The Batman Image Shows Kravtizs Catwoman Before Bruce Wayne Fight Scene

The Batman Image Shows Kravtiz’s Catwoman Before Bruce Wayne Fight Scene

Zoë Kravitz’s Catwoman is calm, cool, and collected ahead of her fight with Bruce Wayne in a new image from Matt Reeves’ The Batman.

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The Batman Image Shows Kravtizs Catwoman Before Bruce Wayne Fight Scene

The latest image from The Batman offers a new peek at Catwoman just ahead of her fight with Bruce Wayne. Once scheduled for this year, Matt Reeves’ The Batman will arrive in theaters in March 2022 and introduce audiences to a brand new iteration of Bruce Wayne. Robert Pattinson takes on the cape and cowl in a gritty take that’s more in line with Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy than, say, the Keaton years. The Batman takes place during Bruce’s second year as Gotham’s vigilante and tests his detective skills just as much as it does his fighting prowess.

The biggest issue plaguing Bruce is a serial killer preying on Gotham’s elite. The rogue behind these murders is the Riddler (Paul Dano), though The Batman also has plenty of other villains tucked within its story. There’s the Penguin (Colin Farrell) and Carmine Falcone (John Turturro), as well as a onetime comic book adversary who could end up as more of an ally for Bruce: Catwoman (Zoë Kravitz), aka Selina Kyle. Trailers for The Batman have shown Selina both fighting Bruce and getting close to him, making for an intriguing dynamic.

In a brand new image from The Batman, shared online by Empire, Catwoman applies her burglar skills to a mystery safe. Armed with a fancy safe-breaking tool and her black mask, Kravitz’s Catwoman looks calm and collected, though anyone who has seen the Batman trailer knows it’s only a matter of time before Bruce arrives looking for a fight. Check out the image down below.

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Like Bruce’s detective side, it looks like The Batman is striving to not only highlight Catwoman’s physical abilities but her streetwise ones as well. Kravitz will definitely get the chance to show off her training with plenty of action scenes, but Catwoman is a renowned thief as well, and The Batman isn’t hiding that side of her. It remains to be seen just whose safe Catwoman is breaking into in the above image. Still, if Bruce is just moments away from coming upon her, then it can be assumed it belongs to a pretty important figure. Maybe it’s even his.

The Batman is packed to the brim with exciting characters from the comics, and it so far looks like Catwoman will be one of the most prominently featured. Though they might begin the film as enemies, Selina could easily become one of Bruce’s biggest allies in his investigation into the Riddler. Kravitz isn’t the first actress to bring Catwoman to the big screen, but The Batman will hopefully give her a unique story that allows her to shine. So far, so good.

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