Ranked The 5 Best Tank Skins In Overwatch (& 5 worst)

Ranked: The 5 Best Tank Skins In Overwatch (& 5 worst)

Some Overwatch tanks get all the luck, and all the good skins. Here are the best and worst tank skins in the game.

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Ranked The 5 Best Tank Skins In Overwatch (& 5 worst)

When someone thinks great Overwatch skins, Tanks usually aren’t the first group that comes to mind. In Overwatch, tanks have some of the worst skins in the game, (sorry Zarya).

However, many classic and beloved characters of the game are in the tank class. It only makes sense that they would have some amazing skins as well. If you can’t think of any off the top of your head, don’t worry. Just keep reading to see the 5 best and worst Tank skins in Overwatch.

10 D.VA Junker (Worst)

Ranked The 5 Best Tank Skins In Overwatch (& 5 worst)

D.VA the champion gamer and beloved hero is known for her determination and cheerful nature. You might think that it would be hard to consistently design amazing skins for a girl and her mech, but D.VA consistently has interesting and fun new skins- with maybe one acceptation. Junker D.VA takes a spin on the gamer’s usual style turning her into a wasteland queen. This skin is controversial among the Overwatch community as people seem to either love or hate it. The reasons are easy to see. The Junker skin has a bland color scheme and an overall rough feel, which makes sense considering the wasteland theme. What fans found more upsetting though? D.VA’s roughly sheared hair.

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9 Winston Yeti (Best)

Ranked The 5 Best Tank Skins In Overwatch (& 5 worst)

If you were to ask an Overwatch fan what the best Winston skin was, they would most likely say his Yeti skin. The Yeti skin makes perfect use of Winston’s gorilla design, altering it in a fun and imaginative way. Aside from his resemblance to the snowy cryptid, he is also decked out with a combination of skulls and climbing gear- giving him the appearance of a true mountain master. To top it all off, gentlemen’s mustache, making sure we never forget Winston’s intellectual nature.

8 Bastion- Antique/Woodbot (Worst)

Ranked The 5 Best Tank Skins In Overwatch (& 5 worst)

For a character that has been present since the start of the game, Bastion’s skins all feel very mundane. Mostly, fans don’t have much to say about them, but his Antique/Woodbot skin seems to be an exception. In theory, the idea of giving Bastion a robotic face sounds cute, however in practice it just looks a little too much like a toy. Adding to the toy complaint? The coloring makes Bastion look cheap and plastic all over- not the look people want out of a strong tank.

7 Reinhardt Crusader (Best)

Ranked The 5 Best Tank Skins In Overwatch (& 5 worst)

Reinhardt is another character with great skins. But to some players, Crusader stands out among the rest. Sure, Crusader is a good-looking skin, but there’s more to it that makes it stand out as a favorite. Crusader was released along with Reinhardt’s backstory. This skin allows players to see a young Reinhardt for the first time. A young, proud, and determined young man eager to be in battle, but not aware of all the consequences. Reinhardt’s story hits hard, and Crusader represents this turning point in his life.

6 Winston Specimen 28 (Worst)

Ranked The 5 Best Tank Skins In Overwatch (& 5 worst)

Winston, as an ape scientist, is a colorful character in his own right, skins aside. It would seem like it would be easy to come up with new and exciting ideas for the scholarly gorilla, but Winston’s skins have been largely hit or miss. Quite frankly some of them just feel boring. This is best seen in Winston’s Specimen 28 skin. The skin doesn’t feel overly unique or different from some of his other skins. The skin also feels a bit cheap. It is more reminiscent of a kid’s science project than a piece of high-tech equipment.

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5 D.VA Cruiser (Best)

Ranked The 5 Best Tank Skins In Overwatch (& 5 worst)

D.VA rocks just about every outfit available to her, making it difficult to say which is her best. However, D.VA Cruiser is an obvious standout among the Overwatch community. D.VA Cruiser brings us back to the ’60s with this fun and colorful ensemble. The outfit is perfect, but it’s the paint job on her mech that really pulls the outfit together, truly bringing on the 60’s vibe.

4 Orisa Megasoma (Worst)

Ranked The 5 Best Tank Skins In Overwatch (& 5 worst)

Orisa, the guardian robot, is another character with very hit or miss skins. It’s easy to understand why designers might have a difficult time creating skins for Orisa. After all, designing a skin for a giant robot centaur can’t be easy. Orisa’s Megasoma skin is a letdown. The companion skin, Dynastinae, is colorful and interesting. It immediately gives players the idea of a strong beetle ready to fight. On the other hand, Megasoma is bland and blotchy. If Dynastinae were a hercules beetle, Megasoma would be the unfortunate dung beetle.

3 Reinhardt Gridironhardt (Best)

Ranked The 5 Best Tank Skins In Overwatch (& 5 worst)

Reinhardt has been and still is, one of the most beloved heroes in Overwatch. From his background story to his protective move set, Reinhardt feels like a true hero. He has struggled and overcome his difficulties, but never forgotten them, and always makes sure to protect those around him. Reinhardt’s Gridironhardt skin exemplifies him. Never afraid to charge forward to protect his team, the football uniform feels oddly appropriate. Not to mention the hammer solidifies Reinhardt as the champion he truly is.

2 Zarya Cybergoth/ Industrial (Worst)

Ranked The 5 Best Tank Skins In Overwatch (& 5 worst)

Zarya is a fan favorite. She impresses players with her strength, attitude, and Russian flair. Zarya may be strong, but unfortunately, she has the weakest skin in the game. There are several skins that Overwatch players find fault with, but none so much as Zarya’s Cybergoth/Industrial skin. It’s hard to pin down exactly what it is fans find so atrocious about this skin. Some people feel the gothic style is overdone, while others simply find the skin ruined by the bad haircut. The majority of players, however, feel that the skin simply is not an accurate representation of Zarya’s character. Regardless, it is widely viewed as the worst tank skin, if not the worst skin in the entire game.

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1 Roadhog Ice Fisherman (Best)

Roadhog has some of the most detailed and interesting skins in the game. The artists clearly had fun when designing Roadhog’s skins, and nowhere is this more evident than his Ice Fisherman Skin. Roadhog always has a mask on, which gives a lot of options for new skins. With Ice Fisherman it goes beyond just the mask, adding on full gloves to blend in with his new walrus persona. But, it’s not just the walrus that makes Ice Fisherman great, it’s the details. From the fish skeleton on his shoulder to the snowshoes, this outfit is fully immersive and as many would say, the best tank skin in the game.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/best-and-worst-overwatch-tank-skins/

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