Pokemon GO December 2021 Field Research Breakthrough Reward Revealed

Pokemon GO December 2021 Field Research Breakthrough Reward Revealed

Niantic reveals its plans for Pokemon GO in December 2021, including which Pokemon will be the Field Research breakthrough reward.

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Pokemon GO December 2021 Field Research Breakthrough Reward Revealed

One of the best ways Pokemon GO players can earn XP and unlock rewards in the game is by completing Field Research tasks. Pokemon GO Field Research tasks are primarily obtained by spinning PokeStops, giving players objectives to complete in exchange for various rewards. Pokemon GO players earn a stamp for each day that they manage to complete a Field Research task, culminating in a Field Research breakthrough after seven stamps have been collected.

Pokemon GO tends to cycle in a new Field Research breakthrough Pokemon each month, and December 2021 is no exception. From December 1 at 1:00pm PT to January 1, 2022 atg 1:00pm PT, Pokemon GO players can start getting Deino as a Field Research breakthrough reward. There’s even a chance that the Deino from the Field Research breakthrough will be a shiny, so Pokemon GO players should try to get as many as possible to maximize their chances of finding one.

While some Pokemon GO fans will be happy to see Deino as a Field Research breakthrough reward, others will be disappointed that the reward isn’t a legendary Pokemon. There once was a time when legendary Pokemon were featured regularly as Field Research breakthrough rewards, but that stopped some time ago. It’s a shame, too, as including legendary Pokemon as Field Research breakthrough rewards was one of the only ways that Pokemon GO players in rural areas could add them to their collection.

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What may make this especially frustrating for Pokemon GO players is that many of them are stuck on the Season of Legends Special Research quest. The second page of the quest asks Pokemon GO players to take a snapshot of Landorus, but that requires them to have a Landorus handy. Landorus is not currently in legendary raids, and so adding the Pokemon as a Field Research breakthrough would be a great way for Pokemon GO players to make progress in the quest.

At any rate, there’s more for Pokemon GO fans to look forward to in December besides Deino as a Field Research breakthrough reward. Pokemon GO will be kicking off its Season of Heritage event on December 1 and will be hosting a special Swinub Incense Day on December 5. There will also be a Dragonspiral Descent event taking place in December, plus a special Pokemon GO Community Day that features all of the Community Day Pokemon from the past year and then some.

Needless to say, there’s a lot for Pokemon GO fans to look forward to in December, and even more content should be right around the corner, what with Pokemon Legends: Arceus set to launch in January.

Pokemon GO is out now for iOS and Android mobile devices.

See more : PokemonWe

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