Scream 5’s David Arquette Has Never Met the Ghostface Voice Actor

Scream 5’s David Arquette Has Never Met the Ghostface Voice Actor

In a twist fit for a horror movie, Scream 5 star David Arquette admitted he has never met the voice behind the franchise’s antagonist, Ghostface.

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Scream 5’s David Arquette Has Never Met the Ghostface Voice Actor

In a twist fit for a horror movie, Scream 5 star David Arquette recently admitted he has never met the voice behind the franchise’s antagonist, Ghostface. As Sheriff Dewey Riley, Arquette is a critical part of the Scream legacy and more than prepared to keep returning as Dewey in future Scream movies. His stature within the lore of the franchise hasn’t been enough for him to sneak a peek behind the curtain, however, with Ghostface remaining a faceless voice to the horror star.

The forthcoming Scream 5 – the first new film in the franchise in a decade – marks a return for many involved in the historical horror property, including Courteney Cox. But it also promises to be much different than the previous four movies, with the late Wes Craven not serving as director for the first time. One thing that will not change, however, is the presence of Roger L. Jackson, who has voiced Ghostface in every Scream movie and all while never appearing on screen.

Apparently, that disembodiment exists on the set of the movies as well. In comments made to CinemaBlend, Arquette confessed he has never met Jackson, despite working on the same set for every Scream movie. Arquette declared Jackson to be his favorite portrayer of Ghostface, which makes sense considering the terror Jackson brings to the part and the consistent thread he strings throughout the franchise. Still, it’s a surprise their paths have never crossed. See Arquette’s full comments below:

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“My favorite is Roger, the voice of Ghostface. I’ve never met him, he’s been on every set I’ve worked on, I don’t know what he looks like. It’s such a crazy thing. Wes would have him come to the set, call in on the different scenes, and be the actor you’re working opposite. But I’ve still yet to meet him, so that guy, to me, is the scariest of them all. … He’s got such a menacing voice, it creates such a picture and brings up so many crazy moments in the films.”

The fact that Arquette and Jackson have never met feels more like a feature than a bug. The meta nature of Scream can be seen as making fun of itself and mocking the slasher film genre as a whole. But those films are still terrifying and nothing is scarier than the unknown. Because Arquette can’t put a real face – or at least the face that matches the voice – behind the Ghostface mask, the scariness of the moments where they interact is magnified.

There are new directors in the driver’s seat for Scream 5, with Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett (who co-directed Ready or Not in 2019) leading the charge for the franchise’s revival. They have the ability to change a lot of things, both on and off the screen. But right now, it actually makes some sense to keep Jackson socially distanced and away from Arquette. If that remains the case for this production, expect there be some intense frights when Scream 5 comes out in 2021.

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