Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl Trailer Shows Off New Poketch Updated Gyms And More

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl Trailer Shows Off New Poketch, Updated Gyms, And More

The latest trailer shows off an upgraded Poketch, revitalised gyms, and more.

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Category : Pokemon

New gameplay footage of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl, faithful remakes of the generation four titles Pokemon Diamond & Pearl, shows off a new and improved Poketch, Poffin making, and Gardenia’s all-new Eterna City Gym.

The Nintendo Switch remakes, set to release November 19, are sticking incredibly close to the source material. Unlike other remakes, Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl will be limited to strictly generation one to four Pokemon, but the new trailer shows that these ‘mons have been given all the love and care we could hope for.

First things first, the all-purpose Poketch. This handy gadget has received some new updates since its inception back in 2006. As well as containing useful apps such as a step counter, dowsing machine used to find hidden items, and party checker, it also has the ability to call on wild Pokemon to help you cut down trees or surf around Sinnoh’s many bodies of water. This means no more party members bogged down with HM moves in battle. You can take to the skies on a Staraptor, have a Bidoof cut down a tree for you, and ride a Bibarrel up walls and across the seas.

Gyms seem to have been updated, too. The new trailer only shows off Gardenia’s Gym in Eterna City, but it looks stunning. Instead of the floral clock from Pokemon Platinum, the remakes have made the forset maze from Diamond & Pearl a sight to behold, with trees that reach for the sky and create an atmospheric mist. Hopefully, all the Gyms have received the same level of care and attention – after 15 years they could all do with a lick of paint.

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If you want to focus less on battling and more on enjoying your time with your adorable pals, Poffins and Amity Square make a return. Use berries to cook up delicious Poffins that will increase your Pokemon’s contest attributes and then go for walks with your cute critters in Amity Square. We’re not sure who decides which Pokemon qualify as cute enough for the Square, but we’re excited to see the full roster you can take a stroll with. Don’t evolve your starters if you want to take them out and about with you.

See more : PokemonWe

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