Impressive HalfLife 2 Mod Jurassic Life Becomes Standalone Game Will Be Free Later This Year

Impressive Half-Life 2 Mod Jurassic Life Becomes Standalone Game, Will Be Free Later This Year

An impressive Half-Life 2 mod called Jurassic Life will be released as a standalone game for free later this year.

You Are Reading :Impressive HalfLife 2 Mod Jurassic Life Becomes Standalone Game Will Be Free Later This Year

Those looking forward to the Half-Life 2 mod Jurassic Life have reason to be excited today. Over the weekend, the developer behind it (BUTANe) has announced that the scope of the project has expanded beyond simply being a mod. The game is now scheduled for a standalone release later this year on Steam. In addition to that, it will be free to play when it does release.

To play the mod, one simply needs to install the Source SDK 2013 from Steam. This is an application that includes all of the necessary files to run Source modifications. With that, you’ll then be able to grab Jurassic Life and get to dinosaur hunting. Specific system requirements haven’t yet been announced, but it shouldn’t top what the recently released Black Mesa demands.

A new video fashioned after an InGen training reel has also been released. In it, we get to see some early glimpses of gameplay from the mod. It looks surprisingly similar to Jurassic Park Trespasser, though obviously with actual polish.

If you’d like to become a part of Jurassic Life, an open casting call is being held to fill some extra roles in the game. Most of the major cast has been filled, but you can still apply for things like “Park Narrator” and “JP Employees” if you’d like. You can find all of that info on this website.

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For a free mod, this project looks exceptionally well done. It could pass for a legitimate Jurassic Park title with all of the attention to detail here. Jurassic Life seems very reminiscent of recent games like Sonic Mania and Streets of Rage 4: this is made by a team that has a clear passion for the source material.

Whether or not that translates into a good game, we won’t have too long to find out. With an expected release of 2020, we should be able to boot the game up by the end of the year and take a stroll with the dinos. That could be a cathartic way to end 2020, which could possibly see dinosaurs return in real-life. I wouldn’t put anything past this hellscape of a year.

Source: ModDB

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