Pokemon GO Every Issue Bug And Problem (Summer 2018 Edition)

Pokemon GO: Every Issue, Bug, And Problem (Summer 2018 Edition)

Pokemon GO players can consult this laundry list of issue and bugs to see the most up-to-date list of outstanding problems in the popular mobile AR game.

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Pokemon GO Every Issue Bug And Problem (Summer 2018 Edition)

Pokemon GO is having an amazing summer full of events, new features, and tons of revenue. Although the game seems to have finally hit its stride and the community is engaged on a week by week basis, there are obviously still some bugs and issues floating around.

As with any always online game that has constant updates and patches, Pokemon GO will always have some active bugs and problems. The game has come a long way since its early days of Raid problems and other issues, but there’s always room for improvement.

Here’s a full list of all current issues, according to the community at The Silph Road…

Catching, Hatching and Interacting with Pokemon

C1. When watching a pokeball catch sequence, the flashing red light is not aligned with the ball shakes

C2. Pokemon that change stats when the weather changes are unclickable

C3. Increased troublesome scenarios where spawns change Pokemon instantly: migrations, weather, community day, etc

C4. Phantom berries can be seen on new wild interactions

C5. After pressing “Kanto” button in the Pokedex, you are no longer able to scroll down

C6. You can no longer rotate pokemon in the pokedex

C7. Evolving your buddy can cause weird glitches and crashes with the game most commonly with feebas (?)

C8. Ditto shows up in when using the “Evolve” filter in specific circumstances

C9. Buddy distance can be displayed as negative distance (restarting app fixes the issue)

C10. Swiping through battle parties during raid / gym battles is difficult and inconsistent (Tapping works better)

C11. The new Stacked Incubator feature sometimes does not stack incubators correctly

C12. Transferring a member of your battle party makes it unable to be edited and will crash during use in battle (?)

C13. Pokemon can still be powered up over the trainer level cap, just not at level 37

C14. Catching a pokemon while having a network issue can freeze the game with infinite spinning pokeball, or the pokeball sunk below the floor

C15. Claiming a Pokemon as a quest reward can sometimes crash the game (??)

C16. Eevee as a buddy always gets on the players shoulder now, not after meeting the walking criteria for evolution (not an issue?)

C17. TMs and Rare Candy can be wasted / used multiple times incorrectly

C18. Tapping a Pokemon or Clicking a gym as you go out of range / encounter network collisions / low network scenarios freezes the UI requiring a restart

Pokemon GO Every Issue Bug And Problem (Summer 2018 Edition)

Friends and Trading

F1. Completing a resorting of the friends list returns you to the top of the list

F2. Swiping from the Friends menu back to the Trainer Profile can off center your avatar + buddy

F3. You can open more than 20 gifts a day, which punishes you the following day

F4. Friend activity can regularly be incorrect

F5. Alphabetical sorting does not work correctly for friends who have changed their trainer name

F6. Sometimes initiating a trade results in both players waiting on the connection screen

F7. Friendship XP is sometimes not awarded if the notification never shows up (??)

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F8. Most phones get considerably hot when completing trades


P1. Traveling away from a pokestop can make it appear blue and “Ready to spin” when it is not

P2. The Radius of the Pokestop interaction circle appears visually smaller the closer you get to the equator

P3. Using a PTC “child account” that reaches the sponsor content age (+13yo), remains unable to ever view sponsored pokestops or gyms (?)

P4. Pokestops can sometimes show photos of a previous cached photo disk image

P5. When interacting / spinning a gym pokestop; the focus will often incorrectly move to the gym defenders platform when delivering items

P6. Pokestops sometimes expand when they are not supposed to

P7. Defeating a gym, dropping a pokemon in, and spinning the Gym Pokestop in succession will show the gym pokestop visually as owned by grey team.

Battling, Berry Feeding, Badges and Defending Gyms

B1. Dodging a fatal attack in raids and gyms glitches your attacking Pokemon as invisible (Dodge Bug Glitch)

B2. Defenders can sometimes be stuck “in a gym” even though they have been kicked out

B3. Attacks against dual type Pokemon round incorrectly and display “Not very effective” when damage should be neutral

B4. Error 29 – Pressing the “Leave” button (or crashing) immediately after removing an enemy defender from a gym, locks you out of that gym for 10-15 minutes

B5. Long trainer usernames do not disappear during a gym battle against their pokemon (?)

B6. Pokemon seen on the defender platform can all clip and stand in the same spot

B7. Defenders who have recently been kicked and placed back into a gym do not get their berry count reset (?)

B8. Berry feeding UI can sometimes not disappear when it is supposed to

B9. Leaving remote berry feeding requires you to tap your next Pokemon in Pokemon storage twice

B10. Clicking “Go To Gym” multiple times in quick succession causes multiple visual glitches, and causes the gym to stay in range on the overworld map

B11. After adding BXP to a gym badge, sometimes the badge icon will never go away (without a restart) [May 18]

B12. Feeding a Pokemon berries / Interacting with the gym while simultaneously spinning the gym stop with Go+ will freeze your game

B13. Clicking on Pokemon defending gyms (to feed berries) is sometimes inconsistent, and clicking on one Pokemon selects a different one.

B14. Entering a gym by accidentally using one hand zoom (double tap + drag) makes the map completely unresponsive to touch on exiting the gym

B15. You cannot use the spin gym pokestop button when moving within range of a gym

B16. Getting the “This Gym is under attack” message while adding pokemon (probably other errors) makes the screen no longer respond to touch

Pokemon GO Every Issue Bug And Problem (Summer 2018 Edition)

Miscellaneous issues

M1. Using the wrong password to login with PTC will display “Unable to authenticate” for ALL future login attempts regardless if you’re using the correct password (Restart required to fix)

M2. Repeatable steps when leaving remote berry feeding freeze your game + make it unresponsive to touch [Repeatable Steps]

M3. Low quality sounds introduced in version 103.2 [103.2]

M4. Common occurrences of blank sightings and Pokemon disappearing during play

M5. Severe login cache issue that only shows a closeup of the player’s legs (re-install required)

M6. Gyms that are moved in Ingress get their badge progress reset in PokemonGo (?)

M7. High rate of data usage since the Gym rework update

M8. The game still processes audio when the game music and sounds are set to OFF

M9. The game will often hang half way when trying to login, requiring it to be forced close or retried

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M10. Locking the app, or changing focus will often take a long time for the game to catch up

M11. Swiping to “Raids” on the nearby viewer too quickly will incorrectly close the nearby box.

M12. Items in the store can be re-ordered / hidden from some users

M13. Searching for “+Charmander & Shiny” returns regular chamander family members, when it should only return shines

M14. Searches using several ampersands in one query can make the game run very slowly (ground&shiny&evolve&traded&alola&50)

M15. Logging out / back into your account results in Error (0) and nothing ever loading

M16. Inconsistant camera pan when AR+ is enabled or Camera permissions are denied

Raids Battles and Bonus Capture Phase

R1. Dodging a fatal attack in raids and gyms glitches your attacking Pokemon as invisible (Dodge Bug Glitch)

R2. (Desync) Damage from a raid boss charge move can be carried over from the pokemon it hit to also hit the next pokemon , dealing damage twice.

R3. Last raid ball catch animation only has 2 animations (“one shake + flee” or a successful capture)

R4. Healing or reviving during a raid battle consumes the items without healing unused Pokémon (is this fixed?)

R5. Increased reports of raid timers ending 3-10 seconds too early when raiding

R6. Raid eggs and Raid bosses ontop of Gyms in the overworld sometimes render inside the gym

R7. After selecting the berry menu in a raid catch phase, you cannot leave until choosing a berry (?)

R8. Navigating Pokemon and Item lists while in the Raid lobby can sometimes be very slow / unresponsive

Device, AR+ and Accessory issues

D1. Increased reports of the first pairing attempt of the Go+ not processing at all

D2. Go+ Stop and Pokemon Detection is slower on Android than on iOS 11

D3. The game can still freezes & hard reboot the whole phone on Google Pixel & other Android phones

D4. Ball launches into space after toggling AR+

D5. The Go+ on its own sometimes gives the “Pokestop is not ready to spin” without having manually spun a stop

D6. Using inbuilt iOS Battery Saving mode on newer iPhones causes GPS not found (?)

D7. Apple Watch Series 2- OS4 – Pokemon Go app crashes the watch during hatching egg animation or skips the animation and hatch all together.

D8. Apple Watch 2, distances walked varies from distances on eggs, and are not syncing correctly.

D9. Apple Watch not correctly displaying the xp progress towards the next level.

D10. Pressing the Go+ button after vibrating on iOS can take up to 3 seconds to execute the action (iOS 11)

D11. Apple watch egg hatching shows the incorrect move localisation

D12. Continued reports of difficulty connecting the Go+, especially on Android

D13. Various UI elements do not render properly on iPhoneX and Android high res devices

D14. Go+ has an increasing number of reports where various Android phones are unable to connect

D15. on iPad the Pokemon Catching UI show cut off UI elements such as Pokeballs

D16. Go+ | Pokemon from lure or incense will remain on screen despite being caught or ran away

D17. Go+ | The Go+ connected indicator in game can stay green but the Go+ has disconnected itself

D18. Go+ | When a Go+ is connected, the indicator that sits over the selected Pokemon can dissapear

D19. Switching in / out of AR+ can crash the game

Visual and Graphical Bugs

V1. Feeding pokemon more than 100 berries in the gym makes the berry count not fit on the screen.

V2. Berry fed gym counter German does not fit on the screen

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V3. Berries fed counter is displayed off screen when gym defended time displays an extended time

V4. Cosmetic items (belts, 3d glasses, etc) are grey when viewed on players in gyms

V5. The icon to edit Pokemon’s name is missing from defenders who are currently holding gyms

V6. The gym battle tornado still displays on-top of a player who remotely feeds a gym under attack (Still exists?)

V7. Some pokemon in the pokedex can cover up their gender icons

V8. At the end of the evolving animation the camera / pokemon model can dip below the platform [Fixed]

V9. Unfavouriting a pokemon and then swiping can visually appear to re-favourite that pokemon

V10. When selecting the gym pokestop quickly and spinning, the view returns to the defenders of the gym to give out the items

V11. Inspecting a gym defender can result in the trainer details clipping with the defending stats

V12. The gym “Head to Head” battle screen shows tiny models of Pokemon (?)

V13. Pokeballs often sink into the ground (usually when the game doesn’t register a catch or flee)

V14. Wind animation vectors have the correct angle, but inverse direction

V15. Some Pokemon idle animations cause them to disappear from the buddy ui

V16. Arbok does not display in the over-world buddy circle (?)

V17. Some pokemon have clipping issues with the hatch screen

V18. Jigglypuff has a glitched breaking out of the ball animation during the catch screen (?)

V19. Swiping through gym badges can not show the correct details (Incorrect / missing Badge progress, incorrect names / defenders

V20. Stardust is not coloured red when you have insufficient stardust [Jul18] V21. In the Pokedex you can incorrectly see the Shiny Alolan Raichu model

V22. Powering up a Lucky pokemon does not retain the gold coloured stardust cost

V23. Shadows are incorrectly shown on the “Evolve” button for Pokemon with Alolan forms

Language and Localisation

L1. Thai characters are displayed as question marks (on iOS11)

L2. Italian: “Go to Gym” says “Vai alla” (Go To) instead of “Vai alla palestra” (Go To Gym)

L3. Hebrew text is reversed since the game launched

L4. Japanese search terms are missing from the game

L5. Incorrect date localisation based on language – some languages show MM/DD/YY and should be DD/MM/YY

L6. Text for “The Pokemon as Fled” does not fit on the page for German and Portuguese

L7. Ex Raid passes do not include the trainers name in Italian and instead shows duplicate information

L8. Battle Party is incorrect in Italian, currently: “Squadra lott” should be: “Squadra lotta”

L9. Portuguese: the word “weather” is currently “clima” when it should be “tempo”

L10. The German version of the EX-Pass it says “Hinweis: Für diesen Event…” but should say “Hinweis: Für dieses Event…”

L11. In Spanish Moonblast incorrectly translates to Blast Burn (“Anille Igneo” should be “Fuerza Lunar”)

The list of bugs and issues is still long (as you can see), but it isn’t nearly as severe or gamebreaking as it has been in the past. The game’s development team has made some amazing improvements and resolved many of the issues that were causing the biggest headaches for fans.

Obviously it would be nice to have a game with no bugs, but that’s nearly impossible, especially in the world of constant updates and new events and features. We’ll continue monitoring this list and post updates as any of the bigger issues are resolved.

Until then, good luck out there, trainers!

Pokemon GO is available no in select region on Android and iOS devices.

Source: The Silph Road

See more : PokemonWe

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