15 Best Weapons in Assassin’s Creed Origins Ranked

15 Best Weapons in Assassin’s Creed Origins, Ranked

From the Humbaba’s Fang to the Smoke and Mirrors bow, here are some of the best weapons you can find in Assassin’s Creed Origins.

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15 Best Weapons in Assassin’s Creed Origins Ranked

When Assassin’s Creed finally returned in 2017, it was with a major make-over that turned the game from a classic “Ubisoft” open-world adventure into a full on RPG, complete with side quests, a lengthy story, and plenty of loot. Well, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey would add the loot (and inspire an array of similar games) a year later, but Assassin’s Creed Origins certainly had plenty of weapons.

The game wasn’t shy about making sure Bayek had everything he needed in battle, from three different types of bows, to swords, shields, twin swords, axes, and more. For this list, we’re looking at ten of the best weapons in the game, while discussing how players can get them and what makes them just so awesome to begin with.

Updated by Madison Lennon on March 27, 2020: Assassin’s Creed Origins is one of the most fun and dynamic of all the Assassin’s Creed games. It is an open-world RPG game with one of the franchise’s best protagonists, Bayek. It offers fans a chance to explore ancient Egypt to their heart’s content.

In the process, you’ll find a number of weapons varying from common to legendary. We’ve updated the following list with a few more fantastic weapons you can find in the game so you’ll have a better idea of the types of weaponry to seek out in your exploration.


15 Best Weapons in Assassin’s Creed Origins Ranked

Humbaba’s Fang is a legendary sword that can be found at Nomad’s Bazaar. It has the sleep on hit attribute, a critical hit rate of four, and the combo multiplier rare attribute. The story of the sword is that it was carved by the Sumerian king Gilgamesh out of the tooth of Humbaba the Terrible, a monstrous giant after he defeated the beast battle.

It is a very powerful sword with a maximum level of 55. If you get the chance to grab this sword it is definitely something you’ll want to pick up.


15 Best Weapons in Assassin’s Creed Origins Ranked

Aruna is a legendary sickle sword that can be purchased from the E-store or from Nomad’s Bazaar. For its mutual attribute, the sword has bleeding on hit at a level of three. Its rare attribute is adrenaline on hurt two, and its legendary attribute is low health critical.

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It is a relic from Thutmose III’s campaign when he fought against the city of Megiddo. It will provide a very high level of damage. The sword was thought to be lost in battle in the past but then resurfaced in the 1st century BCE.


15 Best Weapons in Assassin’s Creed Origins Ranked

The Falcata is another legendary sword in the game that you can get from Nomad’s Bazarr. It has a critical hit rate of 1 and critical hit damage of 3 in addition to a health for damage attribute. The story of the sword is that it was held by the heavy infantry of Carthage.

It might be a short sword, but do not underestimate its power because of its short sword length, it is perfectly capable of piercing armor, including shields and helmets. It is a somewhat rustic-looking sword but definitely one worth having in your arsenal.


15 Best Weapons in Assassin’s Creed Origins Ranked

For those who enjoy using scepters in battle, you should certainly consider getting the Scorpion Sting scepter. Like the majority of other legendary weapons, it can be found at Nomad’s Bazaar and in the E-Store.

It can do a high amount of damage and has a legendary poison on hit attribute as well as a rare adrenaline on hurt two attribute. It doesn’t necessarily have a legendary backstory but its name as the “Scorpion Sting” can tell you just how deadly this scepter is, especially since it can “sting” from either end.


15 Best Weapons in Assassin’s Creed Origins Ranked

Coast of Russicada is the name of a legendary sword with a high critical rate and it can help the player regain health after hitting their opponent. The blade is considered extremely powerful because it was used to kill a Numidian king and a Roman general. The blade is described as “hungering for blood.”

If you want to get your hands on it, you’ll need to go to Nomad’s Bazaar. It looks very stylish and it has a critical hit rate of 2. It is possible that the backstory of the sword might be related to the Jugurthine War.


15 Best Weapons in Assassin’s Creed Origins Ranked

The bounty hunter Ra’s Mercy holds these twin blades, and Bayek has to be around level 30 to have a chance at taking him down. When he succeeds, though, twin blade specialists are rewarded with these sweet swords. They give Bayek an increased chance at inflicting critical hits, which is perfect for this style of attack.

They also constantly help Bayek generate Adrenaline and offer Instant Charging. This means the player will always be ready to hit with a heavy attack, making the Storm Blades’ attacks quicker and harder-hitting than almost any other weapon.

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15 Best Weapons in Assassin’s Creed Origins Ranked

It’s no surprise that there are plenty of unique places, people, and, of course, weapons to find or unlock in Origins. Players who completed the quest “Playing With Fire” were granted the Compendium, which is quite good for a legendary shield.

Its ranged resistance is at maximum, while damage absorption rate is slightly lower. Most importantly, though, it inflects bleeding damage if Bayek can manage to block an incoming attack.


15 Best Weapons in Assassin’s Creed Origins Ranked

The first time the Smoke and Mirrors bow is available is around the time Bayek reaches level 25. You’ll have to go after The Iron Ram Phylake to obtain it, and it’s best if you’re able to sneak up and kill him if possible. He’s well equipped.

This predator bow grants greatly increased stealth damage (which is about the only way anyone ever uses a predator bow), a higher critical hit rate, and most importantly—it lights targets on fire. This essentially amounts to a guaranteed kill, since all these effects are supposed to occur without the player ever even being seen.


15 Best Weapons in Assassin’s Creed Origins Ranked

Players who prove capable of completing the quest Smoke over Water are rewarded with the Jackal’s Gaze warrior bow. By no means is this an especially difficult quest, as it only requires the player to be level 16 to complete it.

You’ll speak to a few people, sail around a bit, and finally be lead to a village where Bayek can sneak around and assassinate all the enemies before carrying an injured person out of the village and being rewarded with the Jackal’s Gaze. The weapon has maxed out precision, inflicts bleeding damage when it hits people, and heals Bayek with each successful hit. Though acquired late, this is one weapon worth upgrading.


15 Best Weapons in Assassin’s Creed Origins Ranked

This blade has a pretty awesome name, and rightly so: to get this weapon, you’ll have to defeat Anubis himself in one of the Trials of the Gods. Once defeated, you’ll grab the Conductor of Souls, which will be one of the most powerful legendary swords Bayek can acquire.

Its critical hit rate is through the roof, but its key ability is granting additional health with each kill. Considering the number of critical hits it can get at level 3, players will be gaining a ton of health as they easily take out all of their opponents.


15 Best Weapons in Assassin’s Creed Origins Ranked

One of the legendary weapons players can acquire without beating a bounty hunter first. The Staff of Sehetep is called the holy staff of Sobek, and is a scepter with better range and speed than most others that can be found in the game.

It provides health on kill, already making it one of the best weapons in the game, but it has two other major abilities as well. For one, it works as a combo multiplier, and for another it’s capable of inflicting bleeding damage on hit. This means even making contact with enemies causes an extra health loss without the player doing anything else, resulting in an easier way to deal with crowds.

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15 Best Weapons in Assassin’s Creed Origins Ranked

Some weapons require Bayek to do more than just enjoy the main cxampaign of the game. A few of them demand he travel into the Arena, doing battle with foes to gain unique spoils.

The Leviathan is one such weapon, a heavy blade that offers health on every kill. It also has mild adrenaline regeneration and offers the player additional adrenaline when injured. Basically, with this weapon, Bayek is able to bust out Overpower abilities far more frequently than usual, making him even more dangerous to his enemies.


15 Best Weapons in Assassin’s Creed Origins Ranked

To attain this weapon, players will need to be around level 35, as they’ll be going up against one of the later Phylakes, the Bane of Hathor. Beating Bane will grant players the powerful Deathstorm Hunter Bow.

This bow has the level 4 charging speed, allowing Bayek to fully charge each shot in the time it takes to draw the bowstring. It also offers adrenaline with each kill and sets anyone it hits on fire, which is nice (for you, not so much for them).


15 Best Weapons in Assassin’s Creed Origins Ranked

The Golden Wolf is one of the earliest legendary weapons Bayek can get. Eventually, the bounty hunter system will become part of the game, in the form of a group of warriors known as the Phylakes. The very first Phylake Bayek battles is at around level 20, someone known as The Outsider.

Upon killing The Outsider, Bayek gets the Golden Wolf, a weapon that’s good enough to hold the remainder of the game for one reason: it restores health after each kill. This means Bayek is never worried about being outnumbered, as he need only kill one soldier to have enough energy to continue the fight.


Near the end of the game, Bayek will acquire this legendary item from a close friend of his. Supposedly, Hepzefa’s Sword has some magical properties to it, which makes sense because the sword is on fire. Magical fire.

It also has a level 3 critical hit rate, and offers adrenaline when the player is hurt. That’s pretty unlikely, though, because again, the sword is on fire. This makes it difficult for enemies to attack, because not many can think straight while they’ve been turned into a walking blaze.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/assassins-creed-origins-best-strongest-most-powerful-weapons-ranked/

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