Supernatural 10 Characters Who Should Have Their Own SpinOff Series

Supernatural: 10 Characters Who Should Have Their Own Spin-Off Series

Supernatural is full of great characters who could spin-off and have their very own show, here are 10 of the best examples.

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Supernatural 10 Characters Who Should Have Their Own SpinOff Series

The fifteen seasons that Supernatural was on-air brought more supporting characters than one can keep count of. Some were more memorable than the rest, while certain others got such satisfying endings that there’s no reason to see them again. There were still those characters who would be very welcome to continue their journey.

Since Supernatural is over, the only way for these characters to return would be in the form of spin-offs. The series has previously attempted such shows, but those have been ensemble efforts. In order for a spin-off to succeed, the best way would be to feature solo characters in lead roles.

10 Jody Mills

Supernatural 10 Characters Who Should Have Their Own SpinOff Series

Jody Mills is a trailblazer on Supernatural for female characters, being the first one to make her mark on the series. She was placed among the leads in the failed spin-off attempt that was Wayward Sisters, but that was due to Jody only being presented as one of the main players rather than the outright protagonist.

A spin-off that focuses solely on Jody would be worth looking into, especially considering she was last seen having become a hunter but without a proper sendoff. Her own series can fully focus on Jody’s role as caretaker for Alex and Claire, along with her rise as a hunter.

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9 Adam Milligan

Supernatural 10 Characters Who Should Have Their Own SpinOff Series

It was as if the series wanted to place Adam as the eternal punching bag, seeing as he was always either killed off or trapped with his brothers never caring about what happened to him. Michael was last seen exploding in Adam’s body, but Jack supposedly brought him back along with the rest of humanity.

Adam would be perfectly placed to go on a journey of self-discovery and it would be an interesting prospect to see him carve out his own future now that he’s free of any supernatural influence.

8 Claire Novak

Supernatural 10 Characters Who Should Have Their Own SpinOff Series

Claire was one of those supporting characters who was at her strongest when the episodes focused on her. She didn’t place well in the Wayward Sisters scenario, but can truly shine if she’s at the helm of her own spin-off series.

Claire is very much like Dean in personality, so it would be a treat to see a female take on the traits exhibited by Dean. She still had a lot of development to undergo in regards to balancing her rage, which can be laid out in her personal story.

7 Alternate Bobby Singer

Supernatural 10 Characters Who Should Have Their Own SpinOff Series

The real Bobby was always the perfect father figure to Sam and Dean. This one never got a true personality, being there just for the heck of it and even then appearing only sparingly. There was still enough of his character apparent for a spin-off.

Bobby could be placed as the leader of the Apocalypse World survivors who will now have to contend without Sam and Dean’s presence. He lost his son, Mary, and his entire homeworld, all of which can be used to create material for his own series.

6 Kevin Tran

Supernatural 10 Characters Who Should Have Their Own SpinOff Series

The fact that the Winchesters revived Eileen and not Kevin adds to the list of reasons why they were probably never his friends. He got a pretty sad ending, in that Kevin left to walk the Earth as a ghost. Since there’s a known way to bring the deceased back now, Kevin can also make a return.

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It’s hard to imagine Kevin ever going back to a normal life, making the idea of him figuring out a way to become human again and entering the hunter lifestyle an appealing one. He still has his mother to locate, which can serve as the basis of the story.

5 Samuel Colt

Supernatural 10 Characters Who Should Have Their Own SpinOff Series

He was the creator of one of the most dangerous weapons in the series, and the possibility of a Samuel Colt series has been floated for a number of years now. Colt’s show would be pretty cool since it would be part of the Western genre.

It could also be a good way to trace the gun’s history, with a creative way of taking this route by featuring an anthology story over how the gun falls into a new owner’s hands all the way from the time Samuel Colt forged it.

4 Alternate Charlie Bradbury

Supernatural 10 Characters Who Should Have Their Own SpinOff Series

The original Charlie was a character that fans always wanted to see making a return. However, her story ended a long time ago while the alternate universe Charlie’s character never really took off. She could be like the original Charlie, a growth in character that can be seen in her own series.

She wasn’t given a great sendoff either, with the last time she was seen being when she was snapped away by Chuck and only returning off-screen. There’s still a lot of potential where this character is concerned and it’s just about taking a chance with it.

3 Eileen Leahy

Supernatural 10 Characters Who Should Have Their Own SpinOff Series

Her romance with Sam made them one of the best couples on the show. Still, Eileen’s ending was rather ambiguous as it wasn’t clear if she was the woman whom Sam was married to in the finale. If that’s not the case, then Eileen could do very well on her own.

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After all, she was shown to be a hunter in her first appearance, so there’s a backstory of hers that hasn’t been fully explored. Being a person who was resurrected, Eileen can be shown using her experience to help others in her solo missions.

2 Kaia Nieves

Supernatural 10 Characters Who Should Have Their Own SpinOff Series

Kaia was a heavily mismanaged character, having an alternate version appear out of nowhere and both Kaia’s being killed off rather tamely. The series can fix this mistake by bringing a spin-off about the two versions and their experiences.

Since this is the Supernatural universe, the point of alternate Kaia’s resurrection can easily be arranged. It’s fascinating to consider a show about characters who are the same person but from different worlds. There’s no doubt a quality storyline can be found from this premise.

1 Dean Winchester Jr.

Among all the members of the Winchester family, Dean Jr was seen the least as he showed up at the end of the series. He was confirmed to be a hunter himself, evidenced by the anti-possession tattoo on his arm. With him being the last Winchester, Dean Jr is the one to carry on the legacy.

Based on his appearance, he looks like a cross between Sam and Dean, which can be incorporated in the story by showing him to possess the personality traits of both characters. It wouldn’t be Supernatural without a Winchester, and Dean Jr can keep this story going forward.

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