Call Of Duty Warzone 10 Best New Things In Caldera To Get Excited About

Call Of Duty: Warzone – 10 Best New Things In Caldera To Get Excited About

The new Caldera map for Call of Duty: Warzone has launched. But what new features will players be the most excited for?

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Call Of Duty Warzone  10 Best New Things In Caldera To Get Excited About

Players recently had to say goodbye to Verdansk as Raven software integrated Call of Duty: Vanguard into its battle royale mode. With this new integration came a brand new map called Caldera. It’s a lush, jungle-based map with new points of interest, contracts, and vehicles for players to sink their teeth into.

With every new change, hype starts to build around the potential of exciting new features that will radically shift the way that Warzone is played. Many will clamor to test these new features and explore every inch of the map to discover how they can be best utilized to clinch the ever-important Victory Royale.

Aerial Vehicle Changes

Call Of Duty Warzone  10 Best New Things In Caldera To Get Excited About

The most exciting vehicle change will be the addition of fighter planes located at airfields on the map. Players will be able to channel their inner-most Red Baron as they challenge other players in dogfights above the Caldera map.

The planes feature a passenger seat for those that wish to help their pilots in their dogfights or attack unsuspecting players below. Whatever decision players make with the planes, the battlefield dynamic will radically shift with potential death from above.

Ground Vehicle Changes

Call Of Duty Warzone  10 Best New Things In Caldera To Get Excited About

Vehicles make a return to Warzone Pacific to help players traverse the map in a number of unique ways. Cars and trucks have experienced mostly cosmetic changes to align with the World War II theme with one exception: Anti-aircraft vehicles. It’s no secret that fighter planes are making their debut in Caldera, and these trucks give players the ability to fight back from the ground from potential aerial threats.

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Vehicles have been silently nerfed with lower speeds to prevent them from becoming weapons themselves as they tended to be in Verdansk. Mixed with the rocky and jungle terrain, vehicles may not be as effective as they once were, letting players focus on entrenched jungle battles rather than have a destruction derby.

New Contracts

Call Of Duty Warzone  10 Best New Things In Caldera To Get Excited About

Two new contracts make their introduction in Warzone Pacific: Supply Drops and Top Secret. Supply drops give players the opportunity to open a mystery crate filled with vital killstreaks, cash, and rare weapons. Having the chance to access potential game-changing items early in the game will help those lucky enough to complete a Supply Drop win their first few firefights.

Top Secret contracts will be for the players that prefer a bit of randomness to their early gameplay. When a Top Secret Contract is picked up, a traditional contract (Bounty, Most Wanted, Supply Drop, Supply Run, or Recon) will be activated and upon completion, the players will receive a large XP and cash boost. Both new additions add a nuanced wrinkle to the gameplay that is sure to change the pace for some players.

Jungle Theme

Call Of Duty Warzone  10 Best New Things In Caldera To Get Excited About

Verdansk’s urban theme was a familiar sight for most Call of Duty players, as buildings such as houses, hospitals, apartments, and train stations are structures that most players are comfortable with. However, the radical shift to a Pacific island setting brings terrain that will be intentionally obstructive and difficult to traverse.

The lush, green island is densely populated with trees, hills, and rocks to move the firefight strategy away from entrenched, fortified positions and into guerilla-style warfare by blending into the terrain and flanking enemies from elevated positions.

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The Volcano Peak

Call Of Duty Warzone  10 Best New Things In Caldera To Get Excited About

Much like Verdansk, Caldera takes inspiration from the previous multiplayer Call of Duty maps. However, in the dead center of the map lies a dormant volcano that dominates the skyline. Verdansk utilized buildings to create elevation for players, but Caldera moves away from artificial height and moves into a more natural style.

The peak becomes a daunting obstacle as the volcano is a treacherous climb as any players located at the peak can easily spot enemies down below. Players will have to strategize on how to cross the peak or overtake it if they wish to have the highest position on the map.

Bombing Runs

Call Of Duty Warzone  10 Best New Things In Caldera To Get Excited About

A unique addition to Caldera is the introduction of Bombing Runs. Bombing Runs are random stun bombs that drop on the sky targeted at players by the CPU. The intention is to keep players moving throughout the map rather than find a comfortable position to fortify.

However, there is one unintended consequence of a bombing run: it reveals a player’s position. Eagle-eyed players can take advantage of bombing runs as they can leverage this information to discover unsuspecting teams. This new addition adds more than one unique aspect to the game and wily players will be sure to leverage any advantage possible.

Beach-Focused Points Of Interest

Call Of Duty Warzone  10 Best New Things In Caldera To Get Excited About

Unlike the Verdansk, where points of interest were equally scattered around the map, the Caldera map is heavily focused on the edges of the island. This increased focus on the edges of the map creates large swaths of unoccupied land in between the outer points of interest and the Peak located at the center of the map.

Players will have to shift their focus from what they previously had in Verdansk and plan on starting outwards and traveling inwards.

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A New Loadout System

Call Of Duty Warzone  10 Best New Things In Caldera To Get Excited About

Caldera is experimenting with a new method of retrieving loadouts. Rather than being able to purchase a loadout whenever a team acquired enough money, players must wait until the completion of the first zone when the free loadout drops before they can purchase their own.

While early gameplay suggests that players are averse or annoyed by the change, some players are finding that the slower pace of play and the shift of focus to strategically outmaneuvering other teams with UAVs and contracts is a positive change for the overall health of the battle royale game mode.

Vanguard-Specific Loadouts

Call Of Duty Warzone  10 Best New Things In Caldera To Get Excited About

The first few game modes on the Caldera map will be Vanguard weapons and equipment only. This adds a layer of excitement as players will have to discover new weapons and “metas” all over again, much like they did in the early days of Warzone.

Players who played the multiplayer will have some idea of which weapons are most dynamic, but as many players learned last year with the launch of Warzone, not every multiplayer weapon is effective in the battle royale game type.

Gas Canisters

Another small addition to the Caldera map will be the placement of gas canisters across the map. These gas canisters can be picked up by the player, lit, and then thrown to cause major damage to any unfortunate enemies that get caught in the blast radius.

However, there is a unique twist to these canisters. Players can attach them to zip lines and send them up to any unsuspecting enemies at the top of the rope. Much like throwing the canister, when it explodes at the top of the rope, it causes major damage to anyone who may be fortifying their position around the zip line.

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