Redditor Wins Warzone Gulag Match In The Worst Way Possible

Redditor Wins Warzone Gulag Match In The Worst Way Possible

A Warzone player may want to give up the game after their trip to the Gulag came to an end not at the hands of a player, but at the beak of a crow.

You Are Reading :Redditor Wins Warzone Gulag Match In The Worst Way Possible

Anyone who thinks they might own the worst exit from the Gulag ever, take a peek at the clip below and rest assured that unwanted honor no longer belongs to you.

Call of Duty waded into what is already a very crowded genre earlier this year when it launched Warzone. A battle royale companion mode to Modern Warfare. Infinity Ward made Warzone free for everyone, regardless of whether they have bought MW or not. However, it does require downloading the entire game, which takes uses up a lot of memory.

Any game entering the BR world in 2020 needs to figure out ways in which to set itself apart from popular competitors. IW did that with Warzone by including something called the Gulag. A one-on-one situation between two eliminated players. The first one to kill their rival in the Gulag gets a second chance and is added back to the map.

Various changes have been made to the Gulag when it comes to the weapons available to players inside the prison. That has made for some interesting, unique, and sometimes downright embarrassing deaths inside the Gulag. However, the one posted by on Reddit this week, which you can watch below, might be the best, or worst for the defeated player, we have seen to date.

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The two go back and forth on opposite sides of the Gulag for a little while, as the eventual winner tries to land a shot with a crossbow. When the time comes, their rival decides to attempt to capture the flag in the middle. The victor sees their opportunity and performs an execution on their about-to-be fallen foe. Bad enough in any scenario, but there was a little extra salt for the wound in this instance.

The winner used an execution added via the Season 5 update called Nevermore. For anyone who hasn’t seen it in action, when used, the player releases an Attack Crow (don’t ask us where the crow was being kept) which makes a beeline for the enemy’s face. It then proceeds to scratch their eyes out until they’re dead. Had we been subjected to that sort of Gulag loss, we may well have handed in our Warzone card for good.

Source: Reddit

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