New Pokemon Snap A Mighty Rolling Leap Request Mantine 4Star Guide

New Pokemon Snap: A Mighty Rolling Leap Request Mantine 4-Star Guide

How to complete A Mighty Rolling Leap Request for a four-star Mantine photo.

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New Pokemon Snap A Mighty Rolling Leap Request Mantine 4Star Guide

New Pokemon Snap is a great game to jump into whenever you’re feeling desperate for a few new stellar shots. You can play for five minutes, or hours, and you can almost always manage to find something new. But if you’re running out of patience and you want to clear through those Requests, then this is the guide you need.

In this Request guide we’ll be tackling the A Mighty Rolling Leap Request, which involves a humble Mantine splashing out of the water. You need to be in the right place at the right time in order to set up this shot, but it’ll be worth loads of points to Professor Mirror, so it’s well worth the time to get the ideal snap.

Below we’ll specify which stage you need to go into, which Research Level, and give you step-by-step instructions on how to trigger this event so you can get the four-star Mantine snap you need to complete the A Mighty Rolling Leap Request.

How To Complete The A Mighty Rolling Leap Request

New Pokemon Snap A Mighty Rolling Leap Request Mantine 4Star Guide

This Request involves getting a four-star snapshot of a Mantine, as we’ve already laid out above. This Request will be completed in Maricopia Reef during Reef (Evening). In addition to that, the Reef (Evening) stage will need to be on at least Research Level 2 in order for the Request opportunity to present itself.

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This takes place shortly after the giant whirlpool in the centre of the stage, and just before you encounter the two large Wailord. Between the whirlpool and the Wailord, you’ll be able to encounter two Mantine that emerge from a cover on your right, just as you exit the Whirlpool area. These are the Pokemon you’ll need to snap in order to complete this Request, and get a four-star Mantine picture.

New Pokemon Snap A Mighty Rolling Leap Request Mantine 4Star Guide

Of course, as always, being closer to the Pokemon and having a clear shot of them makes all the difference, but these Mantine jump very quickly, making it difficult to get anything but a basic shot without zoom. If you want to a high-rank four-star shot of the Mantine, you’ll probably need to repeat this Request attempt multiple times.

Once you’re in the right area, all you need to do is use your Scan function, and the Mantine will leap out the water. There are two different leap heights, one being a mild jump, and the other seeing Mantine shoot into the sky. You want the latter, obviously. If you can get both of the Mantine here to jump at the same time, you’ll get plenty of points for your picture from Professor Mirror. Make sure to speed up your vehicle a bit to get a good angle when the Mantine begin to leap.

New Pokemon Snap A Mighty Rolling Leap Request Mantine 4Star Guide

Make sure to visit the Requests menu from the Camp afterwards, as this Request gives you a reward at the end – a Heart 3 sticker to customise your pictures with. Hey, it could be way worse, alright?

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TheGamer Guides Editor. Am I supposed to write this in the third-person? Do you know how awkward it is talking about yourself like you’re someone else? No one would ever believe someone else has this many nice things to say about me.

See more : PokemonWe

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