Wonder Woman 1984 TieIn Novel Reveals How Steve Trevor Returns

Wonder Woman 1984 Tie-In Novel Reveals How Steve Trevor Returns

Wonder Woman 1984’s recently-released junior novel reveals new information about how Steve Trevor is back despite his death in the original film.

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Wonder Woman 1984 TieIn Novel Reveals How Steve Trevor Returns

Warning: SPOILERS for Wonder Woman 1984: The Junior Novel ahead.

Wonder Woman 1984’s junior novelization provides new information about Steve Trevor’s (Chris Pine) return. Introduced as the World War I pilot and Diana Prince’s (Gal Gadot) love interest in the 2017′ s Wonder Woman, the character is back in the sequel despite his tragic death in the original movie. This has led to a lot of questions from fans regarding how this is possible. As everyone waits for the sequel’s release, a new tie-in novel is shedding some light on this issue.

Instead of keeping Steve’s return a secret, Warner Bros. and director Patty Jenkins decided it was best to confirm Pine coming back for Wonder Woman 1984 by releasing official stills of the character. The plot point was announced shortly after production for the film began in 2018, and since then, fans have been speculating about how he’s back. Many assumed that this mystery would be resolved in the movie itself, but that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore.

Publisher HarperCollins has released Wonder Woman 1984: The Junior Novel (via Bleeding Cool), a book marketed towards 8-12-year-old readers. Despite this, the book features a string of information regarding the film, including specifics on how Steve is able to return and reunite with Diana. According to the novel, he is resurrected using the Dreamstone which comes in the form of a citrine ring. The artifact makes its way to the Smithsonian where Diana and Barbara Ann Minerva/Cheetah (Kristen Wiig) work. The Dreamstone is imbued with magical powers like the Lasso of Truth and can supposedly grant one wish. Diana’s wish is obviously to bring back Steve, which ultimately comes true.

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It’s worth noting, however, that novelizations aren’t guaranteed canon material. It still depends on the studio on what they’ll deem official canon, so some parts of this book might not factor in the film itself. Based on what’s revealed about Wonder Woman 1984, however, this fits with the sequel’s narrative. Jenkins had to be meticulous with the way she’s bringing Steve back as it could cheapen his heroic – albeit tragic – death in Wonder Woman 1984. Using some form of a magical McGuffin is one of her more interesting options. Whether or not this will be accepted canon remains to be seen, but it’s still odd that Warner Bros. let the information be published considering they announced back in June that Wonder Woman 1984 has been delayed further to October.

With Diana supposedly succumbing to her personal desires and using the Dreamstone to bring back Steve Trevor, it’s interesting what will be the repercussions to her actions. The junior novel additionally reveals that tragedy follows the Dreamstone, meaning fans can’t expect that the star-crossed lovers’ reunion will last long. Chances are that Diana will once again have to bid Steve goodbye at the end of Wonder Woman 1984. Meanwhile, it’s curious if Cheetah and Maxwell Lord (Pedro Pascal) will also get their respective one wish from the stone. Trailers for the film showed Lord holding a mysterious rock, but it doesn’t sound like its the Dreamstone given the description from the junior novel.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/wonder-woman-1984-steve-trevor-return-explain-dreamstone/

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