Pokémon 10 Funniest Running Gags Ranked

Pokémon: 10 Funniest Running Gags, Ranked

There have been several running gags that have been a constant throughout the Pokémon anime. Here are some of the best jokes from the show.

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Pokémon 10 Funniest Running Gags Ranked

Ever since it debuted in the late 1990s, the Pokémon anime has been a popular show for years. While the series has introduced its audience to many different locations and new characters, several running gags have been a constant throughout different chapters of the show or even throughout the series as a whole.

Each of these gags is hilarious in its own way and offers up a good comedic break from the constant action of Pokémon battles and tournaments.

10 Identical Jennys and Joys

Pokémon 10 Funniest Running Gags Ranked

Throughout the series, Ash and his friends travel to many different towns throughout various regions. At each of these towns, there is an Officer Jenny to keep the peace and a Nurse Joy to care for Pokémon.

What makes this a running gag is the fact that all the Jennys and the Joys look exactly alike; the only thing that sets them apart is the slight variation of their uniforms. As it turns out, all of the Jennys are related to each other. The same goes for the Joys; “Joy” is actually their last name.

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9 Rebellious Charizard

Pokémon 10 Funniest Running Gags Ranked

While Ash has maintained a good relationship with most of his Pokémon, he has had some difficulty with his Charizard. Once the fire-type creature fully evolves from its Charmander form, it refuses to listen to Ash and instead blows a Flamethrower attack in his face.

The pair do work out their issues and become a good team, but Charizard still lets out a Flamethrower at Ash on occasion. This time, it is more of a sign of affection rather than disrespect.

8 Clemont’s Inventions

Pokémon 10 Funniest Running Gags Ranked

Clemont is one of Ash’s many traveling companions, specifically for the Pokémon X&Y segment of the series. Not only is he the electric type Gym Leader for the Kalos region, but he is also an inventor and tries to use his inventions to help his friends in many different situations.

Unfortunately, these inventions don’t tend to work long-term; they end up exploding after working for only a short while. This is so funny because Clemont introduces his inventions with such fanfare, only for them to quickly malfunction.

7 James’ Affectionate Pokemon

Pokémon 10 Funniest Running Gags Ranked

Despite being part of the villainous Team Rocket, James has earned deep loyalty and affection from his Pokémon; specifically the grass types he catches. Unfortunately, their way of showing this affection ends up being physically daunting, even painful, for James.

Victreebel and Carnivine tend to chop onto his head when he calls them out of their Pokéballs, preventing him from effectively battling. Mareanie accidentally poisons him with its tentacles, while any hug from Cacnea involves its pointy cactus spikes.

6 Team Rocket’s Various Disguises

Pokémon 10 Funniest Running Gags Ranked

In their long tenure on the show, Team Rocket has worn a variety of disguises to pull off whatever hair-brained scheme they happen to be plotting at the time.

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While many of these costumes have the trio posing as something simple, like waiters or tour guides, they also can be quite outlandish, such as Kabuki warriors or giant Pokémon.

5 Psyduck Popping Up

Pokémon 10 Funniest Running Gags Ranked

There have been several Pokémon throughout the series that have insisted on breaking out of their Pokéball unprompted. One of the most memorable is Misty’s Psyduck. Often randomly popping out when his trainer is in the middle of a battle, Psyduck is a great comedic character with his dumbfounded look and lack of fighting prowess.

He even lacks the ability to swim, causing further frustration for water-type trainer Misty. There is also the constant theme of Psyduck’s headaches, which end up triggering his extreme psychic powers.

4 Ash Owes Misty a Bike

Pokémon 10 Funniest Running Gags Ranked

In the original series, Ash gains his first traveling companion Misty through unconventional circumstances. When they first meet, he borrows her bike to aid his Pikachu, only to destroy it.

Understandably upset and wanting to make sure that she gets a new one, Misty starts following Ash and occasionally brings up the fact that he owes her a bike. She eventually does get her original bike fixed, but that is due to a Nurse Joy and not the obligated Ash.

3 Jigglypuff’s Singing

Pokémon 10 Funniest Running Gags Ranked

Not only is this running gag funny, it is also very adorable. At some point along their journey, Ash and his friends help out a Jigglypuff that couldn’t sing due to a sore throat. This proves to be a decision they regret; the song that this Jigglypuff sings ends up putting everyone around it to sleep.

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This Jigglypuff does not take this kind of rejection well and draws on the faces of its sleeping audience with a marker that it also uses as its microphone.

2 Brock’s Affections

Pokémon 10 Funniest Running Gags Ranked

For the most part, Brock is an accomplished and insightful Gym Leader with aspirations of becoming a Pokémon breeder. However, this all flies out the window the minute he meets a pretty girl. He goes over the top, trying to woo the lady of the moment with grand gestures of love.

This often results in the girl rejecting him or one of his traveling companions dragging him away by his ear. It is hilarious to see a usually composed character become so lovestruck.

1 Team Rocket Blasting Off

Ever since they made their first appearance in the anime, Team Rocket always uses disguises, traps, and mechanical devices to try and steal Pokémon for their leader, specifically Ash’s Pikachu. Ironically, it is usually Pikachu who helps thwart their plans and sends them flying away through the air with a Thundershock or Thunderbolt.

Every time they soar away after their defeat, the trio always says their catchphrase, “Team Rocket is blasting off again!” before disappearing with a slight star-like twinkle.

See more : PokemonWe

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