30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

These hysterical Dragon Ball comics will have any fan of the classic anime laughing out loud.

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30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

I can distinctly remember the first time I sat down and watched Dragon Ball Z. It was at my cousin’s and he was watching the episode where Vegeta smokes Dodoria. Commercials never did the show justice. It always looked dumb to me, but after this episode I wanted more. Oddly enough a few episodes later the show rebooted on Toonami as they ran out of “new” episodes. They did that a lot with anime, but Inuyasha and Dragon Ball Z were two of their worst examples. At the time it was good for me since I could catch up with the show, but it repeated at least twice more before new episodes came out. It was awful.

That was when anime was scarce and not as easy to watch on TV. While the output is still lax on cable, it’s everywhere online via a plethora of services like Crunchyroll and Netflix. That’s how I was able to catch up with Dragon Ball Z since I gave up after the Frieza saga. It felt impractical to keep watching it over and over again in the hopes new episodes would emerge. Even though I waited over a decade to finish the fight as it were, at least up to the Buu saga, I was able to mash through it in less than a month. While it gave me some warm nostalgia, there’s also a lot about the series that reminded me that it has problems. As always I found some comics to highlight some points.

30 Friends For Life

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

Neodusk on DeviantArt made this comic. In the DC universe Superman is the strongest hero alive without question. He’s a jack-of-all-trades. Sure one hero may exceed in one field, like The Flash regarding speed, but even when he loses his stats are close. In manga, or anime Goku has to be the strongest hero alive. This guy can destroy a planet in a single blast and he keeps getting stronger and stronger. Fan matches have existed between these two titans since the dawn of the Internet even though they are from completely different realms. Both series feature time travel and alternate universes so who’s to say they would never meet. If they did I imagine this comic would ring true. Goodbye Earth. These bros must touch.

29 Plus One

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

Justin Hall made this comic for Dorkly. Speaking of insane power levels let’s get right down to it. During Dragon Ball Z everything was pretty safe. Raditz, Goku, and the rest were in the low one hundreds. During the Saiyan saga, everyone got up to around the thousands. Then on Namek, it got to about the quadruple digits. That is except for Frieza who was said to have a power level over one million. Boy, you guys sure jumped the shark fast. From that point on they never really talked about raw numbers because they knew they went too far. Then it sort of became a peeing contest of someone saying they were stronger to the point where this comic is right on the money. There’s always a plus one and his name is Goku.

28 Dragon Quest Origins

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

Mayabriefs on DeviantArt made this comic. What is the one weapon all girls have that can overpower men in an instant? It’s an easy and loaded answer, but we all know exactly what it is. Say what you will about not being “that” type of guy, but the truth is as plain as day.

Has Dragon Quest ever actually crossed over with Dragon Ball?

Even though we never see Vegeta get romantically entangled with Bulma, they did have two kids so something had to happen. Even the all mighty power of Vegeta cowers before the allure of Bulma’s gifts. Of course, we all know Vegeta will never let his true feelings be known.

27 More Like Lamecha

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

Julia Lepetit made this comic for Dorkly. Yamcha may be the most tragic character in Dragon Ball history. He wasn’t even that powerful in the original show. Then he trains his heart out to fight in the Saiyan saga and blows up almost instantaneously. Then he trains with King Kai and the next time he fights is during the Android saga and yep, still unbelievably weak. He’s never been good. Ever. Say what you will about Krillin, but he’s done some important stuff over the years at the very least. You could even credit Krillin for awakening Goku’s Super Saiyan strength. No one cares about poor Yamcha though. Even Bulma left him for a villain no less. The memes are funny, but I still feel bad.

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26 Welcome To My Life

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

Justin Hall made this comic for Dorkly. While it would be cool if mutants existed like in X-Men, or if we got to fight zombies like in The Walking Dead, or got to wander around a post-apocalyptic landscape like in Fallout, those things aren’t going to exist. Well Fallout yes, but not in a fun way.

Preachy nerds are the worst.

I want to believe in super-science and magic, but all signs point to the improbable. Take one’s Ki for example. You can talk about the Earth’s energy, or your energy all you want, but that reasoning is about as realistic as anime. Don’t you snub your nose at me when I compare your dung heap of a theory to Dragon Ball. Both are equally valid in that they’re not.

25 Father Of The Year

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

Justin Hall made this comic for Dorkly. Goku is a loving father there’s no denying that. He loves Chi-Chi too, but I wouldn’t call him the best husband. I also wouldn’t call him responsible even though, again, he adores Gohan. He keeps putting him in harm’s way. At the beginning of Dragon Ball Z Gohan introduces himself to Master Roshi and the others and claims to be four years old. That means he has to be at least five by the time Vegeta and Napa arrive on Earth. I understand that he has Saiyan blood and is thus powerful, but holy cow. Age means nothing to the Saiyans I guess. One thing is for sure. Goku will not be winning a father of the year award anytime soon.

24 What Up With That

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

Justin Hall made this comic for Dorkly. You know who would win Gohan’s father of the year award? Piccolo. He taught him to be a warrior and in the process, Gohan melted Piccolo’s icy heart. He’s scared to admit it openly, but Piccolo absolutely loves Gohan. That said let’s talk about his training during the Saiyan saga.

Sailor Moon would be pissed.

At one point Gohan turns into a giant ape when he sees the moon so Piccolo blows it up. I know this happens in regular Dragon Ball too, but it always made me confused. Wouldn’t blowing up the moon cause a lot of grief for the planet? Not just in regards to the tides, but I’m sure debris would plunge the planet into a new ice age.

23 Time Paradox

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

Justin Hall made this comic for Dorkly. I love the Trunks and Android arc, but when you introduce time travel into a show it creates problems. That is to say, Bulma brings up a lot of good points in this comic. During his lifetime Trunks would have learned about New Namek, or the very least King Kai. For that matter why didn’t Trunks just destroy Dr. Gero way in the past? He went into hiding after Dragon Ball when the Red Ribbon Army disbanded. In that time he was working on the Android project, this we know. It would take some research, but he has a time machine for crying out loud. Just go back as far as you can and keep looking until you find and eliminate him.

22 There’s A Worm In My Boot

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

Vegeta is one tough hombre. He won’t back down from a challenge no matter who it is and how under powered he is. I guess when it comes to worms though he’s a bit squeamish. This comes into light when Goku and Vegeta face off against the roundworm during the fusion saga. Vegeta sort of freaks out, which is natural since it’s a giant worm. I’m not afraid of normal ones, but big ones, oh you bet I’d scream. Every superhero has a weakness and Vegeta’s isn’t just his actual power level. I’m sure he would explode if anything happened to Trunks, or Bulma. We saw this happen numerous times during the show in some form or another. That said there might be more weaknesses lurking out there that we don’t know about.

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21 Vegetables Versus Underwear

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

Neodusk on DeviantArt made this comic. If your mind has been turned off while watching Dragon Ball Z then let me fill you in on a fairly known fact. A lot of the characters in the show are named after either food, or clothing. Bulma is pronounced more like Buruma in Japanese, which is a reference to bloomers and Vegeta is short for vegetable.

You can pad your underwear with vegetables, but you can’t pad your vegetables with underwear.

That said I could see why Bulma and Vegeta could get into a fight about naming their children. It looks like Bulma won for both since their kids are named Trunks and Bulla. Sigh, maybe next time Vegeta. I like the name Zucchini, or maybe Zuch for short.

20 All That

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

Neodusk on DeviantArt made this comic. It’s no secret that Kale is infatuated with Caulifla, but the reference they are going for in this comic is something only 90s kids will understand. Before he made his break on SNL, which most now know him for; Kenan Thompson began on another sketch comedy show on Nickelodeon called All That. Afterward, his fellow co-star, Kel Mitchell, and him got their own show simply titled Kenan and Kel. In it, Kel had a certain weakness for orange soda.

A big joke would be Kenan trying to tempt Kel to do something he didn’t want to with orange soda, which would be followed by a similar speech to the one Kale performs in this strip.

19 Super Saiyan Overload

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

Neodusk on DeviantArt made this comic. Remember when Vegeta dropped the idea of Super Saiyans and then Goku actually turned into one? It’s still easily one of the best moments during the Frieza saga and it Dragon Ball Z. After that everyone and their mom became one so easily. Of course, Vegeta was next as he was the second to last Saiyan at the time. Then Gohan followed by Goten and Trunks. It seemed like it was diluting the water if you ask me. It wasn’t special anymore. Then we found out there were levels to the Super Saiyan intensity and oh yeah it’s all one big mess. That’s why I’m not too fond of the Cell, or Buu sagas even though they have some pretty great moments.

18 Special Beam Cannon

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

Neodusk on DeviantArt made this comic. Let’s go back to Superman and Goku for a minute. Besides super strength, they both can shoot various forms of beams out of their bodies. Superman has his famous heat vision and cold breath and Goku has, well, so many lasers that can burst forth from his hands. That said they’re both limited in where these blasts come out of. It’s not like laser beams coming out of eyes is nonexistent in the Dragon Ball universe. Piccolo can for example.

Can you grill a cheese with lasers?

Similarly, Superman can’t use his hands for blowing stuff up unless you count his punches. That’s a different kind of explosion though. Point is this comic is not so much funny as it is a clever spin based on their inabilities.

17 Krillin’s Kicks

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

Neodusk on DeviantArt made this comic. You know for darn sure there is, uh, romantically charged Dragon Ball fan fiction out there. Even if you haven’t seen it I’m sure you can imagine how much Goku and Chi-Chi, or Vegeta and Bulma art there is out there. Needless to say, people have developed strong feelings for their favorite characters, and want to know the full story. Some of the relationships in Dragon Ball really don’t make sense do they. These super powerful characters have very normal families — how does that even work? That’s a question the Deviant Art community is very well equipped to answer. It’s a deep rabbit hole, and I know a lot of you have already dug deep.

16 More Of The Same

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

Neodusk on DeviantArt made this comic. Dragon Ball is practically an institution in Japan. The manga finished in 1995 with the anime run of Dragon Ball Z ending in 1996. The next time Akira Toriyama would work on anything related to Dragon Ball in a real fashion was this movie, Battle of Gods, which debuted in 2013.

I think we all know what the ‘F’ stands for.

That’s a huge gap and needless to say fans were hungry for more Dragon Ball from the creator so much so that a second movie, Resurrection F, and a new show, Dragon Ball Super, came into being. History aside all the trailer and promotional material for said movie just needed to say what in this comic. All we want is to watch Vegeta punch Goku.

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15 Dino Crisis

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

Neodusk on DeviantArt made this comic. This is the last comic based on Superman and Goku. I promise. I chose it because the concept is too rad not to write about. Bandai Namco and Warner Bros. Entertainment should collaborate on this project as soon as possible. Sure both Injustice games were great, but I wouldn’t really call those Superman games. He’s unfortunately been the butt of a lot of jokes since his interactive realm isn’t stellar: a topic I covered in one of my first articles for TheGamer. Goku and his series have also had a lot of duds, but there are some truly amazing games out there like this year’s Dragon Ball FighterZ. Point is I’d play the heck out of a game where Superman and Goku fight dinosaurs in space. End of story!

14 Background Noise

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

Neodusk on DeviantArt made this comic. Dragon Ball is great yes, but like I said in my intro it has problems especially after the Frieza saga. Everything in the show starts to become cliché. Krillin and everyone else are useless. Vegeta is never stronger than Goku except for a few instances, but that balance is always overthrown quickly.

Piccolo has become the second fiddle.

Worst of all is Piccolo. Remember when he used to be a big deal? Now he occupies the same space as Krillin. They went so far as to make an excuse for Piccolo to become as powerful as a Super Saiyan during the Cell saga when he fused with Kami. That only lasted for a few episodes before that strength too was overshadowed. Power levels just move too fast in this show.

13 Bulma’s Secret

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

Neodusk on DeviantArt made this comic. Hair is kind of a weird indication of what level of Super Saiyan you are. If everyone in Dragon Ball had the same color of hair, like black, it would make sense. Having Goku emit blue colored hair when he reaches Super Saiyan God mode is problematic. Is Bulma a secret Super Saiyan God? She has blue hair too, or more like bluish green. She does get angry a lot and somehow always overpowers Vegeta when it comes to decisions like naming their kids. I wonder if this is going to be the secret end to Dragon Ball Super. Likely the case is no, but you never know. Stranger things have happened. Remember when Captain Ginyu possessed Bulma and then her real mind was trapped inside a frog?

12 Shrink Yo Self

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

Mayabriefs on DeviantArt made this comic. So I recently played the Shadow of the Colossus remake on PS4 and had a thought. If giant titans suddenly appeared on Earth there would still be a chance of defeating them. First of all, evasion would be easy. Well not super easy, but this comic brings up a good point.

The bigger they are, the easier it is to dodge.

Vegeta, I’m sure, would like nothing more than to blast that roach to dust, but he can’t be as direct since any big explosion would destroy his house making it easy for the bug to win. That could apply to us as well. Best not think too much about it though. I’m hoping we never having to worry about that situation.

11 The Strongest Saiyan

30 Hilarious Dragon Ball Comics That Will Leave You Laughing

Mayabriefs on DeviantArt made this comic. Here’s another great strip illustrating my point from earlier. Again, Bulma probably hasn’t reached Super Saiyan God mode. That said she could still overpower Vegeta with just two fingers and a quick grasp of his ear. We’re certainly in the palms of our wives hands. As Beyoncé once said, girls run the world. In more ways than one that’s true, which is astonishing to me why so many industries still turn their nose up to women. Hey stuffy executives. Just read this comic and you’ll see just how strong and talented they really are. Having them read a panel about an anime may not be the best way to persuade them actually. Ah, give it a try anyway.

Tristan Jurkovich began his career as a journalist in 2011. His childhood love of video games and writing fuel his passion for archiving this great medium’s annals. He dabbles in every genre, but he’s particularly fond of RPGs and portables. Secretly he enjoys the Just Dance series a little too much. Aside from writing, Tristan also hosts a plethora of shows on his YouTube Channel, ReActionExaminer.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/hilarious-dragon-ball-comics-that-will-leave-you-laughing/

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