Teacher Uses HalfLife Alyx To Teach Math To His Students

Teacher Uses Half-Life: Alyx To Teach Math To His Students

An unbelievably cool teacher is using Half-Life: Alyx to teach his students mathematics.

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Teacher Uses HalfLife Alyx To Teach Math To His Students

An unbelievably cool teacher is using Half-Life: Alyx to teach his students mathematics, and it’s making us geriatric members of society pretty jealous that we didn’t have such cool lessons growing up.

Released at the beginning of this week, Half-Life: Alyx is Valve Software’s latest ambitious project which, among other things, was aimed at boosting VR gaming up to an all-new level. They presumably wanted to make Alyx a kind of watershed historic moment for gaming, and so far this seems likely to be the case.

Why? Well, because you can spend as long as you want standing in front of a large, dirty window and drawing whatever you want on it – all within the Half-Life: Alyx world. Sure, there are other things about the game that are super cool and edgy and groundbreaking – like the incredible physics system that is a defining feature of any Half-Life game – but why waste time talking about that drivel?

Teacher Uses HalfLife Alyx To Teach Math To His Students

We really do have to pay this particular guy due respect, though. Thanks to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, most of us have been forced into quarantine and prevented from going to work, college, or school. This is obviously devastating for so many reasons, including for children whose foundational education is being interrupted due to the coronavirus lockdown. Teachers everywhere have had to become more creative in the ways that they bring education into the homes of their students. Yay for the internet!

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So, as part of his home study initiative, this guy – Charles Coomber – used the famous window in Half-Life: Alyx to create a lesson in geometry, because he “had to teach but Alyx just came out.” He covers fun things like vertical and complementary angles, of which now you have been reminded because you just spent 16 minutes of your adult life watching a lesson on grade school math. Yay for quarantine! (Although it is genuinely entertaining and quite mesmerizing to watch how well the game handles fine motor manipulation.)

The folks behind Minecraft have done their bit too by releasing a series of educational lessons and maps all downloadable and playable for free in Minecraft. A lot of games have also been made free to play for the time being, in an effort to encourage people to stay home and have fun while doing so.

We can’t help but feel inspired by people in the gaming community who during these tumultuous times have still found ways to bring some joy to our screens, and make it educational too.

Source: YouTube

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/teacher-uses-half-life-alyx-vr-window-teach-geometry/

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