Take Baby Yoda Everywhere With This Cute New Star Wars Keychain

Take Baby Yoda Everywhere With This Cute New Star Wars Keychain

Amazon is releasing a small trinket to commemorate all of the love felt for the smallest character in the galaxy.

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Take Baby Yoda Everywhere With This Cute New Star Wars Keychain

To hold fans over until the second season of The Mandalorian drops, Amazon is releasing a small trinket to commemorate all of the love felt for the smallest character in the galaxy.

It has been less than a year since Baby Yoda took the world by storm and made his own little home in the hearts of Star Wars fans everywhere. The Mandalorian takes place between the original trilogy and the latest trilogy (Episode VI: Return of the Jedi but before the events of Episode VII: The Force Awakens) and follows the lone wolf bounty hunter who goes only by Mando. After a huge bounty becomes his adorable new companion, Mando is on the run from what will soon become the First Order. The companion in question, an infant version of the beloved Master Yoda, who has lovingly been dubbed Baby Yoda by fans, gets Mando into all of the trouble you can expect from an intergalactic toddler. Only through his own ingenuity and the kindness a select few throughout his journeys can this Mandalorian keep his new child safe.

Baby Yoda and The Mandalorian swept the world up with its focus on the society of masked bounty hunters. But the Star Wars world fell in love with Baby Yoda instantly, and the little tyke really stole the show. It was love at first sight for the universe and this wrinkly green baby with giant ears. He sparked memes and handmade merchandise and even a semi-popular song. Now, Amazon is offering up an enamel keychain that features a precious little Baby Yoda. Wave hello to this cartoon version of Baby Yoda as he guards your keys with his teeny tiny force grip. It’s a great little bauble for fans of Star Wars or just really, really cute stuff.

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In a world that is divided on basically everything, one thing we can all get behind is Baby Yoda’s cultural importance. If worshipping at the altar of this mystery creature preorder for this keychain is now open on Amazon. It’s a simple $8 purchase that will later flood your Amazon suggestions section with even more Baby Yoda merchandise.

Source: Amazon

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/baby-yoda-cute-new-star-wars-keychain/

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