Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Faceless Men

Game of Thrones: 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Faceless Men

The Faceless Men are one of the most mysterious groups in Game of Thrones, and here’s how and why they don’t make any sense.

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Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Faceless Men

The Faceless Men, as their name implies, are some of the most enigmatic people in Game of Thrones. These are the people, after all, whose entire religious existence is devoted to a worship of the god of death; in fact, they even see assassinations as a form of worship in and of itself. Even now that the series has concluded, there are numerous unanswered questions about this religious organization and its trained assassins.

More than that, though, there are also some things about them, and about their role in the story of the series, that just don’t make a lot of sense.

10 Are R’hllor And The Faceless God The Same Like Jaqen Said?

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Faceless Men

At one point in the series, Jaqen mentions to Arya the belief that the Faceless God (the god of death) is another manifestation of R’hllor, the god that is worshiped by Melisandre (along with numerous others that inhabit the continent of Essos).

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However, despite the fact that this is, on its face, a pretty significant comment, theologically and narratively speaking, the show never really answers the question as to whether these two entities are in fact one and the same.

9 Where Were The Rest Of Them When Arya Was There?

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Faceless Men

After Arya flees Westeros in the aftermath of the infamous Red Wedding, she goes to the city of Braavos, where she goes to worship at the temple of the Faceless Men.

However, despite the fact that she spends quite a lot of time there, the audience never sees any other Faceless Men of note besides Jaqen and the Waif, despite the fact that there are, presumably, numerous other members of that society present in both the city and the temple itself.

8 Why Did They Only Seem To Have Felt The Need For A Whole Temple After Leaving Valyria?

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Faceless Men

The history of the Faceless Men is one of the more interesting histories of the many groups in Westeros. From what the viewer learns, it was apparently only after the destruction of Valyria that they saw the need to form their own temple.

This is never adequately explained in the series, however, leaving the viewer to wonder what form their worship took before they came to Braavos.

7 Was Jaqen’s “No One” Shtick Actually The Opposite Of His Final Plan For Arya?

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Faceless Men

From the beginning of Arya’s tenure in Braavos, Jaqen makes it clear that part of her purpose is to abandon her identity and become “no one.” However, this plan doesn’t really make a lot of sense on closer inspection, since he seems to move her in exactly the opposite direction.

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This necessarily leads to the question: was his plan to really have her become an assassin that would wreak havoc on those in Westeros? Did he even perhaps know that she would be the one responsible for bringing down the Night King himself?

6 How Did They Develop This Ability To Change Their Appearance?

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Faceless Men

One of the most notable attributes of the Faceless Men is their ability to change into the appearance of basically any person. In fact, it is precisely this ability that has led them to become some of the most formidable assassins in the entirety of the known world.

However, this doesn’t make a lot of sense beyond the immediate coolness of this ability. For example, how exactly did they even learn of this ability? More importantly, where exactly does it come from, and is it a form of magic?

5 How Does Just Putting On One Of The Faces Change A Person’s Whole Appearance?

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Faceless Men

Related to the question of their ability to adopt an entirely new persona, it doesn’t make sense that just putting on one of the numerous faces in the Hall of Faces could possibly result in a person adopting the entire body of another person. After all, just because Arya puts on Walder Frey’s face, does that mean that she can also adopt his body?

While some elements of magic should always be kept mysterious, a little explanation would have helped this phenomenon make more sense.

4 If They’re So Secretive Why Do They Have A Huge Temple?

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Faceless Men

In addition to their reputation for being remarkable assassins, the Faceless Men also have a well-deserved reputation for secrecy and for keeping a great deal of their inner workings secret from the outside world.

Since that is the case, it doesn’t really make a lot of sense that a group committed to keeping themselves out of the prying eyes of the public would have a large temple in one of the most significant cities in Essos.

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3 If They’ll Take Essentially Any Job For Compensation Other Than Money, Why Haven’t Downtrodden Peasants Tried To Employ Them?

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Faceless Men

There’s no question that the peasants on both Essos and Westeros have quite a bad lot. More than anyone else, they seem to bear the brunt of the wars of the great and the powerful. There’s also no question that many of the lords on both continents are hopelessly corrupt.

Given that the Faceless Men are willing to commit assassinations for payment other than money, one has to wonder why a group of enterprising peasants haven’t banded together to hire the Faceless Men to aid in their plight.

2 How Did Jaqen Get Caught?

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Faceless Men

One of the strangest things about Jaqen is that, when Arya first meets him, he’s supposedly been captured. While this seems to strain credulity-the man is a member of one of the most formidable groups of assassins in the world-it also leads to a whole host of related questions.

If he was captured, how did they manage to do it? If he wasn’t, what exactly was his end game in allowing himself to fall into the hands of people in Westeros?

1 Was The Waif A Faceless Man Or Another Acolyte Like Arya

Another enigmatic figure that appears in later seasons is the young person known only as the Waif. This figure appears to be a young girl, but the viewer is never given any indication of who or what she actually is.

One of the most pressing questions, of course, is whether she is in fact a fully-fledged Faceless Man (in which case her death at Arya’s hands is even more extraordinary) or just another acolyte like Arya herself?

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