modeled on the Dave Mirra series (and also keeps all their glitches,) while maxing out the Edgeyometer. There are pixely assets, aplenty, cursing, and a mode where you have to deliver various ladies of the night around on your stunt nuts (not a euphemism,) while various vendor NPCs talk about their “big wieners” (get it?) All this to the soundtrack of Green Day. Is it a good game? Dude, No!

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21 The Sims, With Bunny Girls

30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

Just about everyone knows that “hotness sells,” so let’s talk about the company that pioneered it in the modern age: Playboy, and there attempts at penetrating the gaming world. Playboy: The Mansion is basically The Sims with added pork. In the game, you take on the role of the legendary Hugh Hefner, building the Playboy empire essentially from its beginnings, like an explicit version of The Movies. Saying you buy it because you like playing management games is just another spin on buying the eponymous magazine for the “articles,” though. There are steamy scenes aplenty, and the AI also doesn’t care in the least where you do it, which makes for some pretty entertaining scenarios. It’s no great shakes in the gameplay department, but it is better than the abortive Singles at least.

20 Revenge For What Exactly?

30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

While the Atari 2600 may be stretching the definition of what exactly a console consists of, Custer’s Revenge needs to get mentioned. Apparently, the eventual control of the United States and genocide of native peoples wasn’t revenge enough for a single man’s death, so the revenge is instead an assault on a woman. The game has gone down in history as one of the most controversial titles ever made, and for good reason. The game’s box art (which I’m not gonna link here, but seriously, go look at it) is incredibly unpleasant.

If anything, the game is even more mystifying, with the game’s sole goal being violence (and not in a fun Hotline Miami way.) It somehow sold a staggering 80,000 copies. According to Stuart Kesten, President of developer’s, Mystique, they wanted players to be smiling and laughing. The 80s were buck wild.

19 Ding Dong

30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

For all of its violence, GTA was pretty shy about showing any actual nudity in their games for a long time, but that all changed when The Lost and Damned attacked. In TLOD, the game really throws it in your face. The first time you meet Congressman Thomas Stubbs, you get an eyeful of him, with the politico having just finished getting a massage. He also bares his personality and motives to Johnny at the same time, so it’s a nifty little bit of subtext, as well as a pretty comical scene.

It wasn’t until GTA V that the series embraced equal-opportunities nudity, with Thomas Stubbs’ member of parliament serving as, apparently, a pretty unique thermometer with which to test the waters and gauge its reception.

18 Daft Digital Love

30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

Heavy Rain’s more mature scenes kind of make Fahrenheit’s look steamy. Call me old-fashioned, but when I think of making the beast with two backs, QTEs are not the first thing that spring to mind. As well as featuring a QTE striptease, the game also demands that you initiate intimacy via QTEs like some kind of robot later on. This is after Ethan has been psychologically battered, but hey, there’s always time for some nookie.

Madison leans into Ethan, and then back again like some kind of “mature” metronome, allowing you to choose whether to kiss her or not. The problem of mannequin-looking kissing rears its head here, accompanied by the sound of someone doing their best to kiss a microphone. As it progresses, they don’t decide to do it on the bed, no, they do it on the floor NEXT TO IT.

17 Love In An Elevator

30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix is remembered mainly for two things. One is its utterly baffling name that sounds like someone just strung a bunch of words together and called it a day, and two, its scandalous lesbian scene in a lift. Two of the characters, Hana Tsu-Vachel, and Rain Qin are freelance mercs, working for the Triads and as a hacker respectively. Their relationship was a pretty small part of the game, but it’s definitely one of the things that’s remembered most strongly by those who were sweaty-palmed teenagers upon the game’s release. This is helped by the game’s ads making out that there would be far more explicit scenes than actually featured in the game, but you gotta remember what sells, I guess.

16 Take My Cyberbreath Away

30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

While not as sprawling as the base game, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is more than just an incredible name. Full disclosure here: I’m a big fan of the whole retro-80s thing in music, movies, and games, and Blood Dragon was a perfect synthesis of all three. All you had was a selection of weaponry, bright enemies to kill, and the beautiful scientist who came in from the cold, Dr. Darling. If ever there was a steamy scene that was meant to be soundtracked by the Top Gun OST, it’s this one. The final line before the neon-fuelled and cel-shaded love commences is “I wanna be blinded with your cyber love.” If that’s not amazing, I don’t know what is.

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15 Devils May Cry For More

30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

When I think of DmC: Devil May Cry, suggestive (and more besides) scenes aren’t the first things I think of. Apparently, the developers wanted it to be though. It’s the only explanation I can think of for the inclusion of a frankly baffling scene, where two demons, the big bad, Mundus, and his mistress, Lilith, get down and dirty. The dialogue between the two, which goes from suggestive to just straight up explicit, brings to mind an ostracized high schooler trying to be edgy and instead just making something (unintentionally) gut-bustingly hilarious.

Reactions to the actual scene have ranged from people being grossed out, to finding it hilarious, to questioning why it was included. I don’t think anger is the right reaction, but bemusement definitely is.

14 Fear Her Touch

30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

FEAR 2 isn’t nearly as well remembered as the original game, and that’s fair: it’s not as bad as FEAR 3, but it certainly doesn’t reach the AI-busting heights of the original. It is, however, capped off by one of the most disturbingly explicit scenes in any game. The demonic antagonist, Alma, uses our protagonist like an artificial insemination unit, forcing him to father her child. This would be horrifying enough, but the whole thing is a surreal, trippy experience, that feels like it was written by Tim Leary, maybe with assistance from a member of the Church of Satan.

The protagonist, Michael Becket, hallucinates that he’s fighting off Dark Signal operative Harold Keegan and trying to open a mysterious chamber. Shortly afterwards, Alma places Becket’s hand on her stomach, simply saying “mommy.” It’s truly the stuff of nightmares.

13 Hardly A (Renaissance) Oil Painting

30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

Ah, Renaissance Rome. Art, architecture and…ladies? Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood apparently decided that it needed a racy scene to make it as cinematic as possible, but the one in Brotherhood was a little…stilted. Fingerblades are dispatched to the corners of the room and hooded robes torn off, but entertainingly, the bed still has one of those miraculous Hollywood style blankets. You know the kind, the ones that cover just enough of the female participant that the game can say that it’s not too ribald.

It happens right at the off, presumably in an attempt to make you think this game is SERIOUS. There’s a couple of more major problems with this scene though. She keeps her pants on, it’s way too long, especially with the loading screens, and, as another site has pointed out, this means Desmond is experiencing his great great great, etc, grandfather’s bedroom antics.

12 A Little Light Comic Relief

30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

In my lists, I like to include an entry here or there that’s just for fun, and this one is a doozy. Let’s talk about Ride to Hell: Retribution, and its incredibly bad “mature” (haha) scenes. The game’s awfulness really doesn’t end in the bedroom, and it only takes the first scene in there to show it. You bed a mechanic who sounds like she’s straight out of the 1920s (she’s got this deadbeat husband, see), although I’m honestly not sure “bed” is the right verb here.

Every player I’ve found watched the dry humping with a mixture of horror and interest that usually befalls an anthropologist watching some kind of human sacrifice. It’s like watching two chairs mating, or as if an alien watched an adult movie once, decided to recreate one on their home planet with some human suits, and forgot several key elements.

11 He Likes To Watch

30 Console Games With FullBlown “Mature” Scenes

Over his career as a master criminal, Garrett of the Thief series must have seen a lot of things. One thing he apparently can’t get enough of, though, is spying on adult activities. In the mostly forgettable Thief, there’s a mission where you’re tasked with exploring The House Of Blossoms bordello, and oh boy, does Garrett make the most of it.

Throughout the level, there are several peepholes (because what brothel doesn’t value discretion?), through which you can watch clients engage in a broad range of acts, from the vanilla to the…less-so. You can even just watch some, presumably desperately lonely, client pay for cuddles. Bless. Someone should tell Garrett to just invest in, or five-finger discount himself, some binoculars, he could get his voyeuristic kicks even easier then.

Solomon is a UK-based writer with a passion for gaming and pop culture. When not working, he enjoys stylized ultraviolence, a life of petty crime, and surrealistic and psychedelic experiences. Coincidentally, his favorite games are Hotline Miami and GTA V.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/console-games-full-blown-mature-scenes/

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