Pokémon Mewtwo Sculpture Unleashes Psychic Power On His Own Card

Pokémon: Mewtwo Sculpture Unleashes Psychic Power On His Own Card

YouTube sculptor North Of The Border creates an impressive Mewtwo statuette out of clay, with the powerful psychic Pokémon blasting its own card.

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One talented sculptor has just recreated Pokémon’s Mewtwo in clay form, complete with light-up energy blasts and its own card as an added touch. The original 150 creatures of Pokémon Red And Blue are still regarded by many as the most iconic among Nintendo’s long-running monster-collecting RPG franchise, and Mewtwo is especially noteworthy for its unique feline design, awesome psychic power that rivals even the most legendary Pokémon, and surprisingly dark and detailed backstory.

Genetically cloned from the ancient Pokémon Mew in the labs of Cinnabar Island, Mewtwo was engineered to be the ultimate fighting machine. It would eventually escape from its confinement and hide within Cerulean Cave, serving as a final boss of sorts after players defeat the Elite Four in Pokémon Red And Blue. Since then, Mewtwo has made numerous appearances in the Pokémon anime series (particularly as the main antagonist in the first feature-length Pokémon movie), gained two powerful alternate Mega Forms in 2013’s Pokémon X And Y, served as a playable character in the Super Smash Bros. series, and even made an appearance in the live-action Detective Pikachu film in 2019.

A couple of days ago, video game fan and clay sculptor North Of The Border posted a YouTube video of himself creating an impressive statuette of Pokémon’s Mewtwo. He had previously held a poll for fans to vote for which Pokémon he would sculpt next, though he notes that he had already started working on Mewtwo before it won the final tally. North Of The Border starts his Mewtwo sculpture with an armature laced with silicone-insulated wiring to allow for the light-up effect of Mewtwo’s energy blasts, shapes the feline Pokémon’s body with white polymer clay, then adds the finishing touch of a Mewtwo Pokémon card that has been cut in half and placed on Mewtwo’s hands to make it look like the creature has blasted its way out of the card and escaped into the real world.

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Watch the Mewtwo sculpture video on YouTube here.

North Of The Border has made equally impressive sculptures of Pokémon like Bulbasaur and Charizard before, as well as other noteworthy creatures from gaming like The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild 2’s Bokoblin Talus. He has also crafted a clever makeshift lamp out of an exploding Creeper from Minecraft, recreated Skyloft from Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword, and even made a functional Pokéball with its own little mini-environment for whatever creature is caught within it.

North Of The Border’s Mewtwo sculpture continues his line of impressive tributes to the long-running Pokémon franchise, perfectly capturing the cat-like clone’s immense psychic power and iconic design along with the clever touch of an actual Mewtwo Pokémon card that it is apparently blasting its way out of. After all, no mere cardboard can properly contain the awesome might of Mewtwo.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/pokemon-mewtwo-sculpture-psychic-power/

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