Mega Man X Is Back As A Mobile Game

Mega Man X Is Back… As A Mobile Game

Capcom is bringing back Mega Man X as a mobile action RPG with collection elements that will let you play different characters.

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Capcom is set to bring Mega Man X back soon. The devs were never thought to be through with the concept as they dip into its richness ever so often, and this latest revival will see a mobile game released.

While the series shut down with Mega Man X8 in 2004, Zero and X have made comebacks in RPG’s, fighting games, and even card games. These characters won’t be going away anytime soon and they’re now poised to make yet another appearance in a new mobile game named Dive.

The announcement, made by Capcom Taiwan, refers to Mega Man X Dive as an action RPG for iOS and Android devices. The game is still in development but what’s known so far – thanks to the English YouTube trailer – is that Mega Man, Zero, X, and Axl will be playable characters, while a “Deep Log” will be involved.

Said Log is the computer world where the Mega Man X storage is kept and the story will be based on such a world where game data gets corrupted. Players will be called upon to repair the world, meaning that Mega Man won’t be the only character in use.

Basically, the new game won’t be presenting a brand-new adventure but will most likely be an “all-stars” type project bearing past Robot bosses. A meta-story on the game being focused on fan nostalgia could possibly lead to a negative reception as purists could oppose a mobile release for such a game.

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As things stand, one could simply head to the store to find a selection of classic Mega Man titles but Capcom has decided to bring the game to mobile along with many of the gameplay elements from prior titles.

Dive will feature many classic mechanics such as jumping, climbing, dashing, and shooting in high-quality graphics. The 3D developed style will also bring the “Depth of field” element to the fore.

There is no official announcement regarding a release date for this title just yet but it’s expected to drop for the aforementioned devices before the end of the year and will be based on a free-to-play model.

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