25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

These funny comics about The Sims make us want to play the game. All fans of the series will love these.

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25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

The Sims is one of those things that can’t really be explained. On one hand, it seems pretty obvious why so many people love it. It’s a game about creating your own world and controlling the people who live in it. You get to decide who lives in your world. You design their houses and plan their stories.

But on the other hand… it’s just this! Sure, there are plenty of different paths to go down and plenty of different things to explore. But there is no end to The Sims. You just stop playing it when you get bored, or busy or if you move onto a new game. Not to worry though; your Sims will wait patiently, frozen in time until you come to your senses and load the game back up.

There are little quirks to The Sims. Small moments that you’ll only understand if you are a true and devoted fan of the game. On reflection, even the most irritating moment with your Sim will become hilarious and you’ll wonder why you left in the first place. Maybe EA knows this and does it deliberately, to keep you coming back and buying more expansion packs or sequel games. Maybe The Sims turned out to be more powerful and addictive that even they could realize.

We all have our favorite version of the game, but be it 2, 3, 4 or any of the spin-offs, these comics will suck you right back to it!

25 Keep Going Back

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

I’ve felt for a long time that The Sims should have some kind of warning on it. You can’t just play it for a few hours then get on with your day. There is no such thing as a speed run of The Sims.

You’ll load it up with the intentions of playing it for a few hours, then come out of your house later to find yourself declared legally gone.

So as much as we love the game, it’s not always easy to recommend it to some friends. It feels a little too much like pushy something dodgy. Of course, we’ll recommend it anyway! The power of The Sims commands us, and who hasn’t even heard of The Sims these days anyway? Just don’t be surprised if you don’t see your friends for a few weeks afterward. Never feel bad for passing on the addiction; if it wasn’t you, it would have been somebody else. Besides, the glory and fun nature of The Sims well exceeds the addictive elements. Sure, that’s five days you’ll never get back, but look how much your Sims managed to achieve in that time! That’s something to be proud of.

Comic by Karma9999.

24 Creating With Friends

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

You may notice after a heated debate with a Simmer, they have a surprisingly calm demeanor and a playful glint in their eye. Perhaps you think that person is more mature and knows when to walk away from a fight. But, no, they’re probably just planning to create you on The Sims later, destroy your entire life, then end it multiple times.

Creating your friends in the game can be incredibly fun. You can lead them down their chosen paths but alter anything you like just for the sake of it. You can be as generous as you choose or as cruel as you choose! While incredibly fun for the Simmer, it’s not always as fun when the real person gets a look at their Simsperation. Perhaps you don’t look like that in the real world, and they’re just trying to get a rise out of you. Maybe they’re dropping helpful hints about what you should be doing with your hair; maybe if you tried those pigtails you’d look super cute!

Sometimes though, they’re not trying to be mean, they’re just having fun, so take every Simsperation with a pinch of salt. But admit that after seeing this, you’re already trying to decide which friend you should create first!

Comic by Katinca.

23 Creator Or Babysitter

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

As great of a game The Sims is to reply, nothing is like the first playthrough. When you’re still discovering all the basics, feeling no shame in using the cheats and laughing wickedly as you repeatedly lock your Sims in rooms with fire or make them do fun stuff. Controlling these little people will never really get old, but there will be a point when you move on from the initial excitement and consider what you’re really doing. Are you really the one in charge here?

Sure, your Sims do whatever you tell them to do, but here you are sitting at your desk or on your bed, pandering to their every need!

Particularly when they get a baby. I’m sorry, but the babies in the first game were so super annoying! They just screamed all the time and were never satisfied for long enough. This was improved in later games thankfully, with kids becoming a little less needy and being able to move from room to room. But there is nothing that breaks that god-like feeling than pandering to an annoying baby over and over again. Sometimes it was a relief when the social worker showed up, especially if that baby was unplanned!

Comic by Le Rage Comics.

22 No Rest For The Sims

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

Okay, so the feeling of having to babysit these needy, whiny little computer people is ever present, but that’s when you’ve got to look at their lives like this. Whenever a Sim goes off to play on the computer for a while or read a book, with full fun and comfort, I immediately click off the action and make the clean, or study or try and fix something around the house. Life might be pretty sweet for the baby Sims, but those grown-ups have it hard.

We rarely give our Sims a chance to relax. What if they’ve been waiting a long time to read this book or to have some downtime on the computer? We just assume that they are looking for something to do and need our direction. Idleness isn’t acceptable in the Sims world and we don’t really cut them any slack. But that’s okay because they are our creations and they have to do what we say! You might not have much downtime yourself; this hour you’ve decided to devote to The Sims might be your last one for the entire week. So, you’re sure as heck not going to let them have more free time than you do!

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Comic by Mattwilson83.

21 Life Of The Vampires

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

Vampires were introduced to the game in The Sims 2: Nightlife, the second expansion pack for The Sims 2. In the original game expansion pack Makin’ Magic you could dress your Sims up like vampires using the “Beauty or Beast” spell, but this merely changed your Sim’s appearance and didn’t give them any special vampire powers. In Nightlife, however, vampires had to avoid the sun and could turn into bats to fly around. They didn’t drink blood, though!

When the vampires turn up on a community lot, they look pretty awesome, dressed in grand Victorian-style outfits, covering their faces with their arms in a wicked pose. But get to know them well enough to influence a bite, and you’ll realize how tame these vampires are!

It’s pretty cute and funny of The Sims to give us vampires that are more interested in dancing in nightclubs or dining out than sucking the blood of humans or dominating the world. When it comes down to it, they’re just like any other Sim. They order pizzas, get stopped by toys in their path and like to randomly start trimming the hedges with the sheers they keep in their pockets at all times.

Comic by Lilliful.

20 Uncontrollable Desire

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

Something non-Simmers will never understand is how sudden and compelling the desire to play The Sims is. It’s not a want… it’s a need. How it comes across can vary. Maybe you discovered something you can do in the game that you’ve never tried before. Maybe you had an image of your favorite pairing in your head and just want to see it before your eyes. Whatever the reason, the idea is now in your head and no matter what time it is, you need to satisfy that need. With The Sims!

The weirder thing is, despite the desperate pull to play the game, it goes away almost as instantly. Okay, I say instantly, I mean after hours or potentially days of playing the game. But when you’ve fulfilled the need, it stops. Immediately.

The only thing I’ll say is that you shouldn’t uninstall The Sims. The Sims is a big game and can take a while to reinstall, no matter how good your computer is. And the need will come back. It could take weeks or even months, but eventually, you’ll be right back to where you were at the beginning of this comic. Then you’ll be glad you kept the game around.

19 Simulated Chores

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

This is probably the thing that makes non-Simmers roles their eyes back into their heads. Even devoted fans of the game can laugh hard at this idea. When you play The Sims, you have to make your Sims do chores around the house, particularly if your Sims are “neat” or “tidy.” It’s silly, really; why command a virtual person to do chores when you could be using that time to clean your own house?

If we were in the middle of a zombie apocalypse you wouldn’t shame someone for blowing off some steam playing Left 4 Dead, would you?

True, doing chores is a lot less stressful than going out to destroy the zombie masses, but it’s still nice to escape to a world where doing chores becomes much easier. In real life, you have to get to all the nooks and crannies, plus there is always a spot of dog hair on the rug you miss! Sims don’t have that problem; when they clean the windows, the windows are clean. The most annoying thing is how much more expensive maids are in the real world! Level one career Sims can afford a blasted cleaner! They never need to do chores!

Comic by Brentalfloss Comics.

18 No Winning No End

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

Probably the most important addition to The Sims franchise came in The Sims 2, when Sims were given “Wants and Fears.” If you achieved wants like, “eat toaster pastry,” “get a promotion,” or “have a baby,” then your Sims would earn aspiration points, have longer lives and be happier. If you achieved fears like “use a public toilet,” “get fired,” or “have a baby,” your Sims lose aspiration points, their lives get shorter and they become miserable. The idea evolved in The Sims 3 & 4, becoming more flexible and more selective. This gave The Sims something it had been needed for a long time: a point!

There is no winning or losing in The Sims; you just carry on and abandon the game when you’re good and ready. But that’s part of the glory of the game. No, you don’t get any achievements or points for controlling your Sims’ lives, but everything in the game is completely up to you. With no way to win the game there no way for the game to be completed. The Sims will never leave you, it’ll always be there for you. Also, telling your Sim to go to the toilet is a lot less gross than changing bedpans.

Comic by Woohooligan.

17 Different Ways To Play

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

One of the reasons why The Sims is so great is because there are so many different ways to play. Some people spend ages building and designing the perfect house, experimenting with wallpapers, and creating new buildings that they can share pictures of. Others like to play the game the way it was intended, creating Sims, living their lives, building up their families, and their careers. Others… others like to create Sims, invite Sims over, or just pick Sims at random, to stick in a room before deleting the door… These ways of playing aren’t mutually exclusive. Some people like to do all of these, some more than one.

But you can’t deny, as a Simmer, that you’ve done the door thing at least once.

It’s a very iconic move within the game. The game even comes with jail fences and doors, so you can create the prison theme for your trapped Sim. It does give the game a very dark spin, especially for a game that thought to be all happy, about building families and achieving dreams. Next time I trap a Sim, I’m sure I won’t be able to get this poor comic Sim out of my mind!

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Comic by Ierdna.

16 Leave The Fire And Get The Door

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

Sims has a very interesting relationship with fire. It wasn’t until The Sims 2: Free Time that Sims could learn fire safety. Before then, even the smallest kitchen fire would result in the destruction of your home and your Sims. If you forgot to buy a fire alarm when you entered the house, your Sims were screwed. This was particularly a problem in the first game when the firefighter couldn’t come in if someone was blocking the door, and Sims would stand as close as they possibly could to the fire.

But there was also a feature in the game where, if the doorbell rang, your Sim would automatically answer it. Sims would wake up if they were sleeping because the doorbell rang. I don’t know whether this was a glitch or just the nature of Sims themselves, but the only thing that seemed to distract Sims from a fire was greeting a new friend They might even end up having a brief chat with their visiting buddy! Until, of course, the new Sim notices the fire, then your Sim will remember that they were in the middle of something! Don’t believe me? Replay and test it!

Comic by Quakmastr.

15 Real Career Time

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

I’d never considered being a Company Director. If it’s anything like playing The Sims for a living, I think I’d be ridiculously good at it! But I have to be real with you all for a second. There is a lot to learn from The Sims. We learn the importance of having functioning smoke alarms and burglar alarms. You learn to always dance like no-one’s watching and to dance as hard as you like, regardless of the music.

We learn that nobody has the same idea of fun, but most importantly we learn that llamas are awesome!

But there are also a lot of poor life lessons in The Sims. That the government will give you a bunch of money just for moving out of your parents’ house. That if you pester someone enough, they’ll give in and fall in love with you. But the worst lesson it that you’ll have a successful career. Careers aren’t as simple as The Sims. You don’t just look at the newspaper or go into the building and ask for a job. That and there are few career skills the game can teach you. But maybe if you’re a Company Director, your skills of controlling the lives of others come into play.

Comic by Le Rage Comics.

14 Their Greatest Fear

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

I’ve wondered for a while what exactly the plumbob does for Sims? It’s always above them, yet Sims rarely pay attention to it or look at it. Do they know they have them? You never see plumbobs in premade pictures. The plumbob seems to be the very essence of Sim life. Without it, they cease to exist!

But this is one of the comics that reminds you how deep The Sims can really get. If you were in the world of The Sims, there are moments that you know would be completely terrifying. If you turn off free will for your Sims, it means they won’t do anything unless you tell them to first. This is a useful feature, as it stops your Sims from getting distracted from the tasks you want them to complete. But if you just sit there, not commanding them to do anything, they’ll just stand there. Crying and wondering what has happened to them.

Can you imagine how terrifying that would be? Not even being able to move to go to the toilet and not even being sure why. Perhaps you’ll see other people moving around the house still being commanded. But you can do nothing than watch them.

Art by Lunattg.

13 What’s In Your Pockets?

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

There are plenty of things that would suck about being a Sim, as discussed above. But while there would be terrifying moments, there would also be incredibly useful moments.

Have you ever been in that situation when you’re trying to leave the house, but you can’t quite fit your phone and your keys in your pocket? Well, what if you could fit every item in your house in your pocket? If you buy someone a car for their birthday, you can just keep it in your pocket then take it out to hand it to them when you’re ready, in a beautifully gift-wrapped box! Do you want to move to a new house but can’t be bothered with the moving truck? Just stick every single thing you own into your inventory and carry it to the new house!

It’s not even just the things you see in the inventory. Your Sim produces things a random which they carry around just in case you need them. Every Sim has in their pockets a sponge, a hammer, a book and, in some games, a hand puppet. Like juggling? No problem, I’m sure I have some balls somewhere. Where are they keeping those things?

Comic by D3N1ZFTW.

12 Don’t Let Them Eat Cake

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

The cake in Portal may have been a lie, but at least it didn’t eat you. Sims have a lot of things that we’d all really like. A money tree, a robot butler, alien neighbors, and affordable real estate. But that doesn’t mean that everything in the game enters our fantasies.

The cow plant was perhaps the most sinister object the game ever introduced. The cow plant (or to give it its full name, “Laganaphyllis Simnovorii”) was first introduced in The Sims 2: University, as a reward for the natural science career. If your Sim placed the cow plant on their lot and failed to feed it regularly, it would open its mouth, displaying a tasty cake to entice passing Sims.

If a Sim reached for the cake the evil plant would then eat them, which then allowed Sims to milk the plant.

Drinking Sims would have the same effect as drinking the elixir of life, extending the Sim’s life. The amount of Sims I liked who were eaten by that evil plant is unbelievable. If there is someone your Sim dislikes, they may have a want to drink them… The worst part about it all is that the poor Sim that the plant captures probably didn’t get any cake!

Comic by Darkmya19.

11 Anyone’s A Parent

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

Becoming a parent in our world can be incredibly unfair. Adopting a child is an expensive and even an ideal couple can be turned away. There are couples who are desperately trying to have a child naturally but can’t no matter how hard they try or how much money they spend. Perhaps you don’t want to have a baby but get pregnant anyway no matter how hard you try to prevent it.

Luckily, when we enter the world of The Sims, parenting becomes a lot easier. If you want a baby, try for a baby a couple times. If you don’t want a baby, then don’t try for a baby. If you want to adopt a baby, pick up the phone and order that baby. You can even pick the age you want the kid to be!

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Hilariously, since these kids aren’t real, this leads to some messed up parents. From The Sims 2 onwards you can just lay out pet beds and food for toddlers and they’ll basically take care of themselves. Plus, we’ve all seen glitches leaving the baby in questionable places, fridges, fish tanks etc. Even the nannies are pretty useless, often more distracted by other things to take care of the kids.

Comic by MetalWolfGemstone.

10 Sims Guides To Promotions

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

Don’t deny that you didn’t love this aspect of The Sims!

In order to progress in your chosen career, you should first get your desired skill points. It’s true that playing a bunch of chess won’t help you get through medical school, but it has a little more logic in it than the friends system. Firstly, if you just pester someone enough, they’ll be your friend. Just talk to them over and over again. Give them a compliment, then tell a joke. Then compliment, then joke, then compliment, then joke. Maybe ask them to dance over and over again on their lawn. It doesn’t matter how you get there, just so long as you can that friend and let your boss know so you can get that promotion.

The whole system just brings back fond memories of playing The Sims. I love that it didn’t matter whether or not you were friends with a rich person of influence like Mortimer Goth or if you became friends with the pizza delivery person or the teenage paper delivery kid. I created this world of non-discriminatory bosses that we’d all like! Sure, it’s not very realistic, but it creates a much nicer world. Even if you can’t step over plates.

Comic by Dorkly.

9 Those Questionable Moments

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

Sometimes when you make a new family, things don’t turn out the way you plan. That makes things a little awkward! Sometimes they don’t enjoy something you wanted them to enjoy, other times they start making out with someone they’re supposed to hate. I think we’re all guilty of injecting our favorite fandoms into the game every now and then. I remember my sister making her favorite band on The Sims 2 (and forcing me to promise not to tell our mother). I’ve certainly made families of my favorite book characters, film characters, and even celebrities I just wanted to mess around with.

It’s both annoying and disturbing when things don’t go to plan. Especially when two characters, who hate each other in canon, start kissing without any prompting! Sometimes it can lead to a whole new ship, but most of the time it’s just annoying.

Then you have to live with the knowledge that you’re responsible.

But most of the time when you play, things do go to plan. Sims do silly things every now and then. Besides, if someone starts kissing someone they weren’t supposed to, you can just turn that around into more drama!

Comic by Valen-san.

8 Love And Sims

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

The relationship system in the games is something that the creators have never managed to get right. In the first game, it was nearly impossible. If someone was hungry, tired or needed the bathroom, which in the original Sims was always, then the other Sim wouldn’t interact with you socially no matter what you did. Even if two Sims were married, if one was in a bad mood, just attempting a hug or a kiss would ruin the relationship beyond repair. Sure, sometimes in the real world we’re not in the mood to be touched, but no one is as touchy as a hungry Sims Sim!

But things didn’t improve with time. Relationships in The Sims 2 were far too easy. You could become friends with anyone in a few minutes and maintain them if you spoke once a year. Even so, in The Sims 3, they became overly fickle. This comic is really accurate to how even the closest two Sims in the game would interact with one another. There was no real reason for this, it just seemed to be to confuse the players! I wouldn’t really change it though. It was always pretty entertaining!

Comic by TikiTiel.

7 Where’s The Ladder?

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

Is there a Sim family who you just can’t stand? Have things messed up beyond repair? Well, why not just get your family a pool and fail to buy them a ladder? If you can’t afford it don’t worry, just sell a few windows.

I was honestly crushed when I first started playing The Sims 4 and realized that you could no longer lure them into the pool and delete the ladder.

Sims can’t function without this; it just doesn’t feel like The Sims anymore! There are few things that really bring out the nostalgia of the game then remembering deleting the pool ladder. This method of disposing of a Sim was even using in The Sim Turns, a comic series in the official The Sims Strategy Guide. Although this does make it seem a lot darker, it wasn’t an error, it was always the creators’ intentions! In The Sims 2, one of the premade Sims Skip Broke apparently passed due to a “pool ladder accident.”

It really makes the game look twisted, but we’ll always be grateful for deleting the pool ladder. It’s either that or just stopping playing with all those annoying Sims. This way is a lot more fun!

Comic by Snackrat.

6 What If…?

25 Hilarious The Sims Comics That Make Us Obsessed With The Game All Over Again

Do you ever wonder if your Sims are cottoning on to what’s really happening here? After all, Sims play The Sims, don’t they? What if really, they’re wondering what is controlling them, making them forget what they were doing and to complete random tasks. But what if it doesn’t just stop there?

Have you ever walking into a room and forgotten what you’re doing? Did you ever put something down then come back to and find it had been moved to a completely different place, almost as if it did it by itself? Do you ever feel the sudden urge to complete completely different tasks? Like getting off the computer to complete your homework, or to make the beds before going outside to stargaze or to jump into the pool with the diving board even though the pool doesn’t have a ladder?

You can call me crazy, but we can’t fully understand our Sims. Some fans claim to know some Simlish phrases, but no one speaks it fluently. Besides, maybe we’ve just been fooled into thinking the phrases we know mean what we think they mean? Maybe they’re plotting their revolution. Or maybe they think we’re the aliens?

Comic by Catmaniac8x.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/funny-sims-comics-obsessed-game/

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