New Street Fighter V Characters Have Been Leaked

New Street Fighter V Characters Have Been Leaked

Steam accidentally released a video showing off three new DLC characters for Street Fighter V, a reveal probably meant for EVO.

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New Street Fighter V Characters Have Been Leaked

New characters released as DLC are often highly-secretive until their reveal, but a recent gaffe over at Steam has let the cat out of the bag early by accidentally by showing that E. Honda, Lucia, and Poison will be joining the Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition on August 4.

The leak came in the form of a video that was accidentally posted a few days too early, seen below, giving players a glimpse into the two returning characters and one new one. All three characters were likely meant to be revealed this Sunday, August 4, at the conclusion of Evo 2019. Now that the news is confirmed, we also know that a Summer 2019 character bundle will be available for purchase on Monday, August 5.

E. Honda is not much of a surprise to anyone, as he was the only original fighter from the game not yet added. Players have wondered why E. Honda took so long to come to the game, but most are simply happy to see him finally make it into the roster. Both of his V-Trigger moves, named Tajikarao and Onigawara, appear to add a buff to his grapple attacks.

New Street Fighter V Characters Have Been Leaked

Poison is a returning character to the game from the Final Fight series of games. There she took on the role of an enemy and was a playable character in both Street Fighter X Tekken and Ultra Street Fighter 4. From the brief gameplay, it was difficult to distinguish much difference from her playstyle in the last game in the Street Fighter series, but given how long the team at Capcom have had to work on the character, there must be some development in how Poison will play.

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New Street Fighter V Characters Have Been Leaked

Lucia is the final addition of the three and also originates from Final Fight, making this her first appearance in the Street Fighter series. Little is known about what kind of a fighter she will be outside of the gameplay footage, but hopefully the conclusion of Evo on Sunday will also bring about some additional information when the characters were first supposed to be revealed.

The announcement comes at a good time, as Capcom has been eerily silent to its community for quite some time. Since the game launched, Capcom had accustomed its player base to expect new DLC characters at specific intervals, however they had been quiet for over eight months now since the release of Kage, a single DLC character.

Although the inclusion of new DLC characters is always appreciated, players are sure to be wondering if there will be any additional game modes presented or plans to fix a number of bugs present in the game.

These three fighters are sure to spice things up in Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition, but as to the question about their impact on the game, time will tell how effective each is in a competitive setting.

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