15 Weird Ways That Dragon Ball Z Makes No Sense

15 Weird Ways That Dragon Ball Z Makes No Sense

Dragon Ball Z is filled with all kinds of mistakes and things that make no sense whatsoever!

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15 Weird Ways That Dragon Ball Z Makes No Sense

Dragon Ball Z has a huge following. The iconic anime spanned 291 episodes and rocketed series creator Akira Toriyama to worldwide stardom. DBZ isn’t the first work to feature Goku and pals, but it’s definitely the one that’s left the most impact and is one of the key players in anime gaining a foothold in the West. Unfortunately, even though it is a quintessential anime series, there’s a lot of weird inconsistencies that just don’t make any sense.

Unlike the US, where TV and movie fans are meticulous and downright argumentative about what’s canon and what’s not, Japan is a whole lot looser with the details. A lot of anime are created alongside the manga, and often the production of the animation outpaces that of the printed story, so many series have a lot of filler that just doesn’t have anything to do with the rest of the show. The filler is usually written by someone other than the lead writer on a series and typically features the worst quality of animation a show has to offer and can be a significant contributor to wonky canon.

However, going through every filler episode would bore you to tears. Instead, we’ve selected only inconsistencies and logical conundrums that are purely outside the realm of filler and little accidents. A lot of the weird ways DBZ doesn’t make any sense are recurring events or big questions that everyone just avoids ever discussing.

Luckily, we’re just focusing on 15 of the most nonsensical things we’ve discovered about Dragon Ball Z. We won’t be covering Dragon Ball here, and we’re certainly not going to delve into Dragon Ball GT and Super, unless the topic has its origins in Z.

15 The Guy Who Runs The After Life Is Weaker Than Frieza

15 Weird Ways That Dragon Ball Z Makes No Sense

Early on in DBZ, we meet King Yemma who rules Hell (or the Home For Infinite Losers in the English dub). King Yemma is shown as being a mighty being, capable of controlling Raditz quickly when he makes his way to Hell after Piccolo kills him. However, we know that King Kai is more powerful than him, and King Kai thought the Ginyu Force was one of the most fearsome fighting forces in the universe (though he said he could handle them).

By the end of the Namek Saga Frieza is light years ahead of the Ginyu Force, so we can assume that King Yemma wouldn’t stand a chance against him. That being said, maybe Hell runs on different rules, but this is one example of many where the bar for who has a high power level gets raised through the roof.

14 Supposedly Only Four Saiyans Survived Planet Vegeta’s Destruction

15 Weird Ways That Dragon Ball Z Makes No Sense

This one might be a bit nitpicky, but during the Saiyan Saga, it’s revealed that only four Saiyans survived the destruction of Planet Vegeta by Frieza. Kakarot (Goku), Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz were supposedly the only Saiyans not on the planet at the time, but there are some vast discrepancies with this.

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Since the Saiyan Saga, it was revealed, that four more Saiyans survived Planet Vegeta’s destruction. We met Goku’s lookalike, Turles in The Tree of Might, where he led a gang that had split off Frieza’s army. Broly and his father Paragus were introduced in Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan, and at least there’s the excuse of them apparently being executed by King Vegeta to explain them not being accounted for. Finally, there’s Vegeta’s younger brother Tarble, who manages to be MIA for all of DBZ’s original run.

13 The Z Fighters Only Care About Earth

15 Weird Ways That Dragon Ball Z Makes No Sense

Throughout the series we see millions of lives extinguished, planets destroyed, and generally horrifying things happen all across the universe, but for the most part, the Z Fighters only really seem to care when Earth is threatened in some way. A great example of this is the Tuffle race that was the original inhabitant of Planet Vegeta.

The Tuffles were the native species of Planet Vegeta (which was then called Planet Plant). Although the details are never fleshed out too much, at some point, the Saiyans wiped out the vast majority of the race and claimed the planet for themselves. Some traces of the race survived in the genetically-engineered Baby, which contained all the Tuffle’s genetic info. Though Baby did wreak havoc on Earth, instead of trying to revive the race, the Z Fighters just killed it.

12 By The End Of Dragon Ball Z, Every Step Goku Takes Should Shatter The Earth

15 Weird Ways That Dragon Ball Z Makes No Sense

When we first meet Vegeta, we find out that he’s capable of blowing up planets, but he has a giant meme when he finds out Goku’s power level is over 9,000. Bulma is thousands of miles away when the two are powering up and when her scouter reads 26,000 it explodes and all sorts of upheaval effects the landscape around the fighters.

On Namek, Frieza claims his power level is one million, and Goku beats him with the very first Super Saiyan transformation. By the time DBZ ends Goku and the other fighters are monsters. Even Krillin should be shattering mountains with a mean stare if judged against the Saiyan Saga’s power level metrics. Is it just great self-control or what?

11 A Human Can Make Androids Stronger Than the Z Fighters, But Earth Is Constantly On The Verge of Destruction

15 Weird Ways That Dragon Ball Z Makes No Sense

In Dragon Ball Z, Earth always has some drama going on, and each time the Z Fighters eventually resolve things, typically after a ton of death and destruction. However, a big chunk of DBZ centers around Goku and the crew’s fight against Cell and the Androids, creations of the human scientist Dr. Gero.

It seems a bit odd that even after the Cell Saga no humans have tried to build any defense system for the Earth. Bulma and her father have to be as bright as Dr. Gero, and yet everyone is content to just depend on the ever tardy Goku to appear and be their secret weapon.

10 Some Animals Can Talk, But Some Are Just Normal

15 Weird Ways That Dragon Ball Z Makes No Sense

In Dragon Ball Z, all animals are equal; some are just more equal than others. Humanity still holds the same place in society that they do in real life, but there are also animals that talk, wear clothes, and a dog is even King of the Earth.

The strange thing though is that there are dogs that act the same as they usually do that are keep as pets. Furthermore, we see Goku and friends eating meat several times during the series. If all animals were sentient, it would be monstrous to eat them at all, much less in the amount Goku puts food away. Considering characters like Oolong and Karin get quite a bit of screen time you’d think it’d come up.

9 When It’s Convenient, Characters Can Breathe In Space

15 Weird Ways That Dragon Ball Z Makes No Sense

Dragon Ball Z characters will often find themselves flung into the far reaches of space, whether as the result of a blindingly powerful attack or as part of an epic battle. Now, there’s hardly enough breathable oxygen in space to support even the most powerful of the Z Fighters to keep them alive while floating among the stars. At least, there shouldn’t be. Yet we see characters flitting around up there with no issue like they’re back on Earth breathing normally.

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This weird quirk about the show means we’ll see the Z Fighters breathing just fine in a place where people would suffocate nearly instantly when it’s convenient. If a fight needs to be taken to space, then Goku and company can suddenly breathe up there without an issue. Sure. Makes sense, right? That just doesn’t explain why some scenes find characters fighting for air.

8 Earth’s Inhabitants Are Constantly Surprised By The Existence Of Superhuman Abilities

15 Weird Ways That Dragon Ball Z Makes No Sense

While there aren’t as many scenes with “normal people” as you might hope in Dragon Ball Z, sometimes we get a brief glimpse at how the other half lives. For example, near the beginning of the series when Raditz made his appearance on Earth and completely blew away a poor farmer and his shotgun, with only his Chevy truck there to protect him. The people of Earth just can’t deal with this kind of thing, whether their lives are being threatened or not.

Every time someone flies over a cluster of normies, sends a ki blast hurtling through the air, or lifts up something ridiculously heavy like a car there’s a mass freak out. With all the bad guys threatening to either subjugate or destroy the planet or the universe, you’d think these people would be used to a man jetting through the air by now at the very least.

7 No One Thinks It’s A Big Deal There’s A Whole Civilization Of Frieza’s Species Somewhere

15 Weird Ways That Dragon Ball Z Makes No Sense

For some time, Frieza was one of the most feared villains in the Dragon Ball Z universe. While there were stronger opponents, he was always someone of which to be afraid. But if Frieza was a considerable threat, his family members King Cold, and Cooler were forces to be reckoned with also. They wreaked quite a bit of havoc when they were thrown into the mix, but there’s a bit of fridge horror here to contend with.

If Frieza has other members of his family, that must mean there’s a whole planet or some sort of gathering of Frieza’s species just chilling out there in space. And if one Frieza is too much for Earth or the entire Saiyan home planet to contend with, certainly this whole civilization of Frieza’s should be concerning, right? No one in the DBZ world seems to have given this a second thought, weirdly enough.

6 Major Characters From Dragon Ball Get Pushed Into The Background Then Out Of Sight Entirely

15 Weird Ways That Dragon Ball Z Makes No Sense

While a lot of the characters from Dragon Ball made it over to DBZ, many major ones took a back seat to new arrivals. Tien, Yamcha, and Chiaotzu initially were part of the cast as equals to Goku, but as Vegeta came on the scene and Gohan matured the three were pushed more and more into the background. If you started the series with Dragon Ball Z, you’d likely have no idea how big of a role they played in Dragon Ball.

The most logical explanation for this is that they just couldn’t keep up with the Saiyans. However, nothing in the series has stated that humans have some sort of power ceiling, so it doesn’t make a ton of sense. Dragon Ball Super has rectified this issue quite a bit, though.

5 The Moon Gets Casually Blown Up Twice, And No One Cares

15 Weird Ways That Dragon Ball Z Makes No Sense

The Moon plays a pivotal part in the ecological balance of Earth, and life would have evolved differently (or not at all) without it. However, in the Dragon Ball universe, it’s apparently only good for turning Saiyans into Oozaru and getting blown up. Master Roshi blows the moon up during a martial arts tournament to return Goku to his human form. No one gets too upset, and at the end of the series, it’s casually mentioned Goku’s tail is gone so Kami can and fix the moon.

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Unfortunately for the Moon, at the beginning of DBZ Gohan turns into an Oozaru. This time its Piccolo that blows up the moon with a Ki blast. Again, no one is concerned. I guess when ultra-powerful beings are continually threatening the planet, it’s not a big deal if you lose the Moon every once in a while.

4 Oozaru And Saiyans Having Tails Doesn’t Matter Anymore After The Saiyan Saga

15 Weird Ways That Dragon Ball Z Makes No Sense

The Saiyan Saga is integral to establishing some of the most important lore in DBZ. You learn two important things: a Saiyan with his tail and a full moon handy is terrible news. This allows them to utilize Oozaru, a terrifyingly powerful ape form.

Early on in the series, Vegeta transforms while fighting Goku. His tail is soon cut off, and he’s forced to return to normal, but it’s a stark reminder for the Z Fighters to make sure all Saiyans with tails in the future have their tails removed.

Except it doesn’t seem to matter all that much, or at all because except for young Gohan rocking his tail before getting too deep into his training with Piccolo, we don’t hear much about Saiyans, their tails, or the threats they pose again. It’s almost as if they were just forgotten for better plot threads to take over or something.

3 Vegeta Has A Younger Brother That He Never Mentions Once During The Series

15 Weird Ways That Dragon Ball Z Makes No Sense

Apparently, there was a second Prince of Planet Vegeta that we just never hear of during DBZ. In the 2008 OVA Dragon Ball: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!! Tarble, Vegeta’s brother that had been sent away from the Saiyan’s home planet by King Vegeta after he didn’t show the natural desire to fight inherent in the majority of Saiyans, comes to Earth.

In the OVA Vegeta does seem somewhat apathetic towards Tarble, but the fact everyone is surprised to hear the news that another full-blooded Saiyan survived Frieza’s destruction of the planet indicates that Vegeta has never mentioned him once. Regardless of how gruff and conceited Vegeta is, it seems just a little out of character for him to not care enough to ever speak of or look for his little brother.

2 The Video Games Turn The Already Convoluted Canon Of DBZ On Its Head

15 Weird Ways That Dragon Ball Z Makes No Sense

If you thought DBZ’s continuity was hard to follow, wait until you play the video games. While the movies often take certain liberties with the source material, the video games are guilty of creating entirely new and frankly ridiculous scenarios that you’ll never be able to keep up with. And that’s not counting all the original characters you can make to complete missions in games like Dragon Ball Xenoverse.

The games have you reliving specific battles with characters that weren’t even around during particular sagas, dreaming up new scenarios that could never happen in any way in the series. It’s all in a bid to give you more to do beyond merely replaying the same scenes from the show over and over again, but it’s just so much to keep up in addition to manga side-stories, OVAs, movies, and the various pieces of DBZ media out there.

1 The Z Fighters’ Mentor Is A Doddering, 300-Year-Old Creep Who Is Best Friends With A Turtle

15 Weird Ways That Dragon Ball Z Makes No Sense

Master Roshi is one of the greatest martial arts masters humanity has ever produced. He invented the Kamehameha, taught Goku and the Z Fighters many advanced techniques, and is an important character at almost every step of the way from Dragon Ball to Dragon Ball Super. He’s also a porn addict that agreed to be Goku’s sensei in exchange for finding Roshi a female companion.

Despite all his issues, particularly concerning his obsession with women, Master Roshi is always a steadfast ally of good throughout all four series. It’s weird to think humanity’s best fighter is an ancient, sex addict that reads porno mags all day on a tiny island with a talking turtle, but then again, no one is perfect.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/weird-ways-that-dragon-ball-z-makes-no-sense/

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