Harry Potter 5 Things Voldemort Was Right About (& 5 He Was Wrong)

Harry Potter: 5 Things Voldemort Was Right About (& 5 He Was Wrong)

In Harry Potter, Lord Voldemort was a savvy antagonist who almost took over the wizarding world. But the villainous Dark Lord wasn’t always correct.

You Are Reading :Harry Potter 5 Things Voldemort Was Right About (& 5 He Was Wrong)

Harry Potter 5 Things Voldemort Was Right About (& 5 He Was Wrong)

The main antagonist in the Harry Potter series was never a Seer, but the intense arrogance with which he carried himself made him believe he had the future predicted — a future in which he reigned supreme. Voldemort does deserve credit, however, seeing as he was successful in many other ventures due to his ability to understand certain aspects of humanity.

Overall, the Dark Lord managed to bolster his powerful position with the perfect execution of many plans, which came about from the accurate beliefs he had about things that benefitted. On the flip side, he ended up losing because his hubris didn’t allow him to consider that he could be wrong.

10 Right: That He Would Be Remembered As A Great Wizard

Harry Potter 5 Things Voldemort Was Right About (& 5 He Was Wrong)

It was clear much before his hard-hitting fight with Albus Dumbledore that Voldemort had achieved his goal of being remembered forever by the wizarding world. Ever since he was a child, he knew he was destined for great things and had no doubt he was better than the rest.

Even the likes of Dumbledore acknowledged him as an exceptionally powerful wizard who had learned things about magic virtually no one else had. As Ol.ivander put it, Voldemort did go on to do great things. Terrible, yes, but great.

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9 Wrong: Harry’s Future Will Be Doomed

Harry Potter 5 Things Voldemort Was Right About (& 5 He Was Wrong)

Voldemort’s mission was to end Harry in order to keep the prophecy from coming true. In the film version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, he claimed that Harry would “lose everything.” This was far from the case, as Harry went on to have a long life surrounded by friends.

To his Death Eaters, Voldemort continually claimed that Harry’s days were numbered and he would personally see to it that the boy didn’t live long enough to see his Hogwarts days through. Fortunately for the Boy Who Lived, the Dark Lord was wrong in every way.

8 Right: Muggles Can’t Coexist With The Knowledge Of Wizards

Harry Potter 5 Things Voldemort Was Right About (& 5 He Was Wrong)

This is something Voldemort shared with Grindelwald and will likely play out in Fantastic Beasts 3. He reveled in the idea of wizards ruling over Muggles, and as Harry put it to the Dursleys, killed them for fun just because he could.

By the series’ end, wizards still lived out of the public eye since it was concluded that Muggles could never live in harmony with them. The main reason for this lies in their fear of not understanding magic. Thus, Voldemort had a point that wizards could never be accepted among Muggles.

7 Wrong: Believing Snape’s Love For Lily To Be An Infatuation

Harry Potter 5 Things Voldemort Was Right About (& 5 He Was Wrong)

While there are several reasons to consider Snape a bad man, his saving grace has always been his pure love for Lily. Voldemort didn’t see it this way, having considered Snape’s feelings as mere infatuation that would go away with time.

It was this mistake that cost him dearly, as Snape played the part of a double agent and convinced both sides he was playing the other before his real allegiance was revealed. He remained loyal to the heroes because of his love for Lily. In this regard, Voldemort was a horrible judge of character.

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6 Right: That He Was The Heir Of Slytherin

Harry Potter 5 Things Voldemort Was Right About (& 5 He Was Wrong)

There’s more information to be found about Harry Potter lore on Pottermore, but what’s plain to understand is that Voldemort was indeed the heir of Slytherin. He realized that his ancestor wanted someone from his family line to one day open the Chamber of Secrets and purge the school of Muggle-borns.

It was a horrible thing that Voldemort did, as he unleashed the Basilisk to kill Myrtle and harm several others. However, this did accomplish Slytherin’s wish, something Riddle had not only figured out but completely lived up to.

5 Wrong: Believing The Gaunts To Be An Honorable Family

Harry Potter 5 Things Voldemort Was Right About (& 5 He Was Wrong)

When he realized his father didn’t have any magical blood in him, Voldemort turned toward his maternal line in the Gaunts and associated himself with them by, convincing himself it legitimized him as part of the Slytherin family.

To this end, he considered the Gaunts themselves an honorable family by turning Marvolo Gaunt’s ring into a Horcrux. He was completely wrong, though, as the Gaunts were eventually remembered as extremists who treated Muggle-borns with prejudice and whose most noteworthy accomplishment was landing themselves in Azkaban for attacking Ministry officials.

4 Right: People Are Easily Manipulated

Harry Potter 5 Things Voldemort Was Right About (& 5 He Was Wrong)

Had Voldemort stuck to the strategies he’d employed when he was known as Tom Riddle, he’d have had a better chance in the long-run. This is because he was a master manipulator in his young days, to the point where he got pretty much whatever he desired simply by using his charm.

This included snagging every Horcrux item he wanted, gathering followers around the wizarding world, and even manipulating Ginny as a piece of Horcrux memory himself. He told Harry with glee how much fun it was to play around with people’s feelings, and Voldemort certainly knew the flaws in the human condition.

3 Wrong: That He Was The Only Who Knew Hogwarts’ Secrets

Harry Potter 5 Things Voldemort Was Right About (& 5 He Was Wrong)

It was rather ludicrous of Voldemort to believe he was a total ace in exploring Hogwarts, seeing as the Room of Hidden Things already had huge stashes of items when he hid the Horcrux in it. By the time of the Battle of Hogwarts, Voldemort believed he’d already won due to his knowledge of the Horcrux’s location.

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He couldn’t be more wrong, as every heroic character was hiding right in the middle of the Room of Requirement, with Harry soon realizing that the Room of Hidden Things needed to be accessed. Regardless, the Marauders group certainly knew the ins and outs of Hogwarts far better than Voldemort, anyway.

2 Right: Harry’s Weakness Was His Heroic Nature

Harry Potter 5 Things Voldemort Was Right About (& 5 He Was Wrong)

Even the Tom Riddle from the diary had Harry figured out, as he lured the latter to the Chamber of Secrets by using Ginny as a hostage. Later on, Voldemort created a vision in Harry’s mind to make him enter the Ministry to rescue Sirius when his godfather wasn’t actually in danger.

Voldemort might not have envisioned Harry sharing his protection of love with the survivors in the Battle of Hogwarts, but that was just a one-off as he’d earlier got Harry to walk to his death in the forest. Overall, Voldemort realized Harry had a knack for playing the hero and exploited this well.

1 Wrong: That He Could Defeat Death

The sight of Voldemort meeting his demise is made sweeter by the film’s incredible soundtrack, visuals, and the knowledge that he was ultimately wrong in the one area he didn’t want to be. By creating the Horcruxes, Voldemort figured he was immortal and could never be killed.

In his mind, everyone who conspired to bring him down was wrong in their belief that he could be defeated, as he’d already cheated death. As it happened, he became a mortal man once again and met his demise at the hands of the same boy who ironically became the Master of Death.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-lord-voldemort-himself-predicions-beliefs-right-wrong/

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