Scream 2022 Every Death Hinted At In Trailer (& Which Are Likely Fakeouts)

Scream 2022: Every Death Hinted At In Trailer (& Which Are Likely Fakeouts)

Scream 2022’s trailer has already hinted at several deaths, but how many of them are likely to occur, and which are fakeouts to distract viewers?

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Scream 2022 Every Death Hinted At In Trailer (& Which Are Likely Fakeouts)

The Scream 2022 trailer has already teased several potential fatalities, leading to speculation on how many of the deaths hinted at will be real, and which could be fakeouts. Due to release on January 14, 2022, directors Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett’s film will relaunch the slasher series for a new generation whilst maintaining continuity with all previous installments. It is the first Scream film to not be directed by Wes Craven, who passed away in 2015, but original screenwriter Kevin Williamson is executive producing.

Legacy characters Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell), Dewey Riley (David Arquette), and Gale Weathers (Courteney Cox) reunite to solve the new wave of murders plaguing Woodsboro. Scream 2022 introduces a younger generation of potential teen victims, led by Sam Carpenter (Melissa Barrera). The trailer reveals that Ghostface is targeting relatives of the original killers, and teases Sidney’s return to Stu Macher’s (Matthew Lillard) house.

The Scream 2022 trailer effectively hypes the movie’s thrills without giving away much about the story, but it does tease a surprising number of attacks. However, the trailer could be deliberately misleading. Multiple scripts were written and alternate scenes were filmed to avoid plot leaks. This tactic dates back to Scream 2 when one of three dummy drafts was posted online. More recent blockbusters have also misled viewers with their trailers, sometimes featuring shots that don’t appear in the final cut. There’s a reasonable chance some of the deaths hinted at in the Scream 2022 trailer may not be genuine.

Tara Carpenter

Scream 2022 Every Death Hinted At In Trailer (& Which Are Likely Fakeouts)

The most prominent death supposedly depicted is that of Tara Carpenter (Jenna Ortega). The trailer begins with an ominous phone call in her kitchen and Tara is last seen being dragged away by Ghostface—the attack chillingly recalls Casey Becker’s (Drew Barrymore) classic opening scene death in the original. Considering Sam is Tara’s sister, it is highly likely that Tara will be the first victim, the tragedy serving to set the plot in motion. However, the trailer doesn’t explicitly show her death, meaning there’s always the possibility Scream 2022 will subvert expectations by keeping her around, at least past the film’s opener. The trailer contains several glimpses of a hospital sequence, with the flash of a character in a wheelchair being pursued, hinting at Ghostface returning for a victim he failed to kill. The person’s identity is hidden, but Tara surviving her initial attack would certainly be a surprise.

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Dewey Riley

Scream 2022 Every Death Hinted At In Trailer (& Which Are Likely Fakeouts)

It’s also this hospital sequence that teases the second and most shocking of the potential deaths. Dewey hunts Ghostface and is slammed against a wall whilst wrestling with the knife-wielding killer. A subsequent shot in the Scream 2022 trailer depicts Gale Weathers screaming as she is held back by a woman, possibly Sidney. This shot could be taken from the crime scene after Dewey’s body is discovered. It’s doubtful all legacy characters will survive the movie, and it’s heavily hinted that Dewey will die. It would certainly grab people’s attention and should have a huge impact on Sidney and Gale’s arcs. Dewey is no longer Woodsboro’s sheriff, meaning he lacks a compelling motive to return in future installments. However, Dewey has already escaped death several times, resulting in a beloved running gag. Therefore, his survival cannot be ruled out.


Scream 2022 Every Death Hinted At In Trailer (& Which Are Likely Fakeouts)

One of the most mysterious additions to Scream 2022 is Kyle Gallner’s Vince. Nothing is currently known about the character and, curiously, he is the only one whose surname is yet to be revealed. The trailer features him in an open-air car park at night, drawn to an empty vehicle. He leans through the window to turn off its engine, unaware Ghostface is creeping up behind him. Vince is seen again in a couple of shots depicting his attack, in which he falls to the ground. However, his death seems too obvious to be included in a trailer, and the secrecy surrounding his character prompts further speculation. He bears a striking resemblance to Billy Loomis (Skeet Ulrich). Scream 2022’s new Ghostface threatens to uncover a secret from Woodsboro’s past, therefore, the possible twist of Billy having a secret child or half-brother shouldn’t be ignored. Vince’s death could even be staged, just as Billy did to fool Sidney in the first film.

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Chad Meeks-Martin

Scream 2022 Every Death Hinted At In Trailer (& Which Are Likely Fakeouts)

Some of the new characters’ deaths are teased as a foregone conclusion, making them harder to believe. Boasting the surname Meeks-Martin, Chad (Mason Gooding) appears to be related to Randy Meeks (Jamie Kennedy) from the first two Scream films, potentially the son of Randy’s sister (Heather Matarazzo), who made a brief appearance in Scream 3. This means he could have a larger role in Scream 2022 than some of the other characters introduced. What’s more, his death appears far too explicit in the trailer to be genuine. He is seen limping away from Ghostface before being stabbed in the back—a wound that David Arquette’s Dewey has survived twice before.

Mindy Meeks-Martin

Scream 2022 Every Death Hinted At In Trailer (& Which Are Likely Fakeouts)

Jasmin Savoy Brown’s Mindy is presumably Chad’s sister. Her death is hinted at during a shot in which she struggles to prevent Ghostface’s knife from slashing her. Her clothes are bloodied, implying she has already been injured, but she may yet survive this attack and die later in Scream 2022. Her demise isn’t teased as prominently as Chad’s, suggesting it could ironically be the other way around and Mindy is the sibling who will be killed.

Richie Kirsch

Scream 2022 Every Death Hinted At In Trailer (& Which Are Likely Fakeouts)

Richie’s (Jack Quaid) supposed murder seems an obvious fakeout. He raises his arms to shield himself from Ghostface’s assault before the trailer cuts away, but it would be too easy to kill him here. It’s more likely he will receive a flesh wound in this scene, however, he could still die before the confusingly titled Scream 2022’s credits roll. Richie reportedly shares many scenes with Sam. If there is a strong connection between the pair, then Ghostface might exploit this to plant seeds of doubt. After all, Billy did this to Sidney, and Scream 2 saw Mickey (Timothy Olyphant) attempt to isolate Sidney by manipulating her into suspecting her boyfriend, Derek (Jerry O’Connell), despite him having previously been slashed by Ghostface. Quaid is also one of the more recognizable young stars. Therefore, the film could decide to keep him alive to capitalize on this, or kill him off to shockingly subvert expectations and leave room for the lesser-known actors to shine in a potential sequel.

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Amber Freeman

Amber (Mikey Madison) barely receives any attention in Scream 2022’s trailer, but there is a fleeting shot of the character covering her torso as she cries out in pain. She is seen running out of Stu Macher’s house, clearly attempting to escape Ghostface’s slaughter. The brevity of the shot means the film could be trying to conceal one of its true deaths, with Amber potentially dying before Sidney reaches the house for a climactic showdown.

It’s also worth noting the absence of any hints regarding the fates of Wes Hicks (Dylan Minette) and Liv McKenzie (Sonia Ammar). Their mere cameos in the trailer give the impression their deaths might also be kept secret, with the others shown to misdirect viewers. Wes is the son of Sheriff Judy Hicks (Marley Shelton), meaning his murder would carry significant emotional weight. If Scream 2022 wants to move away from Sidney and her legacy, killing characters like Dewey Riley would help achieve this aim. Meanwhile, showing so many attacks on the new group suggests many of them could be fakeouts. The secrecy surrounding the plot and the fact that alternate scenes were filmed ensure there are plenty of twists to be revealed.

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