Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tarlys

Game of Thrones: 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tarlys

Sam may be the most well known Tarly but the rest of the family remains a mystery. Here are some things that make no sense about the Tarlys.

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Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tarlys

Sam Tarly is one of the most beloved characters on Game of Thrones. Whereas most of the other characters are rather cynical and prone to doing things that are for their own benefit, Sam seems to be something of the show’s moral center. He is also, of course, a member of a powerful and ancient family of Westeros, and his father Randyll Tarly is about as different from his elder son as it’s possible to be.

As compelling as the Tarlys are, however, there are still quite a few things about them that don’t make a lot of sense.

10 Why Does Such A Small House Have A Valyrian Steel Sword?

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tarlys

One of the things that have always seemed strange in the show is that the Tarlys are known for having a sword made from Valryian Steel. Given how rare swords made from this material are, it’s rather odd that it would be in the hands of such a relatively minor noble House.

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Still, there’s no denying that it’s a key part of the Tarly inheritance, and it clearly means a great deal to Randyll.

9 How Did Sam Grow Up To Be How He Was With A Father Like His?

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tarlys

One of the enduring mysteries of Sam is how, exactly, he came to be the man that he was, considering the fact that he was raised by someone as bigoted and toxically masculine as Randyll.

Of course, all people are complicated and become who they are as a result of a variety of forces, but even so, it does raise some eyebrows that Sam could be so unlike his father as to seem like he’s from another family altogether.

8 Why Did Such A Staunch Targaryen Loyalist Refuse To Bend The Knee To Dany?

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tarlys

Way back in the days of Robert’s Rebellion, Randyll Tarly was known as one of the staunchest allies of the Targaryens. This isn’t all that surprising, considering the fact that whatever his flaws, Randyll does seem to live by his own sort of unbreakable honor code.

What makes less sense, though, is why he would refuse to bend the knee to Dany when she returns, since she is, after all, the last member of the former dynasty. Clearly, Randyll wasn’t as loyal to the old family as he liked to pretend.

7 How Did Dickon End Up So Different From Sam?

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tarlys

Though he doesn’t appear very often in the series, the glimpses that the viewer gets of Dickon is of a very different sort of personality than Sam. This begs the question: how did he grow up to be so different from his elder brother, considering the fact that they came from the same parents?

More to the point, how was he never able to figure out how cruel his father was to Sam, and why didn’t he ever take his father to task for it?

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6 Why Did No One Ever Come Looking For Heartsbane After Sam Stole It?

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tarlys

After visiting his father, Sam decides to steal the ancestral sword Heartsbane. He subsequently puts it into the hands of Jorah. It’s a moving moment, especially considering how important Jorah’s father was to Sam. However, it also raises the question: why didn’t anyone come looking for this sword?

Considering how important it was to the Tarly family, and considering how draconian Randyll was about protecting his family honor, one would think that he would at least have made a token effort to regain it.

5 The Tarly Banner Has A Huntsman Which Implies It’s Important To Their House, But Nothing Was Ever Said Why

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tarlys

As anyone who has seen the banners of Tarly knows, the house sign is a huntsman. However, in all of the seasons of the show, the viewer never really gets an explanation as to why this is the case. What’s more, it doesn’t seem to have any particular significance to anything that happens to Sam, the show’s most notable member of the family.

This lack of significance is in juxtaposition to, say, House Stark, whose emblem of the dire wolf is reflected in the Stark children’s’ adoption of dire wolf pups.

4 Why Did Sam Never Say Anything When He Found Out Dany Scorched His Family?

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tarlys

One of the most horrifying moments in the entire series occurs after Dany has defeated the armies sent against her. She demands that Randyll and his son Dickon kneel and, when they refuse to do so, she has them incinerated by Drogon. Sam, of course, learns about this death but, strangely enough, he doesn’t say anything about it, not even to express his anger at Dany for her actions.

Given how brave Sam has become by this point in the show, it seems more than a little strange that he wouldn’t at least raise a bit of protest.

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3 What’s Up With Sam Becoming The Grand Maester?

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tarlys

In the epilogue that ends the series, the audience learns that, in the time that has passed since Bran ascended the throne, Sam has now become the Grand Maester. While this is very satisfying for the audience-who always loves to see a good guy get his just rewards-it also doesn’t make a lot of sense.

Was he really the person most suited to occupy this very important position on the Small Council? One can’t help thinking that there were other candidates that would have been further ahead in line.

2 Why Was Sam’s Mother So Ineffectual At Reining In Her Husband’s Worst Impulses Toward Their Son?

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tarlys

Though we don’t see her very much, Sam’s mother proves to be an important character. She’s about as different from her husband as it’s possible to be, and she even reprimands him for the way that he mistreats their son and his consort Gilly.

While it’s nice to see her sticking up for Sam against his tyrant of a father, it’s hard not to think that she might have done more good had she done so earlier, rather than letting Randyll have his way all the time.

1 Why Dickon Is So Willing To Die With His Father

One of the most wrenching moments in the series occurs when Dickon, despite his father’s protests, decides that he will die by his side at Dany’s command. While it’s a noble act in its own way, it also doesn’t make much sense.

Surely Dickon of all people should know that he is the one who will carry on both his father’s name and the fortunes of his House. It seems rather nonsensical to sacrifice his life when he could have gone on to get revenge on Dany at a later time.

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