Rainbow Six Siege Is Coming To Xbox Game Pass

Rainbow Six Siege Is Coming To Xbox Game Pass

Xbox Game Pass appears to be getting Rainbow Six Siege.

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Rainbow Six Siege Is Coming To Xbox Game Pass

Update: Microsoft has confirmed that Rainbow Six Siege is coming to Game Pass for console and mobile on October 22.

Original Story: If you’re a fan of Rainbow Six Siege, or have even a passing interest in trying the game out, you’ll be happy to know that Rainbow Six Siege is likely coming to Game Pass.

While a lot of focus this year has been on next-gen hardware from Xbox and Sony, there is a larger game that Xbox is playing. Game Pass Ultimate is Microsoft’s way of trying to bring new people into the Xbox ecosystem through hundreds of free games for Xbox and PC and same-day availability for new releases. Sony believes that it’s an “unsustainable” model for Triple-A budgets. Even if you believe that’s true, the value that Game Pass brings to you is undeniable—and even more reason to get these titles while they’re available.

Game Pass’s value is continually reconfirmed every time that another killer game like Rainbow Six Siege is added to the library. While we can’t completely say for sure that this is what’s happening (although we’re confident), we can say that the Game Pass Twitter handle tweeted out a seemingly random photo: a rainbow formed over a castle siege.

Given a little time, you can see that the castle is under siege while six rainbows shine above the fortress. Combine the two together, and you have “Rainbow Six Siege”. Seeing as this is Game Pass, it’s not a stretch to assume that we are being told what is coming to the subscription service. No other official statement—in picture form or otherwise—came from the handle, but we expect that there will be a more direct announcement as the month comes closer to its conclusion.

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What we can say with complete confidence, is that Rainbow Six Siege is coming to Xbox Series X and PS5. It’ll even have updated graphics when it hits the next-gen consoles. If you want to get a taste of what you can expect from the game, there is literally no better way to do it than to get it from Game Pass. Even if you find that you hate it, your subscription will allow you to uninstall it and download another game. Free of charge, of course. We don’t know about you, but we’re excited to see this addition to Xbox’s subscription service.

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Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/rainbow-six-siege-xbox-game-pass/

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