Supernatural 5 Things Well Miss About Sam (& 5 About Dean)

Supernatural: 5 Things We’ll Miss About Sam (& 5 About Dean)

After 15 years, Supernatural has come to an end, and there are several things everyone miss about both Winchester brothers.

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Supernatural 5 Things Well Miss About Sam (& 5 About Dean)

2020 saw the conclusion of popular and long-running series, Supernatural. The show ended after 15 years, and audiences had to bid farewell to all the beloved characters on it, including the two main characters, brothers Sam and Dean Winchester. It’s not easy to bid farewell to these two characters and their adventures after such a long journey.

Sam and Dean were different from one another, but there were several things to love about them both that audiences already miss watching. Sam’s ever-changing hairstyle and Dean’s pop culture references are just some of the things audiences love and miss about the Winchester brothers.

10 Sam: His Geeky Moments

Supernatural 5 Things Well Miss About Sam (& 5 About Dean)

Sam was more bookish than Dean. He genuinely enjoyed learning. His passion for knowledge certainly came in handy on hunts, as he always went the extra mile to get the information he and Dean needed. Sam also had geeky moments from time to time, and was shown to have odd interests.

For instance, serial killers intrigued him, as shown in the Season 11 episode “Thin Lizzie”, when he and Dean go to investigate murders in the former home of Lizzie Borden herself. Either way, audiences will miss Sam’s nerdy moments.

9 Dean: His Love For Baby

Supernatural 5 Things Well Miss About Sam (& 5 About Dean)

The 1967 Chevy Impala was the one consistent home Dean and Sam had growing up, and Dean cherishes the car that once belonged to his father. Baby, in many ways, was practically a main character herself. Dean apologizes to her as she’s sprayed by blood and suffers other damages in the episode “Baby”, which took place completely from the car’s point of view.

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Plus, Dean practically hyperventilated when Bela Talbot had his car towed in Season 3 and he initially thought someone had stolen his car. Moments like these live on in reruns, but unfortunately new scenes between Dean and his car have ended with the show’s conclusion.

8 Sam: His Soft Side

Supernatural 5 Things Well Miss About Sam (& 5 About Dean)

Sam was softer and more understanding than Dean, especially when it came to the people they came across in their hunts. Dean thought he could be too sensitive, but his sensitive side was one of the things fans loved about Sam.

Sam was caring and understanding, and the fact that he remained that way despite all the evil he had seen and dealt with is admirable. Sam had an innate ability to connect and empathize with others, and that was certainly beneficial in his line of work and as a human being in general.

7 Dean: His Badass Moments

Supernatural 5 Things Well Miss About Sam (& 5 About Dean)

Dean is resourceful and knowledgeable in combat, weapons, and every other means of violence required in “the family business.” He’s more than badass. Dean is a soldier, a warrior, a fighter in every sense.

Whether he’s slashing the heads off of vampires or setting fire to bugs, Dean is efficient at doing his job and looks cool while doing it. Audiences definitely miss seeing Dean in action while out on the hunt.

6 Sam: His Perseverance

Supernatural 5 Things Well Miss About Sam (& 5 About Dean)

Sam has survived a lot in his life. The loss of his parents, his girlfriend Jessica, and so many others. Being sent to Hell, and dealing with Lucifer’s taunts over the years. A demon blood addiction. Audiences definitely remember the hard times as well as Sam does.

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Yet, Sam always kept going. Even in times when Dean was ready to give up, Sam was determined to keep going, to maintain hope and faith. This was one of the things that was inspirational about Sam, and something that audiences enjoyed, as Sam’s lessons in perseverance were helpful.

5 Dean: His Pop Culture References

Supernatural 5 Things Well Miss About Sam (& 5 About Dean)

Dean absolutely loves music and movies. He’s definitely known for his tendency to recite movie and TV quotes, though the people around him don’t necessarily always appreciate it. His aliases are usually derived from the names of famous rock stars and movie characters.

He makes Sam listen to classic rock non-stop, which is a lot considering they’re almost always on the road. It’s one of the things that made Dean who he was, and pop culture references are a significant part of his personality overall. Audiences surely miss listening to Dean drop a reference or two during a case.

4 Sam: His Loyalty To Friends & Family

Supernatural 5 Things Well Miss About Sam (& 5 About Dean)

Sam will patiently wait for Dean to talk about whatever is bothering him. He was there when Dean finally opened up to him about what his time in Hell had been like, and how he felt. Sam is loyal to his brother; he’s made some mistakes, but when it comes down to it, Sam will always be there for Dean. Sam shows the same loyalty to his friends; he showed mercy to Amy Pond, who had killed her mother to save his life. He was there for Sully, his imaginary friend from his childhood, when Sully’s friends were being killed off.

Sam helps his friends from all walks of life, whether they’re supernatural or not, and he’ll be there for them when he needs them most. It’s sad that audiences can’t meet any more potential friends from Sam’s past, or see Sam come through once more for his current friends.

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3 Dean: His One-Liners

Supernatural 5 Things Well Miss About Sam (& 5 About Dean)

Dean was mischievous and sarcastic. He never missed a chance to have a little fun, whether he was messing with the police or trying to annoy Sam. Audiences remember “I think I’m adorable” and “I’m Batman” among some of Dean’s most memorable one-liners.

He’s great at coming up with something witty to say on the spot that lightens up even serious moments on the show. His one-liners, which are one of the show’s best sources of comic relief, are certainly missed by Supernatural’s fans, and the one-liners he left behind will be repeated for all time.

2 Sam: His Hair

Supernatural 5 Things Well Miss About Sam (& 5 About Dean)

One of the things audiences paid attention to in the series was Sam’s changing hairstyle over the years. Some audiences can even identify which season is which based on Sam’s hair. Audiences watched Sam grow up from college student to mature man, so his hair wasn’t the only thing that changed in that time.

Still, would Sam’s hair have been different in the sixteenth season? Audiences will never know, but if a revival ever does come about in the future, it’s a sure bet that audiences will be taking note of Sam’s hairstyle.

1 Dean: His Love For Sam

Dean has literally gone to Hell for his brother. He raised Sam in their father’s absence, taking responsibility for him and blaming himself if anything ever happened to his little brother. Dean, in certain ways, was more like a parent than a brother to Sam at times.

Sam loves his brother in return, but Dean’s love for his brother sets a new standard in sibling love. He would do anything for his brother; Sam is the person he cares the most about. One of the things that will be missed most about Supernatural is Dean’s love for Sam, and the brotherly moments that came with it.

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