Breaking Bad What Walter Whites Heisenberg Name Really Means

Breaking Bad: What Walter White’s Heisenberg Name Really Means

“Heisenberg” was Walter White’s alter ego when he doubled as a drug lord in Breaking Bad. Here’s the deeper significance behind the pseudonym.

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Breaking Bad What Walter Whites Heisenberg Name Really Means

Walter White memorably used the pseudonym “Heisenberg” throughout Breaking Bad and the name had a deep significance. Bryan Cranston portrayed the character for five seasons of the AMC series created by Vince Gilligan. One of the most compelling arcs of the award-winning show focused on Walt’s transformation into the ruthless drug kingpin named after the historical figure, Werner Heisenberg. Here’s why Walter White picked “Heisenberg” for his alias.

Before Walt entered the meth-cooking business, he was a high school chemistry teacher down on his luck, which helps to explain Heisenberg’s meaning in Breaking Bad. The family man turned to cooking meth after being diagnosed with cancer. Walt wanted a way to make quick money in order to provide for his family if he succumbed to the illness. When he partnered with former student Jesse Pinkman, played by Aaron Paul, and the duo managed to get their operation off of the ground, Walt had to hide his identity.

Walter White’s Heisenberg pseudonym first appeared in season 1 when he encountered Tuco Salamanca, but he used the name several times. Heisenberg allows Walt to gain notoriety as a source of pure meth while keeping his true identity hidden However, the name carries hidden meeting that relates to Walt’s personality and concerns

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Why Walter White Called Himself Heisenberg

Breaking Bad What Walter Whites Heisenberg Name Really Means

The name of Walt’s alter ego came from Werner Heisenberg, a German physicist known as a pioneer of quantum mechanics. As a chemist, Walt would be familiar with famous scientists; likely, he took the German man as an inspiration. However, the name Heisenberg and the altered look also allowed him to separate himself from his actions and suppress guilt. Some fans have proposed a theory that Walt was the embodiment of Heisenberg’s famous uncertainty principle, and that this is the true reason for Breaking Bad’s Heisenberg reference.

How Walt Connected To Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

Breaking Bad What Walter Whites Heisenberg Name Really Means

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle states in its most simple form that the position and momentum of an object cannot be measured simultaneously. In other words, if one property is known, other important properties will remain uncertain. A similar type of uncertainty surrounded Walt throughout Breaking Bad. When Walt found momentum as a drug lord, his role as a husband and father was left uncertain or vice versa. Without being able to measure his mindset, it became more difficult to predict his actions. Heisenberg’s principle also claims that observation could influence the subject, preventing a full analysis. This would connect to those who learned of Walt’s secret and altered the outcome of his crimes.

How Walter White and Heisenberg Are Different

Despite Walt’s choice of the Heisenberg nickname, there are a lot of differences between him and the famous scientist. A large part of Walter White’s frustration with his life was due to his relatively lowly status as a high-school teacher. While his friend and former business partner Elliott became a tech billionaire, Walt found himself constrained by his decision to choose a safe job and family. On the other hand, Heisenberg was recognized as a genius scientist at an early age, winning the Nobel Prize in Physics at 31 and only marrying later. Walter White’s Heisenberg persona may reflect his feelings that Heisenberg lived the life of a successful scientist that Walt missed out on.

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Vince Gilligan’s Albequerque, including Breaking Bad spin-off Better Call Saul, is full of characters who succumb to their immoral desires. Heisenberg’s morals are frequently in question considering his work for Germans and his link to Nazi research. Though the Nobel Prize-winning physicist achieved an insurmountable level of success in his career, a dark cloud hangs over his legacy. The same could be said for Walt’s legacy as Heisenberg represents his dark side. Any time he put on that porkpie hat and dark sunglasses, he became an entirely different person with no morals. By the end of Breaking Bad, he lost sight of his old self and realized that being Heisenberg was more fulfilling. Despite the scientific aspirations represented by Walter White’s Heisenberg identity, in the end, he was just a criminal.

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