Pokémon Sword and Shield Will Introduce British Pokémon

Pokémon Sword and Shield Will Introduce ‘British’ Pokémon

Pokémon Sword and Shield’s new region Galor features landscapes and creatures inspired by the British Isles, including its two Legendary Pokémon.

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Pokémon Sword and Shield Will Introduce British Pokémon

Pokémon Sword and Shield have turned to the United Kingdom for inspiration.

According to Kotaku, the new Pokémon region Galor has a distinctly British flair. New Pokémon include Wooloo, a normal type; Gossifleur, a grass type; Drednaw, water/rock type; and Corviknight, a flying/steel type. Wooloo resembles a sheep, which is common to the island nation. As its name implies, Corviknight resembles an armored knight; the picture below finds it in a setting inspired by the Tower of London, which is home to captive ravens in real life.

The game’s two new Legendary Pokémon also tie into the British-inspired Sword and Shield theme. Both resemble giant canines, with Zacian carrying a sword in its mouth, while Zamazenta’s hackles resemble a shield. Their coloration involves a red, white and blue scheme, just like the Union Jack.

In addition to an all-new setting, Pokémon Sword and Shield feature raids for the first time. As in Pokémon Go, the Max Raid Battles allow players to team with up to four friends to capture rare Pokémon. The Max Raid Battles feature can be used online or in person. They will center around Pokémon made even larger and more powerful by a new mechanic called Dynamaxing, which can be applied to a player’s own Pokémon as well. Gym battles will lean into the Dynamaxing feature.

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Pokémon Sword and Shield are expected to release on November 15.

Meagan Damore has served as a CBR Editor since January 2015, though she got her start as a staff reviewer in 2013. She discovered comics thanks to the plethora of movies and television she grew up with, like Batman: The Animated Series, Spider-Man, the original X-Men film trilogy, X-Men: Evolution and Justice League Unlimited. She picked up her first comic in high school and fell instantly in love with the medium. Later, she took her love for pop culture with her to college, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts from Suffolk University and a Masters Degree in Literature from University of Massachusetts Boston. She loves to apply her education to her work writing editorials and conducting interviews. You can catch her writing on Agents of SHIELD, the Arrowverse and more right here on CBR. You can also find her on Twitter at @metathor.

See more : PokemonWe

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