22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

22 Jaw-Dropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

There are those out there that wish to pair video game characters together that have no business being together. Here are some of the weirdest ones.

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22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

Ah, love is in the air, whether you want it to be or not. Like most entertainment mediums, video games create quite the wide variety of characters. From heroes to villains to helpers to hindrances, there are plenty of interesting characters to love. And many fans also like to make these characters love each other. Yes, I’m talking about shipping.

Shipping is the act of imagining two (or more) characters in a romantic relationship. Many fans will take their favorite characters and talk about what they would be like as a couple. Regardless of whether or not the couple is canon, many fans will support this ship, often through writing their own fanfiction, and/or drawing their own fanart. Some of these ships are sweet, some are funny, some are creepy, and some are just plain weird.

Now we know that love is weird, and sometimes love just happens, but in some cases, I think the fans have gone a little crazy. I’m talking fans shipping siblings, different species, mortal enemies, inanimate objects, and so on. You name it, and it’s likely been shipped with something.

So now we’re going to talk about some rather… interesting fan pairings in console video games. Get ready for some odd couples and don’t say I didn’t warn you. Also, note that if you support any of these ships, that’s fine; you do you. I’m just going off of my personal reactions to these ships, so I will have my own bias.

Think I missed some couples? Have any particularly weird fan pairings in video game consoles that should be mentioned? Be sure to comment below!

22 This Brotherly Love Is Ridiculous

22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

Alright, we’re starting out weird. I really don’t understand this ship. I mean, Mario and Luigi are brothers for crying out loud! I’m pretty sure they do not have the hots for each other, nor are they interested in each other romantically. But there are fans that like to ship these two brothers.

I supposed I could see their line of reasoning. These two have been through a lot together and they rely on each other during their adventures. There’s also that time where Luigi saves Mario’s butt from a bunch of ghosts. They make a great pair, fighting to save the Mushroom kingdom from various threats. But I still find this ship to be incredibly creepy. I know fans often like to ship siblings, but seriously that’s kind of messed up.

21 Talk About Loving Your Enemy

22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

A common theme among shippers is to ship the protagonist with the antagonist. I guess they really love the whole love/hate element that would come with this type of relationship. This is no different with Cloud and Sephiroth from Final Fantasy. I can see why people might like these two as a couple. They’re very different, but they’re similar in that they’re dedicated to stopping each other. They’re also both very powerful warriors.

Plus, you have to admit that the two look really good together as a couple. You can’t deny that Sephiroth is a striking man with some beautiful features, and Cloud is pretty darn attractive. Put the two together and you’ve got a very aesthetically pleasing couple. Maybe that’s why people ship them…

20 This Attraction May Be Deadly

22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

Likely the freakiest thing about Silent Hill 2 is the Pyramid Head, one of the enemies you encounter. It’s basically a person with a big pyramid for a head. Normally, that wouldn’t be that frightening, except it also has a huge sword and is often trying to kill the main protagonist, James. Not to mention that it has quite a few suspicious bloodstains on its clothes. It’s just plain creepy.

But apparently, people ship James with Pyramid Head. I’m really not sure why, and this is one relationship I don’t see going anywhere. Plus, doesn’t James already have a wife? I mean she’s kind of dead at this point, but still. This ship makes absolutely no sense except to people who have a serious thing for triangle heads.

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19 Two Beautiful Opposites

22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

Overwatch exploded into popularity, and for a good reason. Along with great visuals, it has a ton of fun characters to play. As a result, there are also a ton of characters for fans to ship. Since there aren’t many canon couples, most of the ships are now fan pairings. Some make more sense than others. One that stood out to me in its strangeness but poetic appeal is Mercy and Reaper.

These two characters are very different, almost opposites actually. Mercy is a healer and Reaper is a type of ghost assassin thing. I think people like this couple for some poetic reasons. This couple is often portrayed as two opposites, Mercy being a type of angel surrounded by light, and Reaper being a fallen demon surrounded by darkness. I like the idea, but realistically the relationship likely wouldn’t work. The two have nothing in common, and well, Reaper’s technically a ghost.

18 It Must Be (Evil) Love

22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

I feel like if you ship anybody with Dr. Eggman, you’ve either got a problem, or a thing for megalomaniacs with really bushy mustaches. And if you ship a hedgehog with him… well, I’m trying not to judge, but it’s rather difficult.

Yeah, there’s a popular ship for Sonic and his arch nemesis, Dr. Eggman. I have to admit that these two do spend a lot of time together since Eggman is often coming up with plots to take over the world and Sonic has to stop him. But for people to take that to a romantic level is just weird. Besides the species difference, there’s also a huge size difference. These two do work well as enemies and rivals, but I don’t think they work as a couple.

17 Do Robots Understand Romance?

22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

This is a ship that I could see happening. Wheatley and GLaDOS from Portal 2 do have a few things in common. They’re both sentient robots for one, and they’ve both had moments where they tried to become all powerful. I also think Wheatley’s snarky personality could play well off of GLaDOS’s no-nonsense demeanor. The two would likely complement each other surprisingly well.

But there is the fact that Wheatley did help Chell to take GLaDOS down, so she probably wouldn’t have appreciated that. Plus, I’m not sure how a romance between robots would work (fans also like to imagine them as humans, so I guess that’s one way to address that issue). Either way, this is an intriguing ship, and I can see why fans like to speculate about it.

16 The Ultimate Power Couple

22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

This one could actually be considered canon, since you can play out the romance between Garrus and Shepard in Mass Effect 2. But I wanted to talk about it because it’s a pairing that fans went crazy over. What’s so surprising about this relationship is how different the two are, and yet how well the romance works. Garrus is a Turian, a humanoid species that has a lot of natural plated armor and a face that’s a bit more bird/reptilian-like than human. And Shepard is a female human, albeit an incredibly tough female human who is the commander.

But even if you don’t romance Garrus, he’s still an incredible companion to Shepard. He’s brave, loyal, and strong, yet thoughtful and witty. He proves time and time again to be a fantastic friend to Shepard. These two have shown to be an incredible power couple, and I can see why fans like them so much.

15 No… Just, No

22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

What. I just don’t. Why? Why does this ship even exist?? Who decided to take the two of the oddest, creepiest, and strangest characters in the Zelda franchise and decide that they should get together? The mental images… ugh, my brain has been violated.

Okay, I guess Tingle and Ghirahim do have a few things in common. They’re both very comfortable in their bodies since they have a fondness for skintight clothing. They’re both rather dramatic, and I guess they both like messing around with Link. So, it’s not completely out of the realm of possibility that someone thought it was a good idea to make these two a couple. Still the thought of these two romantically involved is so disturbing. I think I need to bleach my brain.

14 Aliens Better Watch Out For This Couple

22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

Now this is a couple that I could get behind. A lot of fans feel that Master Chief from Halo and Samus from Metroid should definitely get together, and I could see this potentially working. Both are strong warriors who have gone up against some terrifying aliens. Admittedly, Samus does have one over Master Chief since she also has Chozo blood running through her veins, making her much stronger than a human, but eh.

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As far as their personalities go, they would likely either be on the same page all the time, or clash constantly. It really could go either way. Both are tough, a bit stubborn, and are willing to break the rules a bit. Even if these two weren’t a couple, I’d love to see them team up against their enemies. Best crossover ever! Iron Man also sometimes shows up in this ship, for whatever reason…

13 This Would Be One Messed Up Relationship

22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

This is a ship in BioShock that I don’t really see working, mostly because these two characters end up becoming enemies. Atlas is the man who asks Jack to help get his wife and child out of the fallen city Rapture. Initially, he does seem like a good guy. But (spoilers!) Atlas turns out to be Fontaine, the main antagonist, and has been mentally conditioning Jack this whole time with the phrase, “Would you kindly?” I’m sorry, but that’s incredibly messed up, and people want to make a relationship of that?

Also, we do find out that Atlas/Fontaine is Jack’s father, so people shipping the two is a little creepy. I know a lot of people like to ship parents with their children (whyyy) but it’s still seriously messed up. This is one ship that would be incredibly dysfunctional.

12 Some Fans Love The Twin Thing

22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

And we have another sibling pair. And with twins, no less. You people do realize that doing things with your family is wrong, right? Anyway, Jacob and Evie from Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate are a rather fun duo to watch. Their personalities are pretty different where Evie is more studious and calculative and Jacob is more willing to jump into the fray without thinking things through. It worked well for them to work together since Evie would help Jacob to stop and think, and Jacob would help Evie make decisions quickly.

I could see why fans may ship them, simply because they do make a great duo, and they’re pretty entertaining. But the fact that they’re twin siblings is what makes this ship pretty weird. I guess if you’re into that sort of thing.

11 Best Friends Turned More

22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

Sora and Riku are best friends and are often portrayed working together throughout the Kingdom Hearts series. However, Riku does become an enemy at one point after becoming possessed by Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. But he does overcome and find balance between light and dark in order to save Sora. Throughout the games, these two do prove how much they care for each other, going to great lengths to save each other.

I could potentially see this pairing working out, mostly because the two characters are rather devoted to each other and are willing to sacrifice a lot to save each other. They’re also interesting because Sora represents light and Riku often represents darkness, so you’ve got some fun symbolism going on there. That being said, I’m pretty sure there’s nothing going on between the two; they’re just best buds. But you never know, I guess…

10 This Ship Must Be Full Of Hate

22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

Yet another ship with the game’s protagonist and her most hated enemy. I guess fans are really into the whole enemy turned lover idea. But I really don’t think this ship in Metroid would work. Samus, the famous bounty hunter, despises Ridley. She has a good reason to, since the alien was responsible for her parents’ death and the destruction of her colony. I don’t really see her moving past that anytime soon. I’m also sure that Ridley doesn’t have any feelings toward her other than hatred as well.

Things are even more complicated by the fact that Samus is human while Ridley is a type of dragon alien. Realistically speaking, I don’t see how a romantic relationship between the two would work at all. But hey, to each his own, I guess.

9 A Truly Deadly Couple

22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

Here’s another ship that involves two mortal enemies from Metal Gear. Well, sort of. This one is rather interesting because Solid Snake and Gray Fox used to be friends. But when Gray Fox chose to be loyal to renegade commander Big Boss, it forced the two to fight each other.

I could see the appeal to this ship. Both are incredibly deadly soldiers that have proven to be tough and unstoppable. They’ve both been through quite a lot and have seen much death, destruction, and blood. But the biggest difference between them is that Snake eventually chooses to leave his violent past behind and live his days in peace, while Gray Fox cannot and refuses to leave the battlefield. I feel like that would be a clashing point in a relationship.

8 Romancing Your (Robot) Brother

22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

We’ve got another Overwatch ship here, and this one is another sibling pairing. (I really don’t get fans’ obsession with pairing siblings. Just, ew.) There’s also the fact that Genji and Hanzo were kind of enemies for a while and the two brothers are just recently starting to reconcile, so I guess fans want it to be something even more. Admittedly the two are pretty cool, especially when they work together. But I don’t really see a romantic relationship working out.

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There’s also the fact that Genji now has a completely robotic body, due to circumstances. So even if a romance between these two was happening, I’m not sure how the mechanics of that would work. On the other hand, maybe I don’t want to know.

7 A Rather Tragic (And Weird) Romance

22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

And we have a double whammy here, shipping twins and shipping enemies. Lucas and Claus are twin brothers from Earthbound: Mother 3. Due to many crazy events, Claus ends up working for Porky Minch the Pig King and is one of the main antagonists in the game. Throughout the game Claus is known as the Masked Man and its only revealed toward the end that he was in fact Claus, becoming the final boss for Lucas to fight. He ends up killing himself in battle to prevent Lucas from having to do it.

The story between these two is definitely quite tragic, as it’s a story of two brothers forced to fight each other, and it ends with one of the brothers killing himself. That being said, I don’t really see why the bond between the two brothers would be romantic.

6 It’s A Love/Hate Relationship

22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

And we have another hero vs villain ship. I’m surprised by just how popular this type of pairing is. I guess fans really do love the idea of mortal enemies becoming lovers, whether that relationship would be a good one or not. In this case, we’ve got Alan Wesker, one of the main antagonists in Resident Evil, and Chris Redfield, one of the main people trying to stop him.

This ship I don’t really see since the two don’t have anything in common, and they’re constantly at odds with each other. Wesker has also tried to kill Chris multiple times, brutally beating him. He also kidnapped Chris’s sister Claire. Unless we’re going for a super messed up, dysfunctional relationship here, I don’t see any romantic inclinations.

5 Techno Geek Love

22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

This is a ship from Chrono Trigger that I don’t mind, and I could see this couple actually working out. Lucca is a techno geek inventor and Robo is a sentient robot from the future. Lucca also fixes Robo after his fellow robots turn on him and damage him pretty badly.

These two get along pretty well. Lucca often said that she usually gets along better with technology than people, and Robo is shown to be rather attached to Lucca, likely because she saved his life. Robo also acts very human and has some rather human emotions, so for him to feel romantic attachment to Lucca wouldn’t be that crazy. These two also have the issue of being a human and a robot, but I’m sure they would work it out.

4 These Two Are Kind Of Sweet

22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

Undertale has its fair share of interesting characters, so it would make sense that fans would ship these characters. One ship that stood out to me was Frisk and Asriel. Frisk is the main protagonist and a human, while Asriel is the main antagonist in the Pacifist route, a humanoid creature with long ears and snout (He also has a flower form called Flowy. I don’t know, it’s Undertale).

I actually find these two rather cute. Asriel’s story is pretty sad since he used to be compassionate before he died, but when he was brought back, he no longer felt love. This is another ship where it’s the hero against the villain, but this one feels a bit more tragic and thoughtful. I like the idea of Frisk bringing Asriel back to his former compassionate self.

3 Pretty Sure This Is Illegal

22 JawDropping Console Game Fan Pairings You Won’t Believe

Now, I adore the relationship between Joel and Ellie in The Last of Us, but I definitely don’t see them as a romantic pair. Joel becomes more of a father figure to Ellie, protecting her and trying to teach her things like how to survive in a zombie-ridden world. Ellie also proves her toughness by saving Joel multiple times. Their personalities work together rather well too, Ellie getting Joel to open up more and be softer, and Joel helping Ellie to become stronger. They have a great father-daughter type bond.

But many fans would like to see these two as romantic, which creeps me out a bit. The biggest issue I have is the age difference. Ellie is still a young teenager and Joel is in his fifties. An age difference that big, especially when one is still a minor, is rather disturbing to me.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/jaw-dropping-console-game-fan-pairings-you-wont-believe/

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