Fire Emblem 10 Best Character Relationships In Three Houses

Fire Emblem: 10 Best Character Relationships In Three Houses

From Marianne and Ignatz to Bernadetta and Dorothea, here are some of the most touching and funniest relationships in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

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Fire Emblem 10 Best Character Relationships In Three Houses

When it comes to Fire Emblem: Three Houses, one of the most enjoyable parts of the game is watching your units grow closer to one another. As series fans know, they aren’t just anonymous, expendable units on the battlefield. They’re people, in your care, whose characterization is better in this title than in any entry before.

Watching their relationships blossom is a treat. Every once in a while, you’ll unlock a new support scene between the two, and you get to watch them grow closer to one another. Some of these scenes are actually incredibly touching. Today, we’ll be going over the ten best character relationships in all of Three Houses. Without any further ado, let’s get into it.

10 Manuela And Dorothea

Fire Emblem 10 Best Character Relationships In Three Houses

Manuela and Dorothea don’t have men, and they really want you to know that they want a man. They’ll do this by talking to each other about how they don’t have men, and explain that they would, in fact, like a man. That is, until they don’t.

Eventually, they reach a point in their relationship where they realize that maybe they just don’t need men, and they end up living together, never getting together with another man for the rest of their lives. Good for these two independent women.

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9 Lysithea And Linhardt

Fire Emblem 10 Best Character Relationships In Three Houses

Lysithea holds a burden in the fact that she possesses two Crests, and while this grants her immense power (this woman is the definition of power), it also means that she won’t get to live very many years.

Linhardt at first just views her as some sort of a test subject, but by the time they reach their A support level, he vows that he will find a way to remove the Crests. Depending on your ending, he does just that, and the two live happy lives together.

8 Hilda And Seteth

Fire Emblem 10 Best Character Relationships In Three Houses

What started out as Seteth being petty and dragging Hilda for not doing any work constantly (as he should) eventually ends with the two making children’s books together. What? While that sounds ridiculous, it also is just as adorable as it also sounds. Hilda provides the illustrations, and Seteth writes the stories.

Whoever wrote this specific story should be promoted to CEO of Nintendo STAT. This is just about the cutest thing in the entire world. Wholesome.

7 Bernadetta And Byleth/Dorothea

Fire Emblem 10 Best Character Relationships In Three Houses

As Bernadetta grows closer to Dorothea and Byleth, you learn that she is far more than just a gag character. She slowly reveals to the two that she refuses to open up to anyone because her father trained her to be a good wife, and wouldn’t let her have any friends, and essentially held her in captivity.

The one time she did befriend a neighbor boy, he was beaten mercilessly. While this is absolutely horrible to hear, it also explains why Dorothea is the way she is. She also starts to open up and realizes that maybe it is okay to have friends, which is wonderful to see.

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6 Sylvain And Leonie

Fire Emblem 10 Best Character Relationships In Three Houses

When Leonie realizes that Sylvain isn’t flirting with her, she’s kind of hurt. He flirts with everyone that breathes, why not her? Once she confronts him on it, Sylvain explains that… he didn’t find himself attracted to her.

After this, he vows to change his ways, and then starts flirting with her non-stop. Unsurprisingly, this bugs her just as much as when he didn’t flirt with her. This is honestly just a great relationship to watch, due to the absurdity of it.

5 Flayn And Raphael

Fire Emblem 10 Best Character Relationships In Three Houses

Flayn knows that Raphael is one of the strongest people at Garreg Mach Monastery, even if he can’t figure out how to buy shirts in his size. Either way, she wants to learn from him in order to get stronger. This basically just results in them screaming at each other for awhile.

As the two start to grow closer, you see that they both think highly of each other. It’s an absolutely adorable relationship to watch grow over time, which earns it a spot on this list.

4 Marianne And Ignatz

Fire Emblem 10 Best Character Relationships In Three Houses

Marianne is a social recluse, and one of the only people who can get her to open up is Ignatz. They start to connect through his art, and slowly but surely, she opens up to him. He takes her out of her comfort zone so she can see more of the world, and… you know what? It’s simply too wholesome.

Experience this relationship for yourself, even if Ignatz isn’t exactly the best character to use in battle. It’s worth it.

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3 Flayn And Seteth

Fire Emblem 10 Best Character Relationships In Three Houses

Flayn wants to grow and makes friends at Garreg Mach, she makes that very clear to Seteth a number of times. However, he basically refuses to let this poor girl do that. He fusses over her relentlessly, and it doesn’t sit well with her in the slightest.

Over time, it is revealed that there is a good reason that he does this, and watching the two grow and struggle with this fact is also absolutely worth the effort.

2 Ingrid And Ashe

Fire Emblem 10 Best Character Relationships In Three Houses

Ingrid and Ashe first connect over their love of books, specifically about knights. When Ashe reveals that one of the knights makes him think of her, she reveals that she can’t follow her hope to be a knight, due to her obligation of marriage to her family.

After that, Ashe makes it his mission to convince Ingrid that they can become knights together. While at first she doesn’t think this is possible, she realizes that with Ashe at her side, it can be done.

1 Annette And Gilbert

If you focus on Annette and Gilbert’s relationship, you’ll realize quickly that the two are father and daughter. Gilbert left the family when Annette was young, and it cut her and her mother deeply. That had no idea what happened to him. Gilbert realizes the pain that he caused, and is deeply remorseful that he did this.

Annette simply wants him to see that she and her mother never gave up on him, no matter how much he hurt them. The two get a chance to reconnect through their time at Garreg Mach, and the results are tear-jerking, to say the very least.

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