Someone Turned Gandalf Into A Khajit And Reenacted The You Shall Not Pass Scene In Skyrim

Someone Turned Gandalf Into A Khajit And Reenacted The “You Shall Not Pass” Scene In Skyrim

The Lord Of The Rings’ iconic Khazad Dum scene has been reenacted in Skyrim, but there’s something different.

You Are Reading :Someone Turned Gandalf Into A Khajit And Reenacted The You Shall Not Pass Scene In Skyrim

In some “didn’t know you needed it until you had it” news, there is a popular video making the rounds that involve Skyrim, a race of cat people…and Gandalf! The video in question sees Gandalf in the form of one of Skyrim’s races, a Khajit, re-enacting his iconic “You Shall Not Pass” scene from Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.

The video, which popped up on Reddit, shows the aptly dubbed “Khandalf” on a bridge facing down a group of “evil Thalmors” as he brandishes a staff and sword. He then recites the famous lines, “You Shall Not Pass” as he slams the staff into the ground before him. In the movie, this is the part where the bridge would crumble forcing Gandalf’s enemy, the Balrog, to plummet into the abyss. However, with some artistic freedom, the video sees “Khandalf” just standing there, staff in hand, as the Thalmors walk idly past him. It is truly something to witness.

Oddly, this is not the first time that Gandalf has made headlines for his appearance in Skyrim. A while back, everyone’s favorite Middle-earth wizard went viral in another video where he popped up in Skyrim, though with far fewer whiskers. Either Gandalf has some form of deal with the people over at Skyrim, or Tamiel and Middle-earth are closer on a map than we all thought!

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This also isn’t the only game where some form of LOTR reference or easter egg has been included. The most recent being a nod to the series in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla. Plus, we still have the Gollum-focused title coming to next-gen systems in the near future.

However, even though Skyrim has been around for a while now, it doesn’t look like it will be going away anytime soon, so perhaps we may see more of “Khandalf” in the future. Or, better yet, perhaps we will see some of his compatriots like Aragorn the Argonian or something far more clever than I can come up with.

Sources: Reddit

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