Pokemon Sword and Shield Reveals Team Yell

Pokemon Sword and Shield Reveals Team Yell

A new Pokemon Sword and Shield trailer reveals Team Yell, a menacing looking crew that is extremely devoted to Marnie, one of the games’ rivals.

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Category : Pokemon

A new Pokemon Sword and Shield trailer has just been released, and it has confirmed a number of new details about the highly anticipated Switch exclusives. These details include information on Pokemon Sword and Shield Galarian forms, and the trailer also reveals two of the games’ rivals. One of these rivals is a woman in a black jacket named Marnie, and behind Marnie stands a crew of her devoted “wild fans”: Team Yell.

Pokemon Sword and Shield’s Team Yell are a menacing looking bunch, adding spikes and studs to about any garment that they can. Team Yell also seems to have a proclivity for face paint, wild hair, and shirts that are a size or two too small. Additionally, the apparent head of Team Yell seems to have been given the authority to carry a strange horn on his person, which he has unsurprisingly decided to decorate with spikes.

Beyond cheering on Marnie, and holding up towels with her image printed upon them, it seems that Team Yell is interested in preventing Pokemon Sword and Shield’s protagonist from advancing on their journey. This is indicated in the new Pokemon Sword and Shield trailer when one of the members of Team Yell unleashes a Pokemon in apparent preparation for a fight. Additionally, it is stated that Team Yell will “prevent challengers from accessing transportation” and attempt to distract them in battle.

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To note, Team Yell’s appearance in Pokemon Sword and Shield was indicated in a supposed leak that was posted on 4chan back in May. At this point, this Pokemon Sword and Shield leak has been accurate in several instances, as it stated that one of the games’ rivals would be named Hop and detailed Dynamax Form before this information was officially announced. With the reveal of Team Yell, the validity of this leak is further solidified.

As such, the Pokemon Sword and Shield starter evolutions that were outlined in this leak may ultimately prove accurate. While that should certainly not be taken as confirmed until official word comes from the developer, the announcement of Team Yell suggests that this Pokemon Sword and Shield leak is definitely worth a second glance.

Pokemon Sword and Shield will release exclusively on the Switch on November 15th.

See more : PokemonWe

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