Pokémon Stadium Player Reunited With His Original Team 20 Years Later

Pokémon Stadium Player Reunited With His Original Team 20 Years Later

A gamer has been reunited with part of his Pokémon Stadium after spotting his cartridge on Twitter and letting its new owner take the wheel.

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A gamer has been reunited with part of his Pokémon Stadium after spotting his cartridge on Twitter and letting its new owner take the wheel.

Pokémon has given the video game world so much over the course of the past 25 years, and not just via its core series. Spinoff games such as Pokémon Snap, Stadium, Mystery Dungeon, and appearances in the Smash Bros. franchise have also been key chapters in the franchise’s history. Sadly, some of those chapters have been lost in the annuls of history.

Take Pokémon Stadium, for example. The only way people can enjoy what is a classic Pokémon game is if they happen to still own a copy. Other than that, trainers’ trusted and trained teams from that game are lost forever. At least that’s what Sam G. had assumed for the past 20 years.

That was until he happened upon his original Stadium cartridge on Twitter. Derek Rose bought the game on eBay and vented his frustration that the original owner’s name was written on the cartridge, something the photo of the product didn’t represent. A friend of Sam’s tagged him in the tweet, thinking he would get a kick out of it since it was his name. Well, turns out he was the Sam G. to which the game first belonged.

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20 years later, and who knows how many owners, no one had erased the saves on the cartridge. That meant Sam’s chosen team of trusty Pokémon was still there, patiently waiting. With a little help from some trusty tech and a few loopholes, Rose went about getting those Pokémon to their original owner. It took a Nintendo 64 transfer pak, a cartridge dumper, and a hacked Nintendo 3DS, but Rose got it done.

Sam can now use part of the team he created in Stadium on Sword and Shield. After taking a few steps that aren’t technically allowed, Rose then jumped through the necessary hoops to get the Pokémon onto Home where he then reunited them with Sam in Sword and Shield. There are other Pokémon on the cartridge who aren’t yet compatible with the new Pokémon games due to the reduced Pokédex, but Rose has promised to keep them safe until he can pass them on to Sam.

Source: Twitter

See more : PokemonWe

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