25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

These priceless retro video game comics will make any Nintendo fan laugh out loud.

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25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

I’m lucky to consider myself a pioneer in the video game landscape as in I grew up through the rebirth of it all with the NES. Yes I was born in 1987 whereas the NES was released in 1985 and thus I didn’t even start playing games until the early 90s, but I was close enough. Point is I can appreciate the evolution of the medium. How many people can say that about a type of media? Absolutely no one can say that about books, but there are those still out there that can brag about movies and TV. Anyway when it comes to new things this is the freshest media out there and it’s rapidly growing. It started out with arcades and crappy block graphics via the Atari and now we have motion and touch controls and even VR that works incredibly well. It’s still very early in regards to VR, but its not so much a joke as it was back when it was really hammed up in the 80s and 90s.

What does this have to do with today’s article? Bragging rights mostly. Since I grew up near the Big Bang of modern video games I can understand the jokes better. So I went into the way back machine and dug up some comics focused primarily on the NES and SNES era. Yes, hilarious logic issues even existed back then. It’s not all about the regulars like Mario and Zelda either. I found a good mix of both well-known and obscure franchises for your entertainment.

25 Lanky Mario

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

Made for Dueling Analogs. Super Mario Maker was beyond my expectations. Like I said in my Nintendo vs PlayStation article, I scoffed at the idea that the game could make level building easy. I was dead wrong to say the least. So that’s all well and good plus the game is full of surprises. One of them is lanky Mario who is extremely creepy looking.

Lanky Mario for the win!

Instead of getting a Super Mushroom and growing to the normal size, sometimes Mario will basically grow like a lanky man almost as if he’s transforming into Waluigi, but way more unsettling. As weird as he is to look at, he plays even stranger and yet I welcome the oddball antics of Nintendo. How exactly does his clothes grow with him normally?

24 Locked And Loaded

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

Made for Picture in Boxes. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the most modern Zelda yet, but it’s still a long ways off from reality. Sure he gets a bike and fights giant robots, but I want more. I’d love to see Zelda rekindled in the modern era. Instead of a sword, the old man could give Link a gun like in this strip. They could call it The Legend of Zelda: A Gat to the Future. Get it?

Gun ’em down Link.

Okay so maybe a modern era Zelda would be terrible, but after Breath of the Wild switched things up a bit I want Nintendo to continue experimenting. Technically Mario went to a modern city via New Donk City in Super Mario Odyssey. It’s time for Link to get a Lincoln and drive around smoking some Moblin thugs.

23 Blazing Fists

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

Made for Dueling Analogs. Are the heroes in Street Fighter martial arts warriors who can pull off amazing stunts, or are they actually just wizards wearing non-traditional garb? It’s one thing to uppercut someone and fly through the air, but it’s another thing to throw fireballs from your hands, or electrocute someone, or spin upside down like a helicopter witch thick as heck thighs. That’s the power of the chi, or whatever, but I find it amusing to call Ryu and the others wizards.

They call me the burnt fist of the east.

Anyway, what if these powers had repercussions that we didn’t see? Take Ken here for example. Sure he could ignite his hand on fire, but could his hand withstand the fire? That may be digging too deep into the lore hole, but whatever. A funny comic is a funny comic.

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22 Depowered Up

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

Made for Steve Napierski. I’ve often heard people complain about Samus losing her powers from game to game, but I never heard it about Mega Man. I never considered this before I read this comic and now I feel dumb. What does happen to all of Mega Man’s powers from the previous games? Does he just delete them with the help of Dr. Light? Why would that be a good idea? I guess the good doctor is maybe hoping evil will never strike again, or something so that’s why he wipes Mega Man’s memory. Maybe Mega Man just doesn’t have the hardware to back that stuff up for a prolonged period of time. It’s never explained and now I’m pretty confused about it. Thanks for the food for thought.

21 Tentacle Fascination

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

Made for VG Cats. Here’s a fun fact about Pokémon. Originally there were supposed to be three protagonists: Red, Blue, and Green. Then it sort of evolved into just Red, you, and your rival, Blue, taking the center stage. These VG Cats comics are basically a silly retelling of the original Pokémon adventures based on that early concept.

Age has no limits in love and war.

So that’s who Green is, the girl you see in this comic who, of course, chose Bulbasaur as her partner. Was it just because her name was Green though, or is it secretly because she wants to be wrapped in tentacles? And yes, don’t even bother using Google. I will tell you right now Rule 34 applies and the art I’ve seen is traumatic. You know, unless you’re into that sort of thing.

20 A Dog Eat Kirby World

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

Made for Dueling Analogs. I never really thought about it before, but this one-page comic really says it all. By the shape and color of Kirby, one would think Nintendo was inspired by candy, or maybe even Pac-Man for Kirby’s design. Maybe, in actuality, they designed him after a dog. They already had an iconic dog from Duck Hunt though so instead of making him a literal hound they just based Kirby’s characteristics off of one. Think about it.

Kirby is not house trained.

He has no regard for anyone’s life other than the friends he created from the items he swallows and then excretes. You could say dogs do that too only their excrement doesn’t move, but they do seem to take a shine to it regardless. Plus both creatures love to eat and they’ll destroy anything.

19 Shorty Got Mac

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

Made by Nintenderp23. Little Mac, from the Punch-Out series, probably has an anger issue about his height, right? That is to say, I’m sure he gets outraged whenever someone mistreats him because of his size. Truthfully that’s probably why he won so many matches. People underestimate him so in return they lost because of their hubris. Then what about the girls? I bet it might make Little Mac a little self-conscious when he sees a woman, like Samus, taller than him. To then see her lower herself to his level just for a picture has to be pretty embarrassing. I’m all for turning the tables on gender norms likes how the guy should be taller and what not, but Little Mac is probably a little bit more old school in his logic. He is from the Bronx after all.

18 Obsessed With Video Games To The Bitter End

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

Made for Time Cowboy. Tetris was a game that never hit me. I’m not one for basic puzzle games unless they involve some sort of gimmick like Puzzle Quest’s RPG elements, or the in-depth story of Portal. That said I could appreciate what Tetris did for a generation. Before the DS and Wii, Tetris ushered in all types of people. It was ahead of its time. I’ve heard from numerous accounts that moms took their kids’ Game Boys away in order to obsess over Tetris. That’s all they played too. It’s crazy addicting so much so that yes I can see someone dying by forgetting to feed themselves. Okay, this comic’s idea may be too ridiculous, but also not far off. The Tetris community is pretty hardcore and so are moms.

17 Mario Rejects

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

Made by Fugiri-shi and Daragon. I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought about this as a kid. To me, it felt strange that so many enemies in Metroid looked reminiscent of stuff found in Super Mario Bros. For that matter a lot of other games have this identity crisis too like Kid Icarus. In both of these games, foes look like lesser designed Goombas, or Koopa Troopas. I guess in a sense you could look it like this. The NES had limited hardware and Nintendo had a limited number of artists. To save time I’m sure that’s why so many enemies look alike. It just makes sense, but as a kid, I wasn’t smart like that. I didn’t even realize other companies existed outside of Nintendo. You know like Capcom was a division of their branch, or something.

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16 Use Your Noggin

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

Made for Brawl in the Family. Despite the name Brawl in the Family draws comics other than Super Smash Bros. focused ones, but they’re at least all consistently Nintendo themed. Some of the best are the silent Mario panels where its just Mario trying to outsmart one of his many foes be it a Lakitu, Koopa Troopa, Goomba, or so on.

Breath of the Mario.

It’s not gut busting hilarious mind you, but observational humor combined with slapstick comedy is a genius combo for those with a clever wit. It’s universal too. I love this one in concept as it kind of deals with the physics of Mario’s world. What if you could set this up? Save that for the Breath of the Wild inspired open world Mario game. Oh the comedy you could make if it were only true.

15 Ice Ice Mega Baby

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

Made for Omake Theater. Maybe Dr. Light takes Mega Man’s powers away because he abuses them. You know like treating them like everyday solutions to problems. Need to start a fire? Blam! Turn on Heat Man’s torch. Need to rake up your yard? Boom! Switch to Air Man and blow those leaves away. Or you could get more elaborate like in this panel. A combination of a water attack to fill up the glass with a touch of ice to keep it cold. If only Mega Man fought some alcoholic based robots then he’d become the perfect bartender. I’d play that game. Instead of Cooking Mama Capcom could make Mega Bartender, or Mixing Mega. What? Like Mega Man hasn’t been dragged through the mud already. How bad could it be? Might as well go for broke.

14 Brush Tactics

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

Made for VG Cats. The biggest thing I want changed for that Switch Pokémon game is abolishing random encounters. They’re an RPG mechanic that has been outdated since the PS2 generation of consoles and yet some series still cling onto them for dear life. Aside it being annoying to be constantly bombarded without notice, it also looks silly. It’s iconic sure, but sometimes you need to evolve in order to stay relevant and user-friendly.

Red won repetitive gameplay.

Look at this comic. All you’re doing is shuffling back and forth in the same area of grass forever just to level up your Pokémon. It would have been a bit funnier if the panel showed a pile of wounded Pokémon behind Red too because where else would the Pokémon be, but in a pile?

13 The Legend Of Cucco

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

Made for Dueling Analogs. This comic is actually very similar to one I posted about before in my 25 Hilarious Nintendo Comics That Will Leave You Laughing article. In there Link was wearing about ten Cuccos as “indestructible armor.” Here it’s a bit more simplified with Link instead just putting a Cucco on his shield. This leaves him more vulnerable, but probably less hot since clamping on a bunch of feathered birds to you might start to get warm and or itchy and or smelly. Plus the art is just so adorable in this one. Can we have the next Zelda be like this chibi version? Take a lesson from World of Final Fantasy Nintendo. Oh man, now I’m just thinking about the possibilities of that crossover. I need to open up a new document page and start brainstorming!

12 Blocks Of Meat

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

Made by John Kleckner. Food placement in video games is hilariously bad and doesn’t make sense. Let’s look at the Castlevania series for example. If you hit a random block in a wall sometimes you’ll find an offensive weapon and sometimes you’ll find life replenishing food. For example, there’s turkey in dem der walls. They’re not drumsticks either. I’m talking about a full bird here.

I was the turkey all along.

That’s an insane amount of food to eat before battle. I don’t know about you, but I’d feel pretty sluggish going into battle after that. Another question is how does it get there. Do the builders really not have enough materials like the skeleton above? With Minecraft, I guess that wonderment is over because anything in that world can come from the simplest of blocks. Maybe Castlevania was a secret inspiration.

11 Time After Time

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

Made for Dueling Analogs. What are the chances that two of the things Akira Toriyama worked on involves time travel? Truthfully he only did the art for Chrono Trigger whereas Dragon Ball Z was all him. You could argue the writers for the game got inspired by Trunks’ time machine so that’s why it and the Epoch look so much alike. If we’re talking what machine is cooler though then all bets go to the Epoch. It’s an actual airship aside from just being a time machine. Trunks’ is basically an egg. Yeah, it can fly too, but it looks dorkier. I’ve always wondered what kind of game, comic, or TV show could be made from collaborating all of Akira Toriyama’s work together. It could make sense somehow. This comic is one step closer.

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10 Hundred Button Slap

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

Made for Andrew Gregoire. Ever wonder what practical uses E. Honda’s hundred-hand slap could wield in the real world? First of all yes. My mind went straight to the gutter although I think tickling one’s flesh with this kind of power would also destroy it. Talk about over-tenderizing your meat. Yeesh. Other than self-pleasure you could also be a crazy prankster as this panel points out. With hands that fast no one would even know you slapped all the buttons. You could make people think a ghost is grabbing them. I know what you’re thinking, and listen: just ghost pranks — nothing creepy, ok?

9 Not The Bees!

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

Made by Alex Faulkmer. Who could forget that classic line from the Nicolas Cage remake of The Wicker Man? That is another meme that has been joked to death, but I’m redirecting it in honor of this comic. Speaking of comics I know Cage fancies them. He even helped write one with his son: Voodoo Child. I’m not sure if he plays any games though. Like actual games, not just time wasters on his phone.

A bee for every Cage.

Technically I would argue 99% of people play games of some nature now. Anyway, the point I’m trying to get at is he’d hate Donkey King Country. That is to say his character from The Wicker Man would hate Donkey Kong Country thanks to the giant bees, which are called Zingers. And that’s the end of my long-winded zinger.

8 It’s All In The Chain Mail

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

Made by Steve Napierski. Here’s something I never questioned as a budding young lad. Why do the male warriors get heaps of armor to cover themselves up for battle when the women tend to wear either nothing at all, or equipment that will expose a good amount of flesh? That chainmail bikini isn’t going to defend you against a giant dragon honey. Of course, you could just roll your eyes and say oh video games, but if we did that to everything regarding women we’d still be in the Stone Age in terms of equality. Just look at the boom last year. Women are on the mend and they’re not going to take it lying down anymore.

7 Space Whales!

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

Made by Irma Kniivila. Final Fantasy IV was the first entry in the series that evolved the story. Everything that came before it centered more on the battle systems and character customization, but this time everyone basically had a set job. It was great at the time and it understandably remains some people’s favorite game in the series. That said the narrative could be melodramatic, confusing, and weird at times, which this comic summarizes nicely.

Everybody gets a humpback space whale!

As strange as some of the family drama can be nothing compares to going to the moon on an airship shaped like a whale and is literally called the Space Whale. That has to take the cake right? Well it only gets more bizarre from there. Needless to say, I was pretty speechless when I first played too.

6 Thwack!

25 Hilarious Retro Nintendo Comics Only True Fans Will Understand

Made by Andy Kluthe. Kid Icarus on the NES is one of Nintendo’s black sheep franchises. It had its time in the sun with the original and Game Boy sequel and then the property was dormant for years until Pitt joined Super Smash Bros. Brawl and even got his own 3DS game. Still, during that time it was gone for almost two decades. In that period the most iconic things people remembered about it was probably the beginning music, Pitt himself, and the Eggplant Wizard. That creature looks exactly as it sounds. A wizard’s body with an eggplant for a head. He doesn’t really kill you. Instead of getting hit by his spell turns Pitt into a large eggplant meaning you can’t fight for a set period of time. The only thing you can do is jump. It’s a fate worse than death.

Tristan Jurkovich began his career as a journalist in 2011. His childhood love of video games and writing fuel his passion for archiving this great medium’s annals. He dabbles in every genre, but he’s particularly fond of RPGs and portables. Secretly he enjoys the Just Dance series a little too much. Aside from writing, Tristan also hosts a plethora of shows on his YouTube Channel, ReActionExaminer.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/hilarious-retro-nintendo-comics-only-true-fans-will-understand/

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