Bo Burnham 12 Best Songs in Netflixs Inside

Bo Burnham: 12 Best Songs in Netflix’s Inside

Bo Burnham’s Inside is another special that features his signature hilarious gags and catchy songs. Some of those tracks are among his best ever.

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Bo Burnham 12 Best Songs in Netflixs Inside

Ever since his days as a humble YouTuber when the website was still gaining in popularity, Bo Burnham has impressed and depressed fans with his hilarious but often pessimistic social commentary. Burnham has come a long way since making songs in his childhood bedroom, with multiple Netflix specials under his belt, an important supporting role in the oscar-nominated Promising Young Woman, as well as directing his own movie, Eighth Grade, to immense critical acclaim.

Despite his career being on the upswing, Inside feels like a return to Bo’s roots as well as being completely new and fresh, with songs that will feel like his YouTube days as well as tracks that seem to carry far more social commentary than just jokes. Produced, written, shot, and edited completely by Burnham himself over the course of quarantine, the special’s mere existence is a feat in and of itself. Inside is both full of laughs and revealing moments and some of Bo’s best songs yet.

12 Comedy

Bo Burnham 12 Best Songs in Netflixs Inside

The second song in the special is also arguably the most important. Providing the cynicism and self-awareness that fans have come to expect from Bo Burnham over the years, “Comedy” helps set the stage for the special.

Self-deprecating and beautifully composed, the song just about sums up what everyone has felt while locked inside and seemingly watching the world fall apart over the course of 2020. “Comedy” asks the important questions: “Should I be joking at a time like this?”

11 Unpaid Intern

Bo Burnham 12 Best Songs in Netflixs Inside

A song that risked getting lost in the shuffle due to the quick transitions on either side of the track, as well as it relatively short in length, “Unpaid Intern” provides commentary on the practice of college students taking on unpaid internships that provide little work experience as well as no pay.

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A jazzy beat and lyrics that mock the poor treatment that many interns are subjected to showcases Bo’s ability to make provide social commentary quickly and clearly.

10 Facetime With My Mom

Bo Burnham 12 Best Songs in Netflixs Inside

Another anthem for the millennial generation, “Facetime With My Mom” makes light of the shared experience of trying to stay in touch with your parents while still trying to figure your own life out, as well as the disconnect between older generations and new technology.

The song provides clever wordplay as the phrase “face time with my mom tonight,” can be interpreted as Bo facing the passage of time with one of the few people that he still feels close and connected with, which goes along with general themes of isolation throughout the special.

9 Look Who’s Inside Again

Bo Burnham 12 Best Songs in Netflixs Inside

Possibly the most personally revealing song for Bo, “Looks Who’s Inside Again” expands on some of the ideas discussed in “Comedy.” This time, Bo reflects on his career and how despite the success and trying to “find himself,” as he grows up, he ended up right back where he started; with a deteriorating mental state, stuck in his room trying to make sense of life and the world while trying his best to make people laugh.

Full of self-doubt and frustrations with his own self-esteem, the song is a short but massively impactful track.

8 Don’t Wanna Know

Bo Burnham 12 Best Songs in Netflixs Inside

A common theme across all of Bo’s comedy throughout the years is his self-awareness which borders on insecurity, and the same can be said for “Don’t Wanna Know.” Speaking directly to the audience and asking if they like the show or if they’re bored by it while repeatedly saying he “doesn’t want to know” once again reflects Bo’s mental state.

Doubting himself and his own special while still calling out for help and desperately seeking validation from the audience is a deeply relatable sentiment for any content creator.

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7 How The World Works

Bo Burnham 12 Best Songs in Netflixs Inside

Beginning as an uplifting song about how the world only works when everyone works together from “every single cricket, every fish in the sea,” the song quickly goes off the rails, as is expected with Bo.

After busting out a cynical sock puppet that’s in the middle of an existential crisis, the song delves into social commentary on everything from education, systemic racism, and the global network of capital. The song shows Bo’s social commentary at its peak.

6 Problematic

Bo Burnham 12 Best Songs in Netflixs Inside

With an infectious dance tune backing the lyrics, “Problematic” mocks the trend in the comedy of the fear of so-called “cancel culture.” Poking fun at the disingenuous and often egotistical apologies provided by those with “problematic,” pasts: “I’ve done a lot of self-reflecting since I started writing this song.”

With images that further deride many celebrities’ tendency to act like they are being targeted, Bo explores the line between crucifixion and accountability.

5 30

Bo Burnham 12 Best Songs in Netflixs Inside

Viewed by so many as the kid who writes songs in his room, “30” is an interesting look into Bo’s growth both as an artist and as a person. Reflecting on getting older and suddenly being the old one in the room, Bo perfectly captures what it’s like to grow old in the digital age.

The song also jokes about generations gaps with Bo regretting making fun of the older generation being out of touch, now that the same accusations are being made to him, the song might hit a little too close to home for some.

4 Sexting

Bo Burnham 12 Best Songs in Netflixs Inside

The sultry anthem for the digital generation, “Sexting” jokes about the overuse of emojis, “You send a peach, I send a carrot back,” and self-esteem issues which can be more easily hidden behind a screen. In typical Bo fashion, the song quickly takes a turn to the loneliness that can be amplified when talking to someone digitally without physical interaction.

With plenty of suggestive emojis and more catchy beats, “Sexting” is one of the biggest laughs of the special and one of the songs that take it to another level.

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3 White Woman’s Instagram

Bo Burnham 12 Best Songs in Netflixs Inside

Bo has always had a keen eye for social tendencies, and this is on full display in “White Woman’s Instagram.” Mocking the lack of variety and originality amongst many Instagram users, the song provides a list of pictures that everyone has seen while scrolling their Instagram feed.

References to tiny pumpkins, golden retrievers, avocados, lattes, and more will have viewers doing a double take next time they scroll social media. The song also makes the case that at the end of the day there are real people with real feelings on the other end of these photos, even if they are a little too common at times.

2 Welcome To The Internet

Bo Burnham 12 Best Songs in Netflixs Inside

If there’s one thing that Bo knows, it’s the internet. In one of the best songs Bo has ever written, a Willy Wonka-esque voice and feel make this track feel like a ride through the twisted mind of the internet itself. Pointing out the unrelenting draw of the web, the song discusses just how plugged-in the whole world is, for better or for worse.

“Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found,” from pictures of your kids to all that is immoral and illegal, Bo points out the incalculable impact the internet has had in just 20 years. Hilarious and thought-provoking, “Welcome to the Internet” is Bo doing what he does best.

1 That Funny Feeling

Bo Burnham’s specials have a tendency to end on a song that is more thought-provoking and depressing with jokes laced in. Inside is no different as the last major track shows Bo trying to cope with a world that is changing and falling apart at the same time.

There are jokes about culture, global warming, social issues, and disassociation. A song that everyone can relate to, Bo doesn’t provide an answer to any of the questions asked here and the lack of conclusion makes the song all the more impactful.

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