Visually Stunning Viking Game Is Being Developed By Just One Person

Visually Stunning Viking Game Is Being Developed By Just One Person

Viking City Builder is a visually stunning Viking-themed building simulator that makes use of the RTX technology to bring the Viking era to life.

You Are Reading :Visually Stunning Viking Game Is Being Developed By Just One Person

Viking City Builder is a visually stunning Viking-themed game that is being developed by just a single person. The game adopts a considerably more realistic approach in terms of graphics quality than most of the existing building simulators on the market.

Perhaps, the most famed modern city builder is Cities: Skylines, which is widely considered by genre fans a proper reimagining of SimCity. The game is actually so good that is was highly praised by both players and critics for being such a prominent achievement among building simulators resulting in high scores and overall positive reception. Another strong contender is Surviving Mars, which has taken the building simulation from Earth to the fourth planet of the Solar system. But while both these games are fan-favorites, their visuals are somewhat simplistic – and that’s where Viking City Builder is determined to make a small revolution.

Viking City Builder is described as a classic building simulator with time-tested mechanics enriched by real-time strategy features incorporated in the game. The recent trailer showcases pre-alpha gameplay footage, which already looks convincing enough to believe that the game could be a sophisticated development initiative started by a whole studio. In reality, though, the title is being developed by a single person, which makes the game look even more impressive. Gameplay-wise, players will be tasked with constructing signature Viking buildings to make a new home for ruthless conquerors. The authentic-looking houses and fortresses will serve a purpose as the game includes RTS mechanics such as resource management and proper battles between the fierce Viking troops and medieval European armies.

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It feels like Viking City Builder is relatively close to Frostpunk considering the mix of building, survival, and RTS gameplay features. The impressive graphics fidelity, though, is by far the most intriguing part of the upcoming title. To achieve such a mesmerizing visual quality, Viking City Builder relies on the recent RTX efforts to bring the Viking era to life in the most realistic way. It seems natural that the latest Nvidia GPUs belonging to 30 Series will come in handy as the game is the first-ever strategic title to make use of the ray-tracing technology.

Although 2020 is a year already heavy on big Viking-themed projects considering the upcoming Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Viking City Builder is a promising video game effort as there’re never too many building simulators. This particular genre niche is far from being over-saturated, and considering the mix of gameplay mechanics and crisp graphics, Viking City Builder might actually become another fan-favorite – if only a single person can properly handle such an ambitious project and support it accordingly.

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