Multiple PlayStation Ports Are Reportedly Coming To PC But None Of Them Are Bloodborne

Multiple PlayStation Ports Are Reportedly Coming To PC, But None Of Them Are Bloodborne

PlayStation is apparently hard at work on bringing some of its exclusives to PC, but not Bloodborne. Not yet.

You Are Reading :Multiple PlayStation Ports Are Reportedly Coming To PC But None Of Them Are Bloodborne

New reports back up claims that multiple PlayStation exclusives will be ported to PC, but add that there are still no plans for Bloodborne to be a part of that project.

PlayStation sent quite the message via its strong slate of exclusives on PS4 and has kept that up so far on PS5. Not just via the addition of games like Returnal and Rift Apart, but also through the acquisition of Housemarque, the studio behind Returnal. PlayStation Japan also accidentally appears to have revealed Bluepoint will be joining the growing group of studios under the PlayStation banner.

While it’s going to be a while before you can play The Last Of Us on Xbox, it might not be as long a wait before it comes to PC. PlayStation has already started porting its exclusives to PC, launching Days Gone on the platform earlier this year. According to Lance McDonald, who is primarily known for discovering information regarding FromSoftware’s upcoming games, there are more PC ports of PlayStation games currently in the works.

Since McDonald is followed by a lot of people who check out his content for Bloodborne news, he made sure to highlight Bloodborne is not one of those games, as far as he knows.”I am aware of multiple upcoming PC ports of PlayStation exclusive games, but sadly none are Bloodborne,” McDonald tweeted.

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McDonald adds that doesn’t mean a Bloodborne port isn’t happening, and he remains hopeful news of one will come out of nowhere. For now though, it hasn’t made the list, official or otherwise. PlayStation boss Jim Ryan did confirm earlier this year though that more PC ports of PlayStation exclusives will be joining titles like Days Gone and Horizon Zero Dawn in the future.

It isn’t all bad news for PC-owning FromSoftware fans. Even though Demon’s Souls and Bloodborne remain PlayStation exclusives and will do for the foreseeable future, the much-anticipated Elden Ring has already been confirmed for multiple platforms. PlayStation, Xbox, and PC will all be getting Elden Ring when it launches in early 2022.

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