TikTok Video Blows the Internets Mind With Cereal Box Life Hack

TikTok Video Blows the Internet’s Mind With Cereal Box Life Hack

A TikTok user’s viral video shows a clever way to close a cereal box. The world reacts by trying it, proving it to be a legitimate life hack.

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TikTok Video Blows the Internets Mind With Cereal Box Life Hack

Another viral Tiktok video is making the rounds, but this one might be helpful to anyone who has ever irreparably damaged the top of a cereal box. This life hack has taken social media by storm.

Life hacks have grown to become their own genre of internet content. Chances are, each time some random person on social media posts a new method of solving one of our mundane, daily issues, there are thousands of people out there who’ve known that “secret” for years. Yet, somehow, every time one of these things goes viral, it feels like the first time anyone has ever revealed that information. Now, there are entire websites and online communities dedicated to awesome ways of dealing with life’s annoyances, and these paragons of humankind have spread to TikTok.

This particular moment of enlightenment comes from a video posted to TikTok by user @katybee2020. In the video, the woman demonstrates how to fold the top of a cereal box in such a way as to close it while bypassing the weird, virtually useless flap-inserting mechanism we’ve been force-fed our entire lives. Katy Bee’s demonstration of her “[bleeping] technique” has set the internet on fire, gaining her almost a million views and triggering a wave of social media users transitioning to much cooler pantries.

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Life Post-Cereal Box Life Hack

In our new, educated world, breakfast patrons are still reeling from the revelations of the cereal box video. TikTok duet videos and responses are being uploaded daily, usually along with the user freaking out that the hack actually works. Katy Bee herself even had to make a follow-up video reacting to her newfound attention, telling fans she doesn’t have any other life hacks (though, she does have a very entertaining channel).

Elsewhere on social media, people’s minds are blown. On Facebook, one woman, who says she herself learned the hack from a different Facebook video, posted her own version of it and is approaching half a million views. The information has made its way to Twitter as well, inspiring the always-funny, “I was today years old” posts one would expect.

Why didn’t they teach us this cereal box thing in school? 😭 pic.twitter.com/fp0JkCjIBI

The other neat thing about this tip is that the success rate seems to be incredibly high. Life hacks, even when they’re great, tend to only work for certain people or be very situational. It’s rare for someone to display a new technique that impacts tons of people and works for most of them too.

In other news I have just tried that cereal box hack that’s been bouncing around on the t’interweb and my mind is officially BLOWN. pic.twitter.com/8BIzaOBHx2

This is one of those moments where social media really shines. Yes, it can be a breeding ground for misinformation, and many people understandably feel like giving everyone a platform has done more harm than good. However, life hacks like this one also make us feel more connected. People see things like this and immediately have genuine thoughts about how something they learned could help other people, even though it’s mundane. That’s a beautiful interaction we wouldn’t have without social media and the age of viral content. Appreciate the small things.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/tiktok-cereal-box-hack-viral/

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