Despite Loki Jane Fosters Thor Wont Be A Variant Theory Explained

Despite Loki, Jane Foster’s Thor Won’t Be A Variant – Theory Explained

Though Disney’s Loki series unleashed the Multiverse, Jane Foster won’t be a Marvel Cinematic Universe variant of Thor in Thor: Love and Thunder.

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Despite Loki Jane Fosters Thor Wont Be A Variant  Theory Explained

The Loki finale unleashes the Multiverse in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but that doesn’t mean Jane Foster will be a variant of Thor in Thor: Love and Thunder. Loki changed the MCU forever. After arriving at the Citadel at the End of Time in the Loki finale, Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and Lady Loki (Sophia Di Martino) discover He Who Remains (Jonathan Majors), a Kang the Conqueror variant, controls the Time Variance Authority and the MCU’s Sacred Timeline. According to He Who Remains, his death would destroy the Sacred Timeline and unleash an infinite number of Kang variants set on starting a Multiversal War. However, Lady Loki ignores his warnings, killing him and releasing the MCU’s Multiverse.

First announced at 2019’s San Diego Comic-Con, Thor 4 will bring Natalie Portman back into the MCU as Jane Foster. Portman herself confirmed the news at the Comic-Con presentation, coming out on stage to thunderous applause. In the film, Jane will transform into a female version of the God of Thunder, and Portman lifted Thor’s hammer on stage to drive home the point. According to the film’s director, Taika Waititi, Jane Foster’s Thor will be called Mighty Thor, the moniker the character also takes in Marvel’s comics.

With the Multiverse being a part of the MCU, Portman’s Mighty Thor could be a variant of Thor, but there are hints this isn’t the case. In Loki, the MCU introduces several versions of the God of Mischief, showing that almost any version of a character is possible in the Multiverse. Because of this, there are also likely an infinite number of Thor variants living in different timelines. However, previous Thor 4 set photos have led to theories that there won’t be variant shenanigans for Jane to become a version of Thor. Instead, she may simply transform into the character.

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It appears Thor 4 may follow Jane’s comic storyline for Mighty Thor. In the comics, Thor becomes unworthy, and Mjolnir calls out to Jane to take up the hammer. Set photos seem to suggest something similar is happening in Thor 4. The images show Jane perhaps being called to by Mjolnir’s shards and being lifted into the air, possibly transforming into Mighty Thor. Instead of Jane being a Thor variant, the photos seem to show that the character from the main MCU timeline turns into Thor, similar to what happens in the comics. Thor 4 promotional merchandise also seems to suggest the story will stick to the comics, with Mighty Thor’s costume appearing to pay homage to the character’s comic book look.

Still, Marvel won’t likely ignore the ending of Loki. The Multiverse will affect all aspects of the MCU moving forward. So, while it seems like Jane isn’t going to be a Thor variant, anything is possible. Variants and alternate timelines could also play another role in the story. After all, Hela (Cate Blanchett) destroyed Mjolnir in the main MCU timeline. So Jane might not be a Thor variant, but she could need a Mjolnir variant to help make her Mighty Thor transformation possible in Thor: Love and Thunder.

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