80s Child Star Corey Feldman Dishes On Gaming With Michael Jackson And Hugh Hefner

80s Child Star Corey Feldman Dishes On Gaming With Michael Jackson And Hugh Hefner

Michael Jackson had an entire house dedicated to video games, according to former child star Corey Feldman.

You Are Reading :80s Child Star Corey Feldman Dishes On Gaming With Michael Jackson And Hugh Hefner

Being a Hollywood star as a child meant Corey Feldman “grew up on video games.” During the filming of Gremlins, Feldman played Food Fight in an actual arcade box against anyone who cared to take him on. At home, Feldman started with an Atari before moving on to the Sega Genesis, then SNES, and then N64. Today he spends his time collecting retro game consoles while enjoying VR games on Oculus.

Having access to pretty much every major console and even VR isn’t all that surprising to learn, but Feldman’s interview with YouTuber CelebrityGamerZ did come with some interesting reveals about what it was like to game with Michael Jackson and Playboy’s Hugh Heffner.

According to Feldman, Michael Jackson was much more of a gamer than Heffner. Where Heffner had an arcade filled with classic games like Galaga, Centipede, and Pong (along with several Playboy Pinball machines), Jackson was all about staying on the bleeding edge of video games. When a new console was released, Jackson had it, along with whatever the latest arcade inventions were.

Feldman recounts his first meeting with Jackson in his Hollywood home which contained a smaller arcade of about 10 machines, but the real arcade was kept at Jackson’s Neverland ranch. The train station at Neverland was a two-story arcade filled to arcade boxes, 30 to 35 strong. Quite a few racing games were included along with several full-motion cockpit flight simulators.

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Besides playing games, Feldman has also starred in a few. He plays the voice of Magnus the Griefer in Telltale’s Minecraft: Story Mode, as well as the voice of Slash in 2014’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze. He also starred as the main character in Normality, one of the earliest 3D adaptations of the point-and-click adventure genre.

Check out the video above to see more of what Corey Feldman is up to and what he thinks the odds are for a Goonies sequel. Hint: they’re not great.

Source: CelbrityGamerZ

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/corey-feldman-interview-michael-jackson-hugh-heffner/

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